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John A. says
That is plain awesome!!
John LeJeune says
“D4, 1/250 @f8, ISO.”
What ISO Joe?
Victor Carrano says
Andor says
Hahaha – super cute doggy, indeed fun shot!
René Dietrich says
Nice photo! didn’t know bulldogs were circus stars. Great character though.. Have a good weekend too!…. ehh.. ISO=?
MikeScott says
2 lights? that’s it?!? 😉
Bob says
love the subtle back light of the stage curtain…fabulous
Marshall says
“D4, 1/250 @f8, ISO.”
Typo? Or possibly just a subtle way to tell people that with this beast, ISO just doesn’t matter anymore?
Mark Dalrymple says
What’s the ISO again?
Robert Farmer says
Quite highbrow or should I say nice eyebrows. Great shot.
Viveca Koh says
A brilliant and fun shot, surely cannot fail to put a smile on anyone’s face 🙂 Happy Friday!
Debra says
thank you Joe!
Ericlefrancais says
very funny !!!! thanks Joe !
Doug van Kampen says
Owners who look like their dogs…
Joe McNally says
oops! it’s early, and I’m in Vegas….the ISO is 100…..:-)
Mike Neale says
Thank you for today’s warm smile(s),…excellent comp,…well captured!…;-)
Stay warm!
Joe Reitz says
Dang it, Joe… Just when I had convinced myself to forget the D4 even existed until ~Feb 16ish, you go and re-excite me.
Great work, as always. Definitely made me smile.
Tee says
A classic JM shot!
DaveB says
LMAO…. still chuckling
Shawn Cartagena says
Haha, you Nikon guys are just getting iso 100. Hahaha, us Canonistas have had this iso for a long time……
Mark D says
Actually … @shawn, my D200 was introduced in 2005 and has iso 100. When did canon get iso 100?
BTW – nice shot Joe! Lot’s of fun!
David G. says
Nice shot Joe. Thanks for sharing!
Eric G. says
As Always, Great Shot!
Jason says
This is just simply awesome…!
HF Chuang says
Great tonal range. Love the expressions of the two. Took my little girl to the zoo today. Animals are always fun, but not necessarily easy to photograph.
RobyFabro says
Hilarious photo!!
Your in Vegas….please stay away from casinos, we want to know more about the D4:)!
Eric says
Love the vibrant colors. –
Fernando Salcedo says
Woa, the color palette is gorgeous indeed!
Cheryl says
It’s ISO 100.
Hank Dinardo says
Joe a lot of forumns are saying that you never mention how good th IQ of the D4 and the AF is other then mentioning video. Is the D4 better then the D3s in IQ?
Luciano Anastasini says
Joe we had a fantastic time it was lots of fun. Many thanks from me and chancho!