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Teymur Madjderey (icedsoul photography) says
So wonderful and great!
Congratulations again Joe!
cory Lum says
thanks for sharing joe
Jesper Vang Skærbæk Jensen says
Wish I could see this at The Time Warner Center …. 🙂
Joe Sankey says
Brilliant work, Joe.
Kris Mitchell says
Dammit Joe. You’re going to make me well up with these stories…
Nancy McPeak says
While our eceomy crumbles and our leaders squabble, this reminder of our strength and our ability to unify when needed is a breath of fresh air. I hope to get to New York to see this exhibit. Thank you so much for using your talent in this way and reminding us not to forget. God bless all of our 9/11 heroes and their families.
David says
Please, Joe, make some (or all) of the stuff you are going to show available online after the exhibition! I’ve been witnessing 9/11 and the great things you’re doing for and about these men from the distance.
I’ll be in NYC next week (first time)—it’s a shame that I will be leaving just days before you start the exhibition.
All the best. Keep up the good work (and blog)!
René Bruun says
Hey Joe, this is incredible. My first trip to NYC was in August 2001. I remember being on the roof of the WTC and saying to a friend, wow, I can’t believe how low the planes fly, I am surprised none of them have crashed into the building…. Little did I know of the events that were going to unfold weeks later. Even though I am from Dublin, I wear my FDNY 343 badge with pride and will never forget…
Dennis Pike says
I find myself at a loss for words. But I can definitively say this. I am 100% going to see these in person, and I will make sure to bring tissues.
hd says
Touching story, heart wrenching personal history and a wonderfully warm, human portrait.
Would I be rude to ask for a numnuts-esque lighting sketch or description. Wondering how you created this broad, warm light with the extra pop on Bill’s face.
(Bill: thank you for being there) (you too, joe!)
Libby says
God bless all from 9/11 – the living and the dead. God bless those who stood up in front of the giant Polaroid 10 years ago and again more recently. And God bless you, Joe, for the sensitivity you have shown and show now in capturing the spirit of these people.
Mike Sweeney says
Amazing story Joe – you were given a gift of a lifetime to take the photographs of these folks and to share it with the rest of us. Thank you.
Thomas Churchwell says
I was there Joe. At ground Zero before they sent me to Chelsie Piers to help victims find the body’s which was laid out on the ice rink. Read it here in a article written o September 15th 2001:
Bob says
hard to imagine…harder to forget
David says
As usual, your 9/11 stories are emotional.
Bill looks great regardless of the ‘graying’.
Thx again for sharing.
John says
Inspirational work. I’m continually amazed by your ability to touch my mind and my soul with your work.
Bill Tongue says
Lt. Bill – The new American Gothic (seated)
Arjan Bruinstroop says
As a dutch fire fighter and photographer i really admire the way you let these pictures tell their story’s So beautifull…….
Great job!
Debra says
Thank you, as always Joe. We won’t ever forget the magnatuide of the events on 9/11/2001. The human stories like Bill Butlers, are what we have to keep in our hearts. Your images are a beautiful reminder, of how our citizens were testecd, and responded with dignity and courage.
Ryan O. Hicks says
If you get some free time Joe check out my firefighter series on flickr.
John Fowler says
What a wonderful story Joe, thank you very, very much. This is a wonderful thing you’re doing. Please tell Lt. Butler how proud we all are of him and his colleagues.
I so much wish I could be there for the opening, but I’m a long way from NYC.
JerseyStyle Photography says
These storie and images are giving me chills…
Is that a doorstop in his helmet? I see he had the tool in both photos.
~ Mark
Sang says
Amazing story. Thanks for sharing Joe. Love the photo, he’s amazing and it shows in the photograph.
Michael Reinhart says
People like this are the REAL reason why America is great.
Shaunna Sparks says
Wow! So what an inspiring story! We need to always remember these heroes! Truly amazing!
Dave Kallaway says
Um…yeah…what do ya say. Speechless…
Jenene Waters says
Heroes…every damn one of them
Paul says
Such an amazing story. Such brave people. Kudos to you, Joe, for continuing to tell their stories, and tell them so well in your work.
Jeff Mulvihill, Jr. says
These stories are SO powerful… I’m a photographer… I’m involved with sports more than anything… being “out on the street” we hear stories that make you stop and REALLY think about how lucky the majority of the people on the face of the earth are that we’re health and have relatively trouble free lives… then you run into stories that Joe has or a 7 year old girl with a blood disorder… she’s a fighter… her bone marrow donor is her Little League All Star brother… I met them during the tournament… as soon as the tournament was over they were headed to the SF Bay Area to “fix” his little sister… such powerful stories and I’m just here snapping photos… life is amazing, being a photographer can be amazing…
kathyjan says
Every time you post a story about 911 I tear up. This one was no exception. Such a reminder of the power of human love and interaction – of aligning with the pace of our elders – of letting the magnitude of the universe’s wisdom take care of us. What a gift you have been given to be a part of telling these stories. Thank You.
Ivan says
I worked in 7 world trade. This brought back some painful memories, but reminded me of the heroes from that day.
Rene Miranda says
I saw your original exhibit at Rockefeller Plaza a year after 911. Powerful images, moving yet beautiful portraits.
Susan Peden says
Years ago, I saw the 9-11 images in a book. They were somehow the best portraits I had ever seen. I did not know who you were or what you did. They helped with the pain of that time. Thank you.
Susan Peden
Kim says
In tears after reading that. Wow.
Gus Samarco says
Congratulations Joe. I know you worked hard to have those images preserved.
Hopefully I’ll get to see it.
bill says
How’s that D4 handle there, Joe?
Ben says
Will be in new York on the 24 and would love to see this! Can anyone advise on what te entrance fee would be? Apologies if this is a stupid question but its my first time in NYC .. Thanks
Joe McNally says
its free…please stop by…joe
Alex Zyuzikov says
Amazing story Joe, almost made me tear up… 🙁
Bill says
Glyn Dewis says
These images and true accounts are priceless! Every time I read or see something on TV about 9/11 I find myself glued to the spot unable to move away…I just have to take it in.
Thanks for sharing,
All the very best to you,
Paul Songy says
Wow what an amazing story, can not believe it has been 10 years already. Thank you for sharing your work Joe!
Kenji says
Was that picture shot with the D3X? hmm… ^_^
Kyushu, Japan.
Martin says
Great project.. But I was wondering ..What’s the new D4 / D400 like Joe ?? 🙂
Robert K. says
A picture shot in low light, underexposed and NO use of any flash. Seriously Proffessor MacNally, this is just a teaser.
I bet you will show a picture , well exposed and shot at 12800 ISO with the new D4.
After the 24. of course 😉
Rebecca Thron says
Hi Joe, I think this is amazing, I heard you describe this project in Philly this past spring and we’ve had this on our calendars to attend. Is this only on the 24th? Or will it be running through the weekend?
Dave Hutchinson says
A touching story Joe. Thanks for sharing!
JP says
I really really really want to go to that exhibition. I wanted to 10 years ago. Being a student sucks.
I’d pay admission to see the video interviews online!