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Kent Weakley says
You’re the only guy I know that would hire a full circus for a shoot. Brilliant, love it!
Moe Jacknally says
Fantastic Vid.
Hope to see more – and please make longer vids in future!
Andor says
Great video and awesome stills in it – especially like the ones with the lady and the black horse standing on rear legs!
Btw. – what do they do with the elephant’s back / head and the foliage blower at 2:20? 🙂
I just love these kind of BTS videos, thanks for sharing it!
Karen B says
Love this. Smiles and inspiration from your work… and thanks to Drew and the crew for their constant pursuit!
Simon Stafford says
Hi Joe,
Entertaining, educational, and inspirational!
Seshu says
Joe – it’s amazing how you are constantly creating and sharing. You are an inspiration. Thank you. Loved the video.
Joe McNally says
they were just blowing the sawdust off Cora…kind of like a hair wash and a blow dry!
Bob DeChiara says
Thanks for sharing Joe!
Mark Crislip says
Can you buy me an elephant? I have a birthday coming up. I’d ask for the lizard girl, but that would be wrong.
Brian Di Croce says
So you finally did get to shoot an Elephant! ‘Bout time! 🙂
David Apeji says
It’s always a pleasure to see you at work! Thanks for sharing. Wonderful!
Donald Page says
great job joe and drew
Andy Waplinger says
Great stuff! The video and photos (obviously) look stunning!
Is there any chance that you or Drew could talk about your workflow, particularly in post, when shooting video with the D7000 and D4?
joe reitz says
Love it. Thanks for continuing to share
Adam Mason says
Anyone know what lens he was using during the blues player shoot? The hood looked like the 14-24, but not sure!
Greg Meir says
That was a great way to start the day. Thanks for posting! I like your style man!
Drew Gurian says
Hey Adam,
We used several lenses…14-24, 24-70, 70-200, 85 f/1.4, 24 f/1.4 and 35 f/1.4.
Drew Gurian says
It really wasn’t much of an issue using clips from both cameras. Obviously needed to make sure I was shooting the same timecode on each camera, but otherwise, not too much of a concern for our purposes.
I also plan on posting a bit more of a BTS gear/tech blog post, possibly on my own blog in the next few days.
carl sanders says
Looks an enjoyable shoot and much fun, thanks for sharing, it reminds of what we should be doing and what being a photographer should be like, best wishes, some people have all the fun! Carl
Bob says
just wondering if you considered having people in the stands inside of the tent for a few shots…
Greg Lepera says
Thanks for more footage on Preservation Hall, I just love that place and the folks there. One of the most impressive displays of drumming I’ve ever seen was Joe Lastie Jr. with just a snare and a cymbal inside the Hall. It’s great to see him smile in the photo!
RobyFabro says
Joe, I love your videos, and I’m one of those who get impressed by your use of those exotic words like middle channel, gaffe tape …!
Impressive work, and the stills are awesome!!
I’d love to do the portraits of circus artists!!
How did you crack the back of the D4, by the way?
Mark White says
Hey there! This was wonderful, as always. I do have a question, though. Were all the shots done with Nikon speedlights? These are some incredible setups, as most have been. So, just speedlights, or were strobes used as well?
Thanks so much for posting all of this!
Drew Gurian says
Mark- the shoots were a mix of small and big flash. The circus setup with the elephant, for instance, was mostly large flash, due to the scale of the shoot. We did use small flash wherever we could (you can see some of each setup in the BTS video).
Dan Bailey says
Awesome! I love the “I don’t know what I’m doing…” part in the early part of the video. Priceless, and killer imagery.
Joe Masucci says
Excellent video. You guys rock!
Patrik Lindgren says
Nice to see what happens behind the camera, especially since there is a lot going on there.
David Sargent says
Abso-freaking-lutely brilliant….but…
1. I now feel completely untalented
2. I want a D4 really really really lots.
Christopher Murphy says
Hey Joe,
When is Hobby going to get his shorts back? I guess laundry must have been mixed up on the bus. I suppose you can return them in Dubai at GPP this year.
Really appreciate your venturing into new and deeper waters with pictures that wiggle. Whole new world, isn’t it? Nothing says teamwork like video and post production. Kudos to your crew for the high quality, entertaining material of late.
I met you at the last stop of the Flashbus in St. Louis. You gave me The Language of Light. Glad to tell you I am still on the planet. Heart working and everything. Come to Kansas City and I will treat you to barbeque! My cardiologist says its not on my diet, but neither was my visit to meeting you and St. David of Baltimore. Worth the trip!
Phillip Hill says
Thanks Joe ,
For your books and videos, your humour and your time. You continue to inspire me to be a better photographer .I feel sorry for people who just don’t get the emotion and feeling that photography provides.
Natalie J. says
What a stunning craftsman! I am blown away by your production… I am starting up a blog myself. Would love your (or anyone’s thoughts!) 🙂
Keep these videos comin’!
Leandro Nagaoka says
Muito bom !!!!!!
valéry says
bravo! sublime!
Thomas Chamberlin says
Boy, when Joe was told to put more interesting stuff in front of his lens he really took it seriously. Totally freaking awesome. The snake lady blew me away. And the contortionist…oh my my.
