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Alan MacRae says
Great year for sure, Joe. Montreal was awesome! Thanks for continuing to inspire us all and best to you in 2013.
Steve Wylie says
It may be courageous for some to get up in front of an audience to be photographed. But it’s truly an honor and a priceless gift to be photographed by the best. Thanks for mine, Joe, and the best to you and your family for 2013.
Bob says
Thank you for continuing to inspire all of us to reach further as we chase light and pursue our photographic vision. Looking forward to the continued journey in 2013 & beyond.
Rick Joy says
You are one of the best photogs / teachers out there in the field today. It was awesome to attend your seminar in Lansing, MI and to be shot by you. Man, I was a little nervous to be on the spot like that but it was cool to be up there. Remember that jumping idiot on stage?… That was me. Everyone commented on that for the rest of the day… in a positive way. It was cool to meet you and thanks for taking time to pose for a snapshot at the end, that was cool man. Take care and I wish you all well for 2013, can’t wait to see what’s next.
Byron says
Don’t forget to thank yourself as well for showing great patience and graciousness in answering questions from students at your seminars. It is always an honor and pleasure to learn from a great photographer such as yourself. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for next year.
Hector Segovia says
Way to go Joe !!
Congrats for the 5000 attendees and on the DVD download, thats huge !!
Hector S
Kevin Finch says
Joe, I was one of the Toronto stragglers who came up for an autograph after you mentioned that you had to move fast to make the plane. I appreciate the moment you stopped and chatted with me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the One Light, Two Light workshop. I learned a lot, especially about interacting with the subject, and it was sure worth flying in from Halifax for. (Much appreciated the Saturday class for that reason.)
Love the humour in your program and your books; you’re almost self-deprecating enough to be Canadian!
All the best to you, you team and your family during the holiday season and into 2013.
James says
Thank you for an awesome seminar in H-Town yesterday. I got loads of information. Now just have to use it and make my photography better.
Best wishes for a prosperous new year to you sir.
Tom Hosea says
I’ve seen you before and hopefully, I’ll get to see you again. You continue to inspire me as a photographer and visionary in this field. It takes a special person to be able to articulate the same message repeatedly with your passion. Keep pushing the boundaries and keep pushing the folks like me. Thanks.
– Tom
Martin Kintrup says
Hi Joe,
what is the download size and format of the “The Language Of Light” set of DVDs?
Are the files normal videos or something secured by own player or so?
Ravi says
Thanks for coming all the way to Australia to conduct workshops and inspire us. I had the pleasure of meeting you and getting one of the your books autographed. Best wishes for Christmas & New Year!!
Shirley Che says
Hi Joe, Thank you thank you!
It was a very rewarding experience to meet you & watch you work. You are & will forever be an inspiration.
When I saw that you responded to my tweet after Houston, I screamed like a little girl who had just seen Justin Bieber.
Happy holidays & thank you for the best gift ever that is a portrait by you!
David Oliveras says
Your images are magnificent! Truly inspirational. Marvelous lighting, beautifully composed, just all around great work. Please keep it up!
JT says
Any chance of making these available via itunes?
I suspect internationally it is probably the most common/universal distribution platform.
A lot of people have itunes accounts and it saves us having to open another account.
If Apple’s cut is higher than other distribution mediums, then I’d pay a premium – or price the same and perhaps sell more copies.
Even people without credit cards, can buy from iTunes via vouchers which you can buy in all sorts of retail locations.