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Yuto Watanabe says
You should come to Tokyo to teach a class next time! For some reason, I’ve never heard of big-name U.S. based photographers giving workshops in Japan. A lot of cool stuff here. Well, have fun!
Pat Delany says
God’s speed Joe! Have a safe and wonderful trip. Please blog as often as you can for those of us that dream to someday do what you’re doing now! Looking forward to the “…more tk’s…” down the road. I hope that you, your family, and all of your wonderful staff have a very happy and healthy New Year!
Bob DeChiara says
Enjoy your trip! Looking forward to the posts from your journey.
Happy New Year!
Michal Hejna says
I have just finished Your book “Hot Shoe Diaries” in a pretty well czech translation. I really do love it! Thank You. I’m thinking of a huge amount of Speedlites buying 🙂
Have a nice trip.
Tim Skipper says
Just don’t get eaten by one of those “dragon” on New Years.
roy says
Sounds fun, when we see you in Israel?
There is a large community of photographers that really would be happy to take part in your workshops!
Gregg says
Remember Joe, years not over. Don’t get cocky.
Steve says
There are not many people in this world that I would like to trade places with.
If I could keep my family, I wouldn’t mind being Joe Mcnally!
(any health issues I need to know about 🙂
Have a great trip, I look forward to the stunning images.
Keith Emmerich says
Love the pic!! Enjoy the flight…I wonder what is brewing?
Doug Rose says
Sounds, you and your crew will be having a great time, I wish I could be there. Looking forward to all your upcoming posts.
God Bless
Waldek Chadzynski says
I will appreciate to see: what and how you pack your stuff for trip like this. Best wishes.
Matthew Williams says
Hey Joe,
I thought you might enjoy this article, it’s a sad day in some ways to see the official retirement of kodachrome. Anywho, here ya go: enjoy///
Girish says
Wish you and your entire team a Happy New Year.
Look forward for the photographs from your HongKong trip.
Mike Neale says
We couldn’t send two better Ambassadors into the far-east. Drew, please keep Joe in check!,…..;-))
Joe Widner says
Wow, have a good trip. I’m leaving on Monday to go to Kenya on a shoot. It will be fun, interesting and who knows what else.
Dwight Atterholt says
So with such long flights there will be plenty of time for blog posting, right? I’d also like to know how and what you pack for a long multi-leg trip like this one.
Have a great trip.
J W Nienstedt says
Can’t wait to see what you and Louis create over there. He’s a really gifted photog as well!
Glyn Dewis says
Nothing like starting the year ‘full on’ Joe 🙂
Have a great trip and I look forward as we all do to read/see what you got up to.
All the best to you and yours,
Happy New Year,
Joe McNally says
Same back Glyn…stay well, hope to see you in 2011!
Henry Yong says
Hi Joe, happy New Year to you and your crews. Have a safe trip to Asia. Looking forward to meeting you, Louis, Drew and other members in the KK workshop!
Irjohn Junus says
Please have a safe flight to Asia. Hong Kong climate would be comfortable for you and all this time of the year. But Singapore and Malaysia would be 30ish deg C above NY. And the rain…I’d bet umbrellas would be preferred to softboxes or tri-grips? :-;
Wolfgang says
Happy new year Joe…
Dave Hutchinson says
Sounds like a great trip Joe. I hope that you have a very Happy New Year.
Jojo says
I can’t wait to learn from you. See you on the 4th! Happy New Year!
Iden Ford says
Happy New Year Joe to you and your whole team. And as usual, many thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us and listening so kindly to our emails and questions.
Blessings to your whole team and safe travels in 2011. CU in Napa
Sam Chadwick says
Safe journey and we look forward to seeing you here this week.
From everyone at the Hong Kong Photography Club.
Ban_D says
All the best for the New Year!
Alfred says
I’m glad you are coming to Singapore! Had been following you blog / videos for a while now, and had learned a lot from them! See you in Singapore!
Meanwhile, Happy New Year! Wishing you and your family a great 2011!
Tim R. says
Hi Joe, just stumbled into your blog today. I think I’m going to be a regular visitor from now on. Love your images. They inspire me to do better at photography.
Zurina Bryant says
Looking forward to meeting you in Kota Kinabalu! Not long to go now 😀
Matt Poolman says
Have an awesome trip Joe, and a safe 2011. The eastern front sounds amazing, I’m struggling to fight off the envy right now. 😀
Andrew says
Joe, seeya in Hong Kong on Friday and Saturday!!!
Chris Aram says
Enjoy your trip! I look forward to seeing updates soon! 🙂
Barbara Thorbjornsson says
Stay safe. Stay focussed.
Hannes Uys says
Good luck Joe and have a safe trip. Wish I was you! ~H.
gedarnet says
Already a large and wonderful article
I hope time to be with you
Please accept my greetings and traffic