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Kyle Jerichow says
IT really does remind me of the classes I went through with you guys!
Drew did a fantastic job with the whole thing. Joe, I hope you bought him a beer or two.
Alan West says
I have this DVD, had it shipped to the UK and use it all the time now. When I am thing of shooting a portrait I think about what I want to achieve and then use the DVD to inspire me and guide me to get the correct lighting setup. I would certainly recommend this for any photographer, young or not so young
Tim Skipper says
I know this is going to be great. I’ve already learned so much about lighting and how to re-think my lighting by following your lessons, that I can say with confidence that everyone should buy this.
David Cooper says
I have always prefered learning from videos so this was perfect compliment to Joe’s books. It’s so great to get the info in Joe’s own words and see everything demonstrated from set up to finished shoot. If you are wanting to get more out of your flashes and learn more about light this is a fantastic DVD.
Johan Sopiee says
Bill Millios says
Is this subtitled for the deaf and those for whom English is not their first language?
Rob Byron says
Great move with the pricing Joe. I was expecting to see double what is listed. At that price, you should be able to get these DVD’s into a lot of hands. 🙂
Drew Gurian says
Hey Bill,
Unfortunately not, as this was a first go at this, and was quite a learning experience for all of us. Hope to be able to do this in the future, and thanks very much for the comment.
Joe McNally says
I’ve only bought him a few beers, Kyle, but I have introduced him to a lot of women. Does that count? 🙂
Fadi Kelada says
Congratulations! Can’t wait to get the DVD. All The best Joe.
Kyle Jerichow says
Joe, that more than counts.
Jim says
Would love to have this set as I know it would be GREAT and I would probably learn a lot, but it is way to $$$$$ Pricey for me.
Alberto says
Joe/Drew, I’m always on the move and it’s kinda hard to have the DVD shipped to my home address (never there) or carry around the DVDs (they may scratch). Any chance this is going to go on iTunes as a digital download?
Thomas Kristensen says
Hi Joe
I ordered your DVD’s from Amazon and I’m really looking forward to seeing them. The preview I saw on your page really wetted my appetite 🙂
When I’ve see them, I will write a small review of them on my site. I’m sure it will be a positive one 🙂
Pedro Cardoso says
The new page is great, Joe. Now the DVD will have to come all the way to Portugal! 🙂
Quinn says
Bought the DVD’s at the FlashBus stop in Philly.
Great set. My only critique is that I wished there were about 8 more discs!
I really enjoyed watching them and they’ve really opened my eyes about lighting and seeing light. Highly recommended!
David says
Joe, the DVD’s look great. Do you know if they will also be available through Barnes & Noble (I am a teacher and get a discount there). Thanks!!
David Hessell says
Great teaching DVDs. Great learning DVDs. Thank you. I use them in my college photography classes … it is all about the light. That is the key … outdoors or in the studio. Or even better – on location. I like it when you walk us through shooting on location from start to finish. That is going to be my push next semester … small shops, dance studios, etc … I’m thinking shoe repair for some reason.
But, until then, I’m looking forward to seeing what I can apply to a rafting trip out west this summer. Small strobes meets white-water rafting … OK, maybe not so much in the rafts, but you know … campsites, outdoor portraits, hikes, around the campfire, etc … whatever I can come up with.
Its all about the light – and your DVDs. Heck, I’m ready for the next set. Keep ’em coming.
Preben Richter says
Great DVD’s.
I have learned a lot, and continue to learn each time a watch.
Very inspiring, very informative, and very usable information!
Now, I just have to get me a few more SB900’s ;-).
Thanks you guys…. you Rock!!!
Gregg Obst says
Joe I really can’t thank you enough for all your efforts and willingness to disseminate your knowledge down to folks like myself. Between this DVD, your videos on, your books and articles and the insight you gave us all on the FlashBus tour, I have learned a ton of things that I use every time I shoot.
Because of your instructional style, I have learned something even more valuable than photography skills. I have learned problem solving. I now walk into a situation, evaluate what I have been given to work with, evaluate ambient light, evaluate space and subject and know that whatever plans I come up with are probably going to go to crap as the conditions change and that I better know how to respond and adapt and have plan B and plan C ready. No other instructor teaches that and that’s what makes your DVDs and classes so very valuable.
Thanks Joe !
Rob Andrew says
Great DVD, very simple clear explanations and straight to the point. Excellent work Joe!
Joe Masucci says
My DVD just arrived in the mail. Looking forward to 3 hours of great instruction. Very nice quality to the set. Thanks Joe!
kombizz says
Love your creative work.
Wish I knew your twitter name, so I follow you.
You are a talented photographer.
Glyn Dewis says
Hey Joe,
i just had to post a comment here to say that I contacted Adorama and got a copy of this DVD set sent over to the UK and in a word…superb!!!
Seriously good DVD set so a BIG thank you from me for doing such a great job!
All the very best to you and yours,
Conny says
I live in Sweden and I really want to purchase the DVD´s. BUT the only way to get them are via Adorama and 53$ shipping-charge OR for free shipping, sending my credit card information in an e-mail.
The last option I don´t want and the first option I think is a little bit to much.
So can´t you fin out a solotion for downloading ?
The best from
//Conny MAgnusson in Sweden
Helen Oster says
Drop me an email and I’ll see what I can do to help: [email protected]
Helen Oster
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
Scott says
Would love an option to download this, like the Strobist Lighting in Layers series, at a reduced price. That way anyone could buy it, anywhere. Plus I could dump the files straight to my IPad! Any hopes for this happening? Thanks so much!
Doğum Fotoğrafçısı Sema Korkmaz says
Very inspiring and informative. Not just only DVD itself but all information you share in this blog is helpful for younger photographers education.
Greetings from Istanbul, Thank you Joe Mnnally!
Jon Moorhouae says
Hi I noticed kelby Training are releasing a lot of stuff for the iPad now do you think we may see this DVD appear for the same platform.
Would love this on my iPad.
Jorge Ledesma says
Thanks for making this Joe. After watching the Nikon Creative Light Series dvd I just wanted more and this is just perfect.