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Ted McAusher says
These are always my favorite posts of yours Joe, where you get specific about the what and where. Love this, thanks so much!
Andor says
Another great story with awesome shots in it – thanks for sharing it!
Rodney says
Just trying to figure out how you tripped 10 flashes. I thought the SU-4 only has a working range of 25 or so feet.
Rodney says
Oh, great photo by the way! See you in Raleigh next week.
Karen Messick says
Awesome set up and wonderful results thanks for sharing!
Paul Hodgson says
I adore Russell Brown, genius he most certainly is.
And the colours you get are lovely Joe; another good post.
Mark Stahl says
WOW baby wow…. Thats really a cool set up and great shots. I’v shot in some of caves not easy and you hit it out of the park with this one. -Mark
pirut says
Another great shot + tips bro.. 🙂 Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Nick says
Joe, brilliant set up. I forgot SU-4 even existed. Can’t wait to hop on the Flash Bus in Pittsburgh on 4/11. See ya there!
Anthony Dayton says
Just a question – why the use of SU 4 with the SB 9000 flashes instead of putting them on remote?
Thanks in advance for an answer – especially if it’s obvious
Kevin says
Not to be a jackass…but I don’t think I like the propeller growing out of their heads.
Tim Skipper says
Cool photos, but I am missing one flash. I only counted 9 on your diagram.
Joe McNally says
not a jackass kevin….debated it myself, and knew there would be people who would not go for it…but the idea of Russell Brown’s manic brain and propellers…well….:-)
Viveca says
I love the lighting in these shots, and they are great portraits too.
Manny Nieto says
Very Nice Once again Joe! Thumbs Up! And Kevin……..The Propeller is just fine. Probably could of not been better. Think about it. The only other way would be turning it 45 degrees more and then you have a change of pattern on the lines of the pic way to much randomness plus the Flag would end up with an “X” pn it plus it would cover all the stars on the flag. Anyways thats my 2 cents! Keep Clicking away Joe!
Karen B says
Genius, Joe… absolute genius! …and such fun 🙂
Bobby McGee says
Wait a minute, where’s Numnuts in the illustration?
I think this fine rendering is a forgery. ;0)
Anim8me2 says
Joe, I’ve been to your sessions at PSW and read your blog, but getting to watch up close how you set up the shot and solved the problems that popped up was great!
Not to mention the levity and kibitzing you kept up the whole day… big ups!
Matteo says
wow. 10 flashes. fantastic lighting as always!
Glyn Dewis says
Joe, superb images and the expression on Russell’s face says it all…”How the heck do you do this??” 🙂
Thanks for sharing,
All the best to you and yours,
Kyle jerichow says
Joe and Drew,
Since SU-4 Mode is mentioned in this blog…i figured I would ask this question again (I still haven’t been able to find an answer.) Is there a way to set up an SB-900 so that it fires in RPT mode as a slave without being in SU-4 mode?
Bob DeChiara says
youda man Joe! Boston is 1 month away!
Ian Loomes says
Joe – great shots. Christine and I thoroughly enjoyed our class sessions with you yesterday. Very convenient to have your very own Justin Bieber look alike as an assistant!
Also loved the Midnight Madness video! 🙂
David says
Looking forward to Saturday. You guys do know that Wrestlemania is going to be in the same general area? (World Congress Center/GA Dome)Maybe you two can enter as a tag team. Strobo-men!
Barbara Thorbjornsson says
I want to thank you very much for being so eager to teach. You ALWAYS give lots and lots of information about what you are shooting and how you are shooting. I just watched a Weather Channel special featuring another photographer and, out of curiousity, I went to his site. No one even knows with what camera he shoots. You have NEVER failed to offer lots of details and I appreciate it so very much. Thank you Joe for your generousity.
John Batdorff says
Great info. I have a chance to go up in a B-17 in the next month so this has been really helpful. Look forward to seeing you and the Flash Bus in Grand Rapids. John
Ken Toney says
This is cool dude! It was nice seeing you at PSW in spirit too, see you in Vegas in real! 😎
Alan Langley says
I love the first shot, the technical bit conmbined with a perfectly captured expression thanks for sharing.
Logan Gibson says
I took picture of that P-51 about 4 weeks before you 😉
angry birds game says
It’s really great .Thanks so much .Another great story with awesome shots in it –
Gordon Gurray says
Really awesome photos.
Bogdan says
Quite a few Pocket Wizards there… 🙂
I would have turned the propellers at 45 degrees if I’m honest.
Love the lighting, love Russell’s expression as well.
Christian Held says
What a great post! When you arrive at a scene, do younreally create those scetches or is it all already in your head? You’ve been working in this business for so long now that I could imagine that you don’t really need a map overview with the light positions.
How much time did you have and how long did it take before you were happy with the photos you presented us?
jason harry says
like the lighting on the plane series Joe, tour bus looks awesome
jkar says
fantastic shots! its very clean photos
jkar says
fantastic shots! very clean photos
Venura Herath says
His expression is really funny!
Nice Photos Joe!
Harry says
Since you didn’t write numnuts with an arrow pointing to the photographer in the diagram is it safe to assume you were sick that day?
Sebastian says
Wow, I really like the first picture. I seems looks the never stoping pilot. From Dog-Fight to Air-races. Great to see these planes still in good condition and be maintained. Apart from being war-machinery it is some terrific kind of technology and progress made during WWII.