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Ingrid says
WOW, this is a great shot. Looks like you guys are having fun! Wish I was there.
eha1990 says
Great photo. What camera did you shot this with?
Braun says
Mr. M that is super sweet! WB everybody blue and then used a strobe gelled warm to light her face ? amazing work. we’re throwing a big strobist meet up like chase did in Seattle first weekend of May. Would love for you to come down
Trask Smith says
Looking forward to attending the show in Houston. I guess I’ll bring my SBs with me in case you do something like this there.
Jenene Waters says
What fun this was! Knew kind of what to expect from following you both for so long, but it was better than I even imagined. Learned a ton and laughed alot. Great job by you both and your entire crew.
Marc says
That looks like a lot of fun! And so simple! Providing you have a plethora of photographers with strobes!
“Would you say I have a plethora, Jefe?”
Adam Ziaja says
Camera Model: NIKON D3S
Image Date: 2011-03-17 18:57:11 (no TZ)
Focal Length: 15.0mm (35mm equivalent: 15mm)
Aperture: f/6.3
Exposure Time: 0.013 s (1/80)
ISO equiv: 200
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
White Balance: Manual
Light Source: Incandescent
Flash Fired: Yes (Auto, return light detected)
Orientation: Normal
Color Space: sRGB
GPS Coordinate: undefined, undefined
Photographer: (C) JOE MCNALLY
Copyright: (C) JOE MCNALLY
Jeremy says
Guess we should all be bribing our SBs!!!
Irjohn Junus says
Live in rooms full of light ~ Cornelius Celsus
On a different note, those 60 some puppies (and some gears in our camera bag we love) are brainchild of some hardworking people in Japan recently devastated by 9 richter scale earthquake and the aftermath tsunami. As we speak, many homeless are struggling with cold snowy climate in the open and potential nuclear meltdown.
Thoughts and prayers to those who’s provided us with gears that keep us having fun.
Stay safe on the road, Joe. Best.
Manuel Magallanes says
where is the photo with the 44 flash from LA? 😉
Dominic says
That’s a lot more than what I did with my three SB-800s and my two SB-900s 🙂
Nikon ROCKS!!!! Yes!
John-Paul Wolf says
My favorite quote of the day surrounding this picture. “uh yea the walls are blue because I made them that way” Ha ha
Eric Politzer says
oh sure, we in LA were just a little 40-light warm-up for what was yet to come. bet it will be like, I mean, cuz, totally 200 by the time you hit New York, for real!!
Samy says
a 60 flash setup for a real great shot. That’s insane and really awesome.
Richard Cundiff says
Do I hear Gunnis World Record?? Most strobes used to light a photograph??
Michael says
Is that Meathead in the front row?
Trevor says
Cool! I was hoping you’d post this, and not just because I can now say I’m on your blog (yes, I’m the guy sitting to the right who looks like his eyes are half-closed – which they were :P).
Theis Poulsen says
Loads of flashes but I like the shot from the other day alot better – feels more reel.
denise karis says
thank you for phoenix yesterday! it was incredibly enlightening….the only time i ever used a flash was about a year ago…i was walking around and it fell off my camera! i hardly know how to adjust the thing…so now im anxious to try everything i learned – thank you so so much!
Glen says
Thanks for posting this shot, Joe. It was one of many shots you did in San Diego on the Flash Bus Tour that blew me away. I have to admit that I still don’t understand how you get such amazing color and light SOOC, but I had a great time. You and David both did a fantastic workshop.
I shoot with a Canon though, can I ever get this good of a shot ;-}
Kyle jerichow says
I remember we did about 40 in the workshop I did, what is the maximum number of flashes a commander can fire?
Girl in the lower left corner of the photo says
I don’t recall anyone doing anything manual in the afternoon. Of course, Hobby was out for pizza, so there’s no telling what we did without adult supervision…
Patrik Lindgren says
Crazy stuff! Really cool with the paparazzi-feeling in both this and the previous post.
Jessica says
I can’t wait for St. Louis!!!!
Steinar says
Im only counting 30 flashes, where is the rest?!
Manny Nieto says
Very Nice Joe!
Adrian says
Woohoo! Had so much fun with Flash Bus in San Diego! Loved this shot and also the one where you shot Justine Bieber with a shoot through umbrella…wait, that was Justine Bieber, right?
Alex Atienza says
I tried this type of shot over the weekend with Canon flashes. Got some succesful shots but with much fewer flashes.
Chuck F. says
<3 it… <3 it… <3 it… PHOTOBOMB (red sweater on st. paddy's day)!!!
Jim Shoemaker says
“Only” 44 flashes in Los Angeles… I guess maybe there were too many Canon shooters in the crowd. It was a great learning experience. You and David are both brilliant.
Jim Zink says
I caught you two in Salt Lake Sunday. Sunday? Didn’t you know you were losing all the momarazzi’s? Probably just as well. Sorry happy hour was voted out of existence here last week. Other than the great inspiration my observation is that Joe is actually William C. Macey.
Lorraine Daley says
What a fun shot!!!!
Gerry Johnson says
Just finished SLC with you and David – thank you! So great to see the creativity flow and problem-solving done on the fly – all with a calm demeanor!
Glyn Dewis says
Lovin’ it! 🙂
Janine Fugere says
Gosh, just when I was really excited that I splurged for 2 more Speedlights so I now have a set of 3 to use wireless! Gonna make it more than 60 in Denver & mine will be one of them….
Thomas J O'Reilly says
Enough with the Paparazzi shots. You are much more talented than that. This makes 3 David Hobbie SU-4/TTL “Paparazzi” type shots. OK – they look cool, but give us some good stuff. Drew – start posting the educational, creative, and advanced stuff.
I don’t meant to kick you in the nuts, but I hope you guys can teach some advanced stuff on this tour. If not, I will be sorely disappointed.
Bump it up a notch!!!
Thank you
John Swarce says
Have to bring my flashes to Boston! Looks like a lot of fun.
Joe, are your classes at PSW going to be similar to the FB tour class? Just trying to plan my class schedule for Orlando!
Dennis Ebben says
60! I like the idea, and I really like the picture.
(and I won’t tell Hobby ;))
Todd says
Attended FTB in San Jose. Needless to say, I got to see you two get pinched a little bit, and bounce back in spades. I just wanted to thank you for opening up that cranium of yours, and allowing years and years of knowledge to be available to the masses. It’s really a pretty amazing time, as far as the availability of information goes, and you and David have really done wonders for many in the photography community. I look to your work for inspiration, new ideas, and the need to constantly improve. OK, ass-kissing is done.
I am regretful of one thing about the FTB – that I didn’t stand up in the aisle and start dueling you with one liners from the Princess Bride. But you know… I only doggy paddle.
David Noceti says
Cali is getting better looking as the tour progresses. 😉
Mathieu Wauters says
As Darth Vader would say: impressive. Most impressive.
Great shot Joe!
Bogdan says
Everyone owning a flash, please raise your hand! Anyone owning 2 ? All on channel 2 please, thanks!