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Pete Barnes says
Will check out now. Agree about Kelby training rocks, used to watch photoshopTV ages ago, crazy how it’s grown.
steve bryson says
I’d been looking forward to it since I heard it had been announced. I sent the link to friends, one just sent me this a few minutes ago:
“It was great to see how Joe’s mind was working as he’s walking around the location. He’s got a good imagination and came up with some nice shots – especially the ballerina section. He took the first shot of her and when it came up on screen it was, wow – I thought to myself, that’s it off to the pub 🙂
It was a really good event and I’m surprised they let people watch it for free.”
I cannot believe I fell asleep at 1am (UK), I think I’ll be treating myself to a Kelbytraining subscription for Xmas!
Keri says
Thanks Joe, Scott and everyone at Kelby training for a great class, i really enjoyed it, even though i’m a bit tired in work this morning because of it (UK time) although, well worth it !
Jeff Toates says
Many thanks to you Joe for being an awesome teacher…I learned so much in the presentation last night and will watch it many more times. Thank you again!
Julian says
Hi Joe,
Thank you vers much for all the great info and insight.
I was watching you from Hungary so I was up till 4am,
But it was worth every minute of it.
Thanks again
Duarte Vieira says
Joe, thanks a lot for the fantastic Day With Joe McNally broadcasted yesterday (well, this morning for us in Europe).
It was delightful to watch the unpretensious, down to earth, likable guy you are talk for four hours so passionately and openly about photography, self-promoting, gear and gadgets, and ultimately the people that you work with. And those four hours went so fast…
Skip Barber says
It was a great evening, and closer to 4 hours than 3. It’s always interesting to be in your company, either in person or on line. You have so much to offer and I learn a lot!
Doug Dillon says
Thanks so much Joe! I so enjoyed learning from you doing the shoots you did. I will watch it more times when it’s posted to Kelby Training since I find I learn so much even watching more times. There is so much good info that I just can’t take it all in at one time. I’ve watched your videos and read your books so many times and I have to say that you are an excellent instructor! I’m an old duffer just retired and trying to improve my photography skills. I’m not so great with lighting but I’m trying to learn and you are one of the best!
Thanks again and keep them coming!!!
JayM says
Was very inspiring, Joe. As always. Thanks.
Bob Coleman says
Joe, thank you for your willingness to teach and share your love of light. I have been a fan of your approach to light since I saw you many years ago at a NPPA convention at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. The class in NYC with Scott was great! Can’t wait to see your next project with the “classic”press photogs.
Rich Moll says
Loved the show last night – it was fantastic watching how you work on the set, how you set up and think through the shot. Can’t wait to read the new book – I already told my wife what I want for Christmas.
Glenn Gardner says
Mr. McNally,
I watched the whole webcast start to finsh last night and was glued to my computer for 4 hours.
Thank you very much for sharing your insights with a regular guy like me.
Both you and Scott Kelby are a big inspiration to my photograhy.
Thank you very much.
Glenn Gardner…
Jon Uhler says
I watch the show last night and it was great! Need to do more Days with McNally…;)
Libby says
I was able to catch a good portion of it and what can I say? You bring such great value to photography in every way. I can’t wait for the Sketching Light book.
PS I would buy the Circus Book so pitch it to NG again 😉
Linda Brinckehroff says
would LOVE to see the video. Your Email about the free video arrived on Thurs, 9:15am but the video is no longer available for free – expired last night. ANy chance Scott would make it available again for free?
Marci Johnson says
Amazing as always, thanks for making us better photographers!
Chris Jung says
Hi Joe,
It’s an amazing video.
Thank you so much, I learn a lot today from the video.
Chris Jung(Korean) from Malaysia
Nikki says
Watched the whole event last night (even had to leave work early to get home for it :-)). It was incredibly informative and fun to watch with a lot of laughs. I even caught hubby looking over to watch it too and he prefers fishing to photography (I think it was the goofy voices that sucked him in!).
Thanks for sharing so much information, awesome!
Stu Rosenbaum says
I missed the show after getting stuck in traffic on the way home. 🙁
Looking forward to the new book. If it’s half as good as your past books, I know it won’t disappoint!
