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Michael Anthony Murphy says
I was actually a big fan of the Calumet mods but since their demise (RIP Calumet), I’ve been looking for a new go to brand. Totally diggin’ the Numbnuts line of Lastolite Shapers.
Paul Papanek says
Joe –
What’s that cool little handle that’s attached to the speedlight?
Brian Worley says
Many thanks for pushing Gary and Lastolite to build the white interior EzyBox. I’m a recent convert to it and it’s really a fantastic light shaper. I had expected it to be a bit more power hungry than silver ones, but in practice I’ve found there is very little difference.
Brant says
Great photos Mr. McNally. I like how you balanced the light from the Ezybox with ambient light in the top photograph. Seems like — here lately — I am finding that I am able to do all the lighting I need with only one strobe. Love how you softened your light, with this softbox. Very classy!
Have a great day!
Martin Boss says
great work. Amazing lighting . I look forward to meeting you tomorrow at the Atlanta Photoshop Expo
Martin Boss.
Eric Politzer says
happy you got to meet Chang. great guy, great shooter. I was lucky enough to get a print of a shot he did of a huge wave exploding over the Malecon with a guy standing there in the midst of it all just taking it all in
Bharat Pania says
Nice composition,beautiful shoot.
Joe McNally says
check out the website….think this is the link, Paul….–extending-handles
Dean Allman says
Excellent tutorial as always, Joe. Thanks so much. This one is a no brainier.
beachmama says
Your dance portfolio is stunning, emotive and inspiring . . .
edgarbrionesfotografia says
I was looking for a soft box brand. thanks for the Suggestion.
Jay Banks says
That’s pretty handy! Thanks for the great tip, I’m currently deciding for a brand and Lastolite looks like a good choice even if I’m only starting with lighting, it seems to be really intuitive.
Robert Emunds says
Hi Joe,
I just bought and received the Ezybox, haven´t even used it yet. However, was watching a B&H tutorial this weekend and the photographer was saying that he does not normally use a softbox like this outside because the catch lights will be rectangular, in a window-like shape, unnatural if done outside. He favors umbrellas outside for the round catch lights. I bought the Ezybox intending to use it outside as it is so easy (Ezy) to handle. Have you ever found any cause of concern for this point on the catch lights? Thanks, and love your videos – my main source of “small flash education”.
Joe McNally says
None whatsoever. I actually prefer softbox catchlights to umbrellas catchlights. But, to each his own…..Joe
Harry R. says
I did it. Ordered one of these beauties.
It is on back-order, so I’m thinking that demand has been justifiably great, and overloaded their stock.
I’m really looking forward to putting it into service.
Thank you.