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John Verbruggen says
Hey Joe,
I would alse have used a 600 mm an a 1,7 TC to shoot such a dangerous dude 😀 Better to keep some distance…
Duluk says
600 f/4, 1.7 huh? Were you afraid he was gonna shoot you? 🙂
Jim Felt says
What is this? The young but out of shape Ted Nugent on his way to a Tea Bagger meetup?
Nice use of “very assistant required to lug” hardware to replace the use of two minutes of Photoshop time. LOL
Ziv says
Where’s Mawgie when you need her?
Fotograf Katowice says
Nice shot ! And good portrait’s lens… 600/4 🙂
DQuatta says
Love Ingo’s picture. He looks really tough with that shot gun, long hair and cig hanging. But the “snuggly” fitted leather jacket breaks things down a bit. Awesome!
René Bruun says
Excellent Joe, love it!
Al Power says
Ha – love it! nicely shot.
Packing that gun, bet no-one told him his jacket was too small! 😀
Tim Skipper says
You know it is probably a requirement to be a character to even live in Iceland.
David Apeji says
So this effectively shot a focal length of 1000mm. Amazing! And is that the moon in the background?
Joel says
You were at 1020mm?! Holy crap man. Were you 500 feet away or were you just trying to see how far away your TTL could take you? Either way, quite an accomplishment for the flash system.
Oh, and this guy kinda looks like Mikey from OCC, but a little scarier.
Mike Sylvia says
Love the site and your work, but that guy should put a bullet in that font. Arrrrggh. Curse you Zapfino.
Wolfgang says
Ben Mathis says
Any chance you’ll do an open bar night where non workshop members can meet the man and the legend? I’m local here in Rvk, and having bought and read cover-to-cover both your books, it’s killing me not to get to meet you while here.
liisa says
For a moment I thought that was you, Joe, and that the long days had gotten to you!
If you shot that with a 600 and a TC, how far were you from Ingo?
John Leonard says
Hi Joe,
Great shot. Just wanted to say thanks for all of the lessons, books, and the two workshops I attended. If you remember back to July in Dobbs I had told you I wanted to be the Joe McNally of wedding photography. Well, This past week I met with a client who said, “Your images really remind me of something I would see in National Geographic. The light and the colors just really stand out.” I was floored! That was one of the best compliments I have ever been paid about my work. Best part is they booked me for their wedding day next may.
So, Thank You! Without so much information you have put out there I would not be able to make the images I’m becoming known for.
Phil Mello says
Way to go joe.
Stefan says
…….f***ing spiffing shot(gun), again, you bright up my day!!!
Paul says
Great Shot Joe!!(Pun definitely intended)
But if you’d just come to Canada we wouldn’t have to send a delegate to Iceland! Just sayin…
Kevin Rabito says
Small jacket… who cares when you carrying a shotgun. Nice photo. No light reflection in the sun glasses, that would usually get me… the reflection.
Thinking about the one day lighting workshop in Hartford, CT. Have a couple questions, is there someone I can email regarding it?
rc says
Bill Bogle Jr. says
So that is where Phillip Seymour Hoffman went when he left Fairport, NY.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Tishan Baldeo says
Hi Joe,
Big Fan! Great use of lens compression! You must of had to stand way back.
Take Care
Dan Liddiard says
I’m not Joe McNally but I believe that Joe shot the big 600 lens and a 1.7 to make the moon bigger. I love the size relationship between the model and the Moon. However for my tastes I’d like to see the moon a little sharper. I think is sized and composed very well for a post card, I like it. It makes me want to shoot with the super long lens to get that huge moon.
Tirthankar says
was such a huge focal length used only for the perspective. Did you start the shoot with this particular shot in mind or did it keep evolving as the shoot progressed? would love to hear your thoughts.
Eileen says
Wonderful picture – very surreal! Can’t wait to see more.
Steve Ashton says
The 600mm +TC would be needed for the image size of the moon, I guess.
jacob says
Hey Joe, what’s the ISO. Loving the work, you know you rock.
Rikke Rask says
Given that the lens as an angle of view along the long edge of 2° at that focal length, I’d guestimate that Joe was 40-45 meters from Ingo.
Harold Chin A Sen says
Hey Joe, great picture ! … a big moon because of the 600mm ..
JS Photography says
Awesome portrait!
janet says
love your wokr
Veil and Tie says
Nice shot!