All the best,
Donald Wells says
Thank you Joe for 4 hours of pure pleasure… Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and expertise with us… You are an inspiration for all of us…
Warm regards
Donald Wells
Montreal, Canada
Glyn Dewis says
Hey Joe,
Thanks to both you and Scott for a wonderful evening of Photography; starting first with The Grid and then your new ‘A Day with Joe McNally’ Class.
It meant the need to burn a bit of the midnight oil here in the UK, getting to bed at 3am but it was so worth it. As Steve Bryson mentions above, it’s not just your imagery that impresses it’s seeing and listening to how you work your way through challenges that present themselves, and it’s this that has enabled me to learn so much from you.
Thanks again,
Brest wishes to you and yours,
ps> Thanks for the shout out on The Grid…only now have I managed to clear all the coffee off my iMac screen after spitting it out 🙂
Eduardo Mozir says
MR Joe,
just perfect. The way you and Scott, put the things to us,
give us force, and ideas to stay going…. Made great photograph, in the simple way, without loose the Joe´s touch. I have to thank you and i hope see many tomes moore Joe´s day.
Rugs from Brazil,
Pamela says
It was fun and informative to watch- thanks so very much! 🙂
Richard Davis says
In between freequent interruptions from my kids, I thought the presentation was excellent and I’m definitely going to watch it again, several times, as I have their days with Jay Maisel productions.
It’s really great to see top pros like yourself and Jay willing to open up to Scott and lead us through what you’re thinking as you approach your work/art.
My son (10) was fascinated by the shadow shots of the break dancer while my daughter (7) was transfixed by the shots of the ballerina (apologies to both for fogetting their names) – made her forget how she’d come home from ballet class on Tuesday claiming she hated it and now wants me to take more photos of her. Just need to find an abandoned warehouse…
Kathy Winter says
Great webcast. I enjoyed watching and learning. Looks like you have a lot fun and truly enjoy your work.
Shaana McNaught says
Joe – loved it watched it all the way from Darwin, Australia…You are exactly what Scott said…An inspiration to us all!
Antoinette Ledzian says
Last evening I also left a comment after viewing your remarkable video. Today I subscribed and ordered one of your books. Then I watched more of your videos! What an inspiration you are. I doubt I’ll ever reach the heights of your professionalism and expertise, but I certainly have a lot to learn about lighting. The timeliness of the video was perfect, having just tried to shoot a small, intimate wedding ceremony indoors with many lighting challenges. Thanks for all you so humbly share. You are one of a kind, and a true artist, through and through.
RobyFabro says
Joe, what you and Scott Kelby have in common is the ability to teach making people laugh and forgetting they are actually learning! Great gift, indeed.
I only managed to watch half, I had to start cooking at 7.30 ( as ones does when choose to marry one of the least domesticated women in the states!) ). I’l cach it up at Kelby training tomorrow.
Thanks I utterly enjoyed!
Tom says
Well, I went to bed at 4 am. But it was awesome! Joe, thanks very much for the pleasure to spend your shooting day with us!. It was great fun to watch you and Scott joking and giving us a hand to get better.
Darren Elias says
“A Day with Joe McNally” is absolutely amazing! I had been looking forward to it since Scott Kelby made a passing remark about having filmed it. The ears perk up. The pupils dilate. What? When? When?!? The experience was worth the wait. Speaking of which, I’m looking forward to the new book, too.
Thank you again for pulling back the curtain, Joe.
Ken says
Ken is back from the grave. nice to back to Joe and crowd.
A wonderful, desperate, and self esteem bashing year.
Ken’s alive, or he is breathing, not that one one new,nor should,could. Like momma says,”Ken do not should on yourself”.
Great post
Ken in KY
Stu in Wisconsin says
Joe, I was in your audience that night too. What a great experience!!! My thanks for widening my thought range on where to take a shot. By the way, I was also one of your students for a day on the Flashbus tour. Incredible.
Peter Kelly says
Always get great inspiration from reading any thing you write and Particularly from watching videos you do,always trying to improve on my Photography, as I think that is the only way it can go, and it looks as if I missed a good show last night, so kicking myself for that, hope I can catch the next one
Wedding photographer in Essex says
Thank you guys!!