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Laura says
Almost made me cry just there Joe. Beautiful.
Simon Fleming says
It’s a beautiful picture Joe but now knowing the story behind it… wow. At times like those it must truly have felt like such a privilege to be a photographer – published image or not, doesn’t matter.
My mum lost her sight quite a while ago, and every time I am with her it makes me cherish my sight just that little bit more – and my passion for photography.
Thanks once again for sharing Joe.
Eric Politzer says
This photo literally took my breath away the first time I saw it. It is compelling on so many levels. But beyond everything else it always has represented to me your deep humanitarian spirit.
Mark says
There is a lot of emotion in the image all by itself – in both of them. The story behind it even more so. Amazing.
John Bayler says
Very nice Joe. If you haven’t experienced something like this you’re not a photographer.
Sam says
As much as i delight in the photos that you’ve made, I also admire your writing skills and use of words, Joe. I have 2 of your books.
Tim Sorrells says
Wow! This is a compelling picture! The horse with it’s eyes closed, her with her eyes closed, the lighting, everything! I looked at the picture for a good while, drawing in everything. What a story told!
Thomas Quinn says
Not only a fine photographer, but an awesome wordsmith as well. This is what a photograph should do. It should take you back emotionally. You look at it and you can smell the scene, remember the movement of the girl from a still photo. Your eye found the emotion in the picture and told it very well, your words gave it the movement and brought the viewer there. Truly a master! This may not have won an award or been published in a magazine but it IS a powerful photo and should be shared. Thank you Joe!
Tristan guerrero says
It was a heartwarming story behind the photo. I also really love taking care of those calm animal like horse, they’re so freindly and dear. When i was looking to the photo my heart is overwhelmed with joy.
David Taranza says
Breathtaking. Just..beautiful. The moment, the emotion. I can almost hear the silence, and a gentle click of the shutter.
Thank you for sharing the picture and the story.
Kevin says
Well said!
James Thibault says
Lovely, Joe. Shows lots of emotion. Thanks for sharing!
Susan Mueller says
What a beautiful part of photography. The stillness of emotion for a moment. I love this image, the story behind the image captures your heart..
Jim Ruppel says
Glad someone convinced you to write.
Don Bromberg says
The only thing that moved me more than the photograph, was the story behind the making of it! Thank you for your keen eye, and exceptional talent.
Adam Felde says
Fabulous photo… Great Light, Great subjects, texture, compostion, and above all else: Quiet Human emotion … It should be listed as one of the great ones in your library!
Wayne says
Having followed your blog for awhile now, I have come to the conclusion that as much as enjoy your images it is your writing and point of view that keeps me coming back.
Thank you
Hank Morgan says
Astonishing. You continue to amaze with your vision.
Anthony C says
Beautiful image, indeed.
Normally, I would not clutter the sentiment with any other public thought, but I must ask—-for those of you who know horses, has that animal been neglected? That’s an awful lot of ribs showing. 🙁
Vanilla Gorilla says
Mr. Joe
Great Photograph + Great Story = Great Memory!
You are a good man Mr. Joe.
Fernando G Coca says
It’s a great image that really doesn’t need words….and what a beautiful story behind the silence…
Thanks for sharing this experience.
Apurva says
Happy World Photo Day to you ! Beautiful picture.
Ashleigh says
Absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing.
Cedrick Behr says
Joe writes, \”Photographers are in the memory business and our daily chore is to create visuals that reverberate, commemorate, or somehow creep into the ongoing consciousness of somebody, somewhere. Here’s his latest blog about the rare pictures like these, the ones that stick with you.
Korske Ara | World Photo Day Founder says
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Joe. What a powerful story you’ve shared. There’s always more to a photograph than the image itself.