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Tim Monahan says
Great news! I got a chance to see you when I was at Hallmark and can’t wait for the tour to come around! As a paramedic/photographer I thank you for your work on Faces of Ground Zero. Good luck with the tour, let me know if you need any help in the North East!
Annie says
Happy to hear you are not getting married and moving to Asia with David. Woke me up this morning! 🙂
Kenny says
Cool!!! Sorry, very cool!!!
Vincent Mistretta says
You realize that the problem here is going to be the angry calls you get after this thing fills up the first day. My guess is you don’t need to promote it anymore, just find a place to hide the bus from angry fans that don’t get the chance to attend!
Andriy says
No Canada stops eh???
Bob DeChiara says
When do we get to see the bus?
david says
The Great White North is calling. But maybe it just sounds like a Moose call. Sure wish you could make it up here; and I don’t mean just Toronto – The Great White Smoke.
Patrick Delany says
Could it be that Nikon is letting the two of you announce the introduction of the new SB-1200? I’ve heard that when the new SB-1200 is combined with the new SD-12 High Performance Batter Pack it can produce the equivalent of 400 Ws of light and will enable the optional UV mode to function so that the shooter can let the models work and tan at the same time. Or maybe it’s something else? Here’s to hoping I get a ticket on Monday to the Boston session…
Ton says
Are you having plans to do such kind of tour through Europe?
Hoping so 🙂
Andrew Ness says
Can’t wait to see you guys in Seattle.
joe says
The good & bad of living near a large city stop: everyone will try to sign up and there will inevitably be losers. Well, I’ll be signing up for Chicago at 8:00:01 CST on Monday morning and hoping for the best. But even if I don’t get a ticket, I won’t flame ya 😉
*fingers crossed*
Jay Mann says
Hi from Sumatra. Sounds like a National Lampoon production, you could do a reality show based on the bus ride alone. So guess you won’t be coming through Pekanbaru.
J W Nienstedt says
Joe, seriously – there’s this grand old city called Charleston in South Carolina and you seem have forgotten to add it to the list of cities. Tell me what you need to get this tour here and I’ll personally see to it that it’s done. Ballet dancers? Great weather? The most beautiful people in the country? We’ve got all that and more!!!
Ken Toney says
Joe, I kind of like the speedo idea! 🙂 I can get the banjo and start with Dueling Banjos!
Tim Skipper says
I knew you looked familiar the first time I saw you. Now I know, its those Muppet guys 🙂
I am coming to the Atlanta workshop, see ya there.
Arno says
Ya’ll not getting married?? Good, can I marry Joe then? We’ll have amsurprise ceremony at the Chipotle close the the cowboys stadium…. Yeah…
Julien Gille says
Do you plan to do the same bus tour in Europe with David ? Because the bag filled with stuff that is worth more than the price of the ticket doesn’t include a gift that is covering the price of the plane ticket 😉
Hope to see you one day in Europe in a bus !
David Drake says
any chance of a trip to the UK?
Mathieu Wauters says
If you’re not getting married to David, how can the upcoming announcement still be good news? 😉
the envious one says
Evious cheers from HORDES of envious spaniards :p
(yes, I’m like an horde just by myself)
Virginia Pinkston says
Did you say SPEEDOS?
Ivan says
Joe, where did you get the nickname “numnuts” from (and why?)?
David, we know you as “the strobist”, but what is your real nickname? Common, fess up!
Csaba says
In case you decide to stop in Paris also, let me know 🙂
Karen Bobotas says
Looking forward to getting on the BOS BUS!
David says
Please stop telling everyone about this! I want to make sure and get my spot!!!
Kevin Halliburton says
Man, you guys are going to be ready for home sweet home by the time you see the missus again. Looking forward to announcement #2. It gets better?
Steve says
Thank you joe for doing this work shop. I have just started to follow your work and I know Im in for session of mind melting light instruction!
Can’t wait to hear about this grab bag.
**Please be a prototype Nikon D4** LOL
lans says
Ben Pettit says
So excited about this. I’m hoping to attend in ATL when you guys come!
Alan says
I’m from Toronto and wish there was a stop here but I guess I’ll have to drive to Buffalo, NY on April 10th..
Joe I’m going to register and I noticed your “Language of Light” DVD set is offered at a discounted price when registering for The Flash The Bus tour. Will your DVD set be sold at the event as well? Just curious.
Thedigitaldoc says
This is great Joe. I registered at Indy for the tour. I still enjoy the pics of you I shot at the Nikon Booth at Photo Expo in NYC (10/10). Looking forward to seeing you again.
Simply Ness says
This is going to be awesome. Any chance you’ll stop by in Washington DC.
Simply Ness says
At last, I found the registration page and thank goodness, you’ll be stopping by Washington DC. Hoorayyyy. Yeah!!!!
Fabio Luiz says
Oh My God! I am here in Brazil nuts to board that bus … That’s part of my dream as a photographer, I will accompany each stop, each click of 13,000 km. The site is very very cool.
I meet!
Brazil – SP
Darren says
Joe, I see you are doing an Asian tour and…no Japan??????? why oh why?
There will be broken hearts in Japan and Korea.Sniff.