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Kent says
Awesome time for all. Glad we didn’t get hit by the mustard!
Mike Corrado says
Brudda! It was great to see Annie in her new digs. Awesome place and she looked incredible in her element. Keep in touch and keep me posted on schedule!
Oh yeah… great seeing you too…
Ryan Brenizer says
It really was a fantastic event — the only thing that could have ever made Adorama better is liquor. Great to see you there.
William Chinn says
Are you going to give at least a chapter in the next book to telling how you and Annie got together, and how she brought light and focus into your life?
Frank Burch says
I’ll be in NY next week. Look forward to checking it out.
Nihal Mahawaduge says
Joe, thank you for your blogs, encouragements and above all your generosity in sharing.I have benefited a lot from them. I used to work at the Time & Life lab and I did the transparency retouching – in them days. Your work was always so good and didn’t need any of my services. I was there from 1986 to 1997 -the final year with Time Imaging.
I saw you briefly yesterday at the Javits Center – Kelby training. I was so mad for not bringing along your book “Hot Shoe Diaries” to get signed by you. Maybe next time. Best Regards. Nihal Mahawaduge
Dave says
So this is why they were so late with shipping my order last night. Sounds like a great time. I also just got your Language of Light DVD from them the other day. Loved it. You Mr. McNally are my hero.
erica says
Yes it was! A great launch party for the new pro division of Adorama. Great stuff!
Linda Brinckehroff says
Great folks at Adorama – in EVERY department!
They set the gold standard in customer service!
Win says
If Annie is working at Adorama, does it mean you can get a family discount? Could you please extend the discount to me as well and let’s call it, extended family discount? What do you think? 🙂
I actually have been enjoying Adorama TV. Great stuff.
Eppridge says
Neat party ….. And really neat snap, Joe ….. Thanks much!
Many many congrats to Annie.
Adorama is just a great place to be.
Cheerz to the both of you.
Max Archer says
Looks like it would’ve been nice to go to.
Next time you’re at Adorama, tell them that they really need to open an LA branch. People from NYC seem to be under the impression that Samy’s is our equivalent, but it’s really not. (Look at their prices and you’ll see why we call them “Scam-y’s”.)
Jim says
Adorama gets my vote for # 1, Have dealt with guys like Sly, Jacob and Jack Gold, Great products for sure but blazing fast and accurate service and I live a 1000 miles away.
Ken Toney says
Joe, Mr. M should know me, especially if he looks at my account. 🙂
I will try and get by there next time I’m in NYC, I will bet a million that Scott mentioned you at his class the other night! See ya in Sept!
Sergei says
Adorama vastly improved over few last years and became truly great spot to get stuff. My only gripe with them is that stock status is totally off, and quality of used gear resale is hit and miss. On most of other occasions they are great folks and they do use all the modern tech to support their customers like crazy.
Helen Oster says
Thanks for all the great feedback, which I’ve made sure to pass to the relevant department heads – it is very much appreciated – but please don’t forget that I’m only ever an email away for advice or after-sales support: [email protected]
Thank you for noticing the recent improvements; we’ve been working extremely hard across all departments to provide a wider range of products, faster shipping, more competitive pricing and superior customer service.
However, I do appreciate the frustration our website stock status can cause; it is because we sell through so many portals eg Amazon, etc.
However, we hope that the launch of our new website will change this issue:
Please don’t hesitate to drop me an email if you ever need help with anything.
Helen Oster
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
[email protected]
Bill Barton says
I live in San Antonio but purchase 99% of all my equipment from Adorama (the other 1% from B&H). They are awesome. Great web site and customer service! Did I mention I don’t have to pay sales tax since I am not in NY! If I ever make it to NYC they are on my list of places I HAVE to visit!
David Wolfe says
I taught photography and Journalism for 35 years in a community college in Dallas. Had Adorama been sending out tutorials when I was teaching, that computer screen in the classroom would have been on Adorama every day. Great marketing, great sales help and fast service. So, who can complain?
David Wolfe
Renata says
Just realized, a few weeks ago, I asked your wife a million stupid questions 🙂 She was remarkably patient, helpful, not at all condescending . . . and, I have to say, very, very attractive 🙂 I walked away more impressed than ever with Adorama’s service.
Thank GOD I didn’t know she was Mrs. McNally; I’d have been too nervous to pronounce “TTL” in the correct order 🙂 (LTL? TLT? BLT? who knows)
I stumbled upon your books and blog fairly recently, and I have to say, thank you SO much for making this kind of educational material accessible to those of us who can’t afford to enroll in full-blown photography school. I read a little of your material every day, and it keeps amazing me how clearly you dissect what always looks (to me) like a phenomenally “lucky” shot. You’re awesome 🙂
Kristen says
Hey there! I’ve been following your website for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out
from Atascocita Texas! Just wanted to mention keep up the good work!
Joe McNally says
many thanks for stopping by!