Steph Wisnet says
This video is fantastic guys, keep them coming! And of course the photos are stunning, as usual. It’s always fun to get a BTS look, especially when it involves extremely talented subjects, elephants, bulldogs & crazy sets you pop up in the middles of nowhere. I know an insane amount of time & skill go into these shoots, but dang you make it look & sound so easy. Cool, calm, & collected. Ha, I think my voice would be quivering a bit if I had to explain what I was about to do in those situations. Props to everyone involved and thanks for sharing!
Ray Soares says
Beautiful video as always!
I want a D4 too 🙂
Sandorion says
You should watch yourself not to train Drew too much because otherwise he might be gone one day doing his own stuff. And after being with you for so long probably doing it better than a bunch of other guys out there.
Chris Nemes says
So how did you get the crack at the back of the camera, Joe? 🙂
Aeron says
I loved this video, it’s like what I imagine doing if I were to shoot such amazing subjects. Honestly for years I had a fascination with contortionists and when I saw them give her a bow and arrow in this video- I went nuts (and felt envious lol) Awesome stuff Joe!
Jim Cummins says
What type of optical spots were you guys using to create the focused circles of light on the female performer in the red dress? For example, the spot of light on her feet in the video’s thumbnail.
Hank Dinardo says
Joe a lot of people on the web are saying that you’re not saying much about the D4 IQ. Can you tell us what your thoughts are regarding the cameras IQ?
Valentino Kyriakides says
We all did know that Joe McNally is an outstanding and brilliant photographer, but now Joe and his team show that they are also brilliant videographers. – I’am impressed, a very nice made video, keep on the good work guys!
Hope to see you all one day also in north Germany…
Best Valentino
Greg Collins says
Lots of people having a D4gasm because of you Joe.
Jennifer Stanford says
Joe, I think I saw a documentary about you quite awhile ago. I loved it, and now it seems I’ve run into you once more. I’m not a photographer, but you make me want to be one. I don’t know what the heck a Nikon D4 does, but I think I need one. Anyway, your photos are stunning, rich and full of life. It was a pleasure happening upon your blog. Best wishes.
Donfer says
Joe, ur are the best teacher and my only master always !
Darren Elias says
This was an awesome watch. I think I went through it at least 4 times. There’s a few second clip there when you’re seated at camera, and just sort of looking around, clearly deep in thought or something, like you’re searching for a handle on the moment. Would have loved to know what was going through your head then!
Lynn says
Hey all – Lynn DelMastro here….
I just had to respond to Kent Weakley’s comment about Joe hiring a circus to do a shoot. Let’s just say that when Joe came to me and said, “oh yeah, Lynn, about the Nikon shoots I need you to produce, get me a circus, okay? (as casually as “order me a turkey on rye”, no biggie). I was like, “oh, cool, no worries, guess I just call 1-800-find-me-a-freakin-circus.” WTF are you kidding me? Gotta love him……. :-))
jason harry says
love this video, your best.
some of the best images i have seen you make in the last few years are in there, the bow and arrow one… really good loved it.
music with the video just perfect, great production. J
Darren Elias says
yuriy says
Amazing lighting, I love the set up!
Scott says
Watched at least 10 times now. Great video that makes me wanna get out and shoot! Fun and inspiring stuff. Hoping for full DVD release of a long-form version of this!
Karen B says
Lynn, We need some more behind the scenes “Lynn isms” I’m sure you have a few more gems to share. 🙂 🙂 We love all of ‘ya!
Rich Cave says
Hey joe,
love the shoot with the contortionist archer amazing. I am finally picking up my D4 later this year.
love the lighting setup on cora,
David G. says
Hey that’s awesome Joe. Thank you so much for sharing. Wonderful video! Glad you were picked for a D4 trial 🙂
Dene wessling says
@lnnn. Im sure he will you ask next time can you get them to move that building there as it would look better in this shot or move the sun to go north and south ……. Well its joe mcnally so the world will rotate which way joe wants am i right :). ……. Great job again joe you need to come to australia some time
Joe McNally says
on the way, in may!
Sascha says
Germany too!
Hank Dinardo says
Joe other then the video how is the IQ of the D4 compared to the D3s?
John W says
Man – that is SO GOOD – thanks for sharing! Very inspiring (not just the shoot, the photography and the laughs, but the video production is great too.)
Gary says
This is just great entertainment…I’ve watched it over and over and could watch it for hours.
Paul Tortora says
Bravo! So inspiring, absolutely beautiful images, and very captivating. Pure joy! Thank you for sharing this with the photo community, you never cease to amaze us.
Hank Dinardo says
Why are all the early testers of the D4 not talking comparison with the D3s?
George Quiroga says
Great images Joe. You are truly a master of light. The performer with the bow and arrow is unreal and the first thing I thought about was how you love photographing dancers and performers. Right up your alley.
michaelJ says
It’s always a privilege to witness talented people coming together. The master of light combining with some really talented performers (the bow and arrow shot in particular) producing some stunning images.
Long been a big fan and follower Joe and always astounded at the work you produce as well as your willingness to share your hard earned experience.
By the way I’d highly recommend a circus or local performing troupe shoot to anyone, they are real fun, here’s a couple of images of mine I’d like to share