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Kyle Jerichow says
Merry Christmas to you, your family, and everyone at your studio!
All the best,
John KIle says
Merry Christmas Joe. Thanks for all that you do.
Alex says
And to you, thanks for a great blog in 2011.
lani says
the same to you and your family
Sebastian says
Merry Christmas Joe!
Thank you for all the inspiration, both verbal and visual. I hope that you are spending some quality time with your loved ones.
All the best!
PS: Still can’t wait for your book to arrive! 🙂
Rebekah says
Merry Christmas, Joe!
Ahmed Sharif says
Merry Christmas!! 🙂
Gary Loy says
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Joe.
I’m about halfway through Sketching Light. I’m savoring this one instead of plowing through in my usual fashion. I’m getting a lot out of this book and already looking forward to the next one, which I’m sure you’ll have ready in about six months. 😉
Bill Trudo says
I’m looking forward to reading your new book, thanks for your blog and a very enjoyable day at the Flashbus stop in Chicago! Have a great Christmas!
JayM says
All the best, Joe. My holidays will be a bit merrier as I have your new book to hole up with.
Matt Penning says
That was a great link. The journey to a perfect moment, and capture, well told.
Merry Christmas and Happy Leap Year to you, Joe. One added day next year to capture some light.
Donna Luker says
Warm wishes to you & those you care about!
nate geslin says
Merry christmas to you sir!
Your new book is just what I needed for the holiday!
Scott Margetts says
Merry Christmas Joe!
Wishing you and your family the very best of health and prosperity in 2012.
Kristina Jacob says
Merry Christmas Joe! Hope that you and everyone at the studio enjoys this holiday weekend!
Darren Elias says
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Joe! (and to everyone else here!)
Richard cave says
Happy Christmas to you and family,
Todd says
Happy Holidays, Joe! I hope you have a great year in 2012.
Gary says
Each time I come to Photoshop World I’m so inspired by what you and the other great photographers do.
This year was no different. But shortly after coming home from Las Vegas my wife was diagnosed with cancer (Hodgkin’s). This has been such a devastating kick in the teeth. But I know we will get through this.
Hardly a day goes by that I don’t look at some of your work. It soothes my soul and keeps me focused on one day being able to pick up my camera again.
Thanks for your inspiration and all you do. I look forward to more in 2012!
Chad Goldman says
Merry christmas Joe!
Alex A. says
Merry Christmas Joe!
Doug says
This is a fantastic image, and it really shows the bonds that can develop between humans and horses. Merry Christmas to all!
Donfer says
Merry Christmas!! my dear Joe
Anders Wester says
Merry Christmas to you too Joe and to your family, and everyone at your studio.
And thank you for all the help and support during the year! Though not personal but through your blog, books and videos at Kelby Training. I didn’t thought that I as an amateur could learn that much, but hey, I guess i could! Keep up the good work and watch out for PSD! 🙂
Laura says
Hey Joe(where you goin with that gun in your hand?) Best present was your new book Sketching Light! Can’t wait to dig my teeth into it!! Merry Christmas!
Andor says
Merry Christmas!
Norm Cooper says
my wife plunked a large gift in my lap this morning… heavy…book… lots of pages… words… pictures… thanks!
Simon says
Merry Christmas to you & yours Joe. Thanks again for a wonderful year of contributions again too – you never cease to educate & inspire me.
John M. says
Thanks for sharing that fabulous photo! Even more, thanks for sharing your insights, expertise, and humor. 🙂
RC says
While serving as a mentor and an inspiration to me, to be able to call you my friend is one of those gifts I cherish immensely. I should be so lucky to get half as good as you.
A Fan,
John Mahan says
Joe — Wish you all the very best for this Holiday season, too. Thanks for all of your contributions — here on the blog, and throughout the industry, as well. I look forward to each and every post, so do please keep them coming. Heartfelt regards to you and everyone you love for this season, and for 2012. Keep-a-go! — mahan
Shaun White says
Thank you for sharing this image my kids & I absolutely love it. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hector Segovia says
Thanks for the Wishes !
Looking forward to meet you at the Vancouver Workshops !
Will travel from México !
Feliz Navidad Joe !
Quinn says
Joe, Congrats on a great year! Merry Christmas and wishes for a great next year!
Sketching Light is awesome, man… Very well worth the wait!! Thanks so much!
Erin Wilson says
I didn’t know that horses had facial expressions until I saw this image. A beautiful one to post for Christmas.
Thank you for taking time to blog throughout the year. It’s a real gift for many of us.
Peace 🙂
Ken Toney says
Joe, hope you have a great year in 2012, I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with! I also hope to see you again soon, have really enjoyed all the seminars/instruction I’ve been fortunate to receive from you! Tell Annie I said Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Jack says
I really like your photos, hope to see more amazing shot from you. Thanks I wish a great next year!
RobyFabro says
Wishing you lots of health and exitment for the 2011! Thanks for your great work (I’m reading your last book btw). Wishing you the best “light” the new year can bring you!
Take care
Judy Sudduth says
Do you sell this is a Christmas card. I would like to use this picture of the child hugging this horse?
This picture: Dec 24th
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, To All
Joe McNally says
I do not sell the image as a Christmas card….that would not be possible….tx for the inquiry..