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It is always a pleasure to read or watch your work. I enjoyed meeting you at the PDN photo expo and learned quite a bit from your small flash lighting session at Nikon. Keep up the blogging and writing. We have so much to learn from you. And don’t forget to continue infusing your writings with that impeccable sense of humor!.
Hey Joe
Was great seeing you this weekend. Are you going to post a couple of your swirling “bike LED” frames?
Enjoy your trip to Vancouver.
Cool ! You’ve crossed the border, that’s a good thing. Now, repeat the process but come to Montreal.
I was lucky enough to be at this event. I can tell you that Joe got quite a few good images, but (to me) the highlight of the event was the ballet dancers. Some fantastic images came out of those few hours.
Joe put on one hell of a session – he’s welcome back to “The Great White North” any time!
I’ll bet she wishes her right hand weren’t so bent…
Joe, thanks for your two days in Calgary. I learned a tonne of new stuff and had a great time. You’re an informative and entertaining instructor.
Just a quick note to say THANKS for coming to Calgary. Before this weekend I have had very limited exposure to flash and now I have a $3000 shopping list. So thanks for that! LOVED the work with the dancers! Thanks again!
Wish you were here (in Winnipeg)
oh I’m so glad you posted this image! it was my favorite from the seminar in Calgary!
Thanks again for such an awesome seminar, and please come back to Canada some more, I’d love to attend another one!
Hey Joe!
My blog post yesterday ( much summed up all my feelings about your fantastic two day workshop in Calgary. I come away from the weekend inspired and energized. Thanks. Thanks so much. I needed this big time.
P.S. When that shot appeared up on the big screen it literally took my breath away. Yeah I guess you could say it made a little bit of a connection with this viewer!!
Wonderful shot and what a great seminar in Calgary! A ton of information was covered and it was great learning experience, especially watching you work through the inevitable problems that evolved.
Ha! Ha! Loved it when the Captain Jack impersonator was so distracting that you finally turned to the audience and said, “You guys just want to get a keg?”
Thank you so much!
Joe, beautiful capture of Alberta Ballet’s Melissa Boniface. I always enjoy seeing your images of dancers. I know they are a favorite subject of yours.
Hi Joe,
no other light sources than the Octa?
can’t believe it…
Joe, It was amazing to meet you and attend the Calgary workshop. I learned so much in that short period. But most importantly I learned with the gift of photography you have so much more to give than you have to take. Thank you Joe you have inspired me.
Wow, I didn’t realize how expensive the 74″ Octa is! For the budget minded, I find that the Photek Softlighter has a similar look for a fraction of the cost.
Nice capture Joe. How do we get you out on the East coast of Canada?
That shot more than made up for my initial disappointment when I found out what type of dancers you had booked. When you said dancers, I thought you ment…. never mind.
I had great weekend. Learned lots and laughed a ton. I’m looking forward to your return.
A lovely shot, but wouldn’t you want a bit more separation from the black backdrop, specially for the underside of her legs?
So wish I was there!! You have to come east next. Canada’s a huge country (really – there is a whole population east of Montreal!) and I know a lot of my Maritime friends would love for you to spend a couple of days here! But I’m sure the requests are never ending!!
Awesome work Joe. I’m going to have to try a 74″ Octa
Joe I think you need to explain things a bit better to those that may be novices here reading this as your may lead them down a wrong path by thinking your serious that a Light modifier does all the work or is the magic bullet to save all that know nothing about lighting… I know your joking about it here but others may not.. That it takes far more than a modifier or a 74 inch Octbox thingy to save the day… There are many that are very nieve or “Want” to believe that a single piece of photographic gear is going to magically make them “Poof!” a pro shooter. I know the context of what you meant your story above to be taken as but many here will take it literally. “Love you sense of humor” by the way too.. Yes Monte Python rocks.. and I have been envious of you since you got to hug Carly Simon many years a go.. “Had a crush on her at the age of 14”
There must be more than one light source. The front and back edge of the leading arm can’t both be lit by a single light. Also the quality of the main light and rear light is different. I’d bet another light at the back, probably a bare head
I agree with Simon. «Cross the border up to Montreal».
Thank you for all.
Joe: Go WEST, young man! Do a joint workshop with David Cooper in Vancouver.
Joe, I bet its hard for you to put up ONE flash and shoot. I mean leaving the other 150 behind, must be humbling for ya! 🙂
Fantastic shot, I LOVE the way that parts of her that are in shadow just disappear into the background.
Great workshop Joe. You did an amazing job and I was glad to be there to take it all in. The models you had were so much fun and I really liked the shot you took of Will with the improvised background, verra cool. Hope you come back again eh?
Please, come to Toronto.
I had a fantastic time, thank you Joe! Best weekend spent in a long time, good folks, good humor, and a good approach to problem solving as driving creativity. Feeling more inspired than ever, and I would go to an advanced workshop in an instant if the stars aligned.
It was great to see you in action in Calgary. Beside all the technical stuff I really enjoyed the good humor.
Thanks for a great seminar Joe, really loved your terrific sense of humour packed in with all that knowledge! You make a great teacher.
It was a great weekend and you were very informative and entertaining. Got a couple of interesting shots from my seat in the audience. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Thank you for putting together such an engaging seminar, Joe! It was a very educational and entertaining evening. If you ever need me to do more modeling for you, let me know! Ha ha!
Joe, thanks so much for coming to Vancouver! Your lighting seminar was absolutely fantastic, truly informative and insightful. The added bonus was your terrific sense of humour which had me in stitches. I hope to learn more from you in the future. Enjoy the rest of your stay in the Great White North.
Thanks for coming to Calgary Joe! I used your tip of firing a strobe directly at the floor (with a square of white seamless underneath) to add a little fill, worked like a charm! The highlight for me was shaking your hand and saying hi, and thanks for signing my ticket. The weekend was all very inspiring.
Omg, I loved your clean article.