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art meripol says
at least you’re being the ‘crazy uncle’. I’m now the ‘crazy granddad’. ouch!
Check out Wynwood Walls just north of downtown at NW 2nd ave and 25th….amazing street art scene. Great backdrops for shoots.
Bob DeChiara says
Have fun Joe and be safe! I will be in NYC on Sunday any recommendations for a good pizza place?
Giulio Sciorio says
Welcome to Miami Joe! If you want to see the real Miami we have some of the worlds best street art in Wynwood. Blocks and block of amazing graffiti and murals. Best of all no one bothers you when you shoot.
Wynwood is about 10 minutes from Sobe so if you have time check it out. Here’s a series I shot in Wynwood during Art Basel –
Joe McNally says
COOL..many thanks…Joe
stephen metz says
refereeing or reefering?
Mike Lyons says
Joe, if you sent them down to Miami Beach with their pockets stuffed with cash, well, worry or get there quick to chaperon. If not or, payday is next week then you might be a-ok.
Mark Catizone says
Joe – I was at the Perry in May for my nephew’s bachelor party. Yes, we we chaperoning too (or maybe they were watching out for us). Either way, for us more mature gentlemen (ugh) it is worth going to that pool and bar on the roof just to see the sites- especially if there is a party going on. Enjoy!
Ana Adams says
You did what? Sent the boys ahead and they are alone in Miami?
Yes, I am available for assisting in the Mia Beach Convention Center, just keep in mind =).
See you there!
Publius says
your link to Adorama TV is broken.
It is missing a colon in the http://
Commander mode is great when you have the line of sight, and you can keep the remote flash out of the frame. I tend to work on hiding the distant flash to keep the light nearer the subject, but hidden from view. Radio poppers (PW) seem like the only answer.
Here’s the great debate many of us have, that I’d love to see you demonstrate to prove to the world. The exposure for a flash is dependent on flash-to-subject distance, not flash-to-subject-to-camera. Some want to apply the distance square law to the subject-to-camera. They are so used on camera flashes (or small bracket). Can you demonstrate this? This video comes close to proving it, but you never mentioned how as the subject moved further and further, you never had to adjust the exposure.
Tate (aka the Jumper) says
Joe, I want to thank you for a very informative seminar today. This was my first, of many, seminars from the Kelby group. I thank you all for your dedication to teaching and sharginyour wealth of knowledge that you have collected over the many years of struggles and effort in the field. I was able to take away from theism that even though the speed lights are relatively small in nature to a large studio strobe, you are not confined to simple methods. Thanks for a great day and wonderful teaching ability along with great laughs including when Drew “feathered” your umbrella! Thanks so much.
Is it possible to create a link to the shots from today, for a memory aid??
Leandro says
Joe, great workshop. Had the chance to participate and learned 1000. Thanks
Vin says
Ha Ha enjoyed this blog post!
Tom says
Hey, I had one of those extra wide paisley straps in the 70s. It was very comfortable 😉
Scott says
“…wearing Bermuda shorts, black socks and my Jesus sandals…”
The imagery in that line should NEVER be put into a photograph!
Hannes Uys says
Oh boy I wish I could have been there!
Jim says
It is Sept 3, 2012 is this Blog no more?