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you both look great in that last shot…skinny…young. Really lovely work, then or now.
I really like this old stuff…
But, what’s that on your upper lip?
Wow! you were young! :O
Great story and great images, Joe. Thanks for sharing.
Joe…your work then and now continues to inpsire me. Hopefully one day I can attend one of your workshops. Thank you for doing what you do!
Hey Joe!
What a wonderfull pos.. mustache! Grow it back.
Nice as always. I love these “blogs from the history!” that you do every once in while.
Your first two are magic moments. Shows another side to this music icon.
B&W is still Cool, I have been processing more and more digital B&W lately, memories of Tri-X and Polycontrast paper. Deep Purple Machinehead on the turntable, the smell of fixer…. 🙂
Wonderful post! B&W is anytime unbeatable!! 🙂 You are always handsome Joe! 🙂
Holy shit that’s an awesome mustache!
Who is the guy with the, uhm, adult film star facial hair next to Carly Simon? Was this a stand in for the exposure, and if so, why is that thingy hanging from his neck? Was that some sort of necklace that people used to wear? And what is up with the left hand in the pocket thing? Was this a posing technique?
Too bad there was no blog at that time to explain all of this. Had the internet been invented yet?
You really captured these two people well.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
I agree with you about the book picture….so pretty
Joe, I loved this post! It’s great to see your earlier work, before you were a Photo Superstar!
Love the images – many sides of her personality realized in one day.
Absolutely love the ‘stache… you have to bring that bad boy back!
You’re so vain…you probably think this blog is about you! (LOL) Thanks!
Great great shots and full of life
the window shot brought tears to my eyes…absolutely incredible!
Nice,…did U do her Live from Martha’s Vineyard DVD cover shot,…well done! Thanks Joe!
Great Story — and outstanding images. She has always been a favorite….. so it was fun to read about your adventures in shooting! Thanks for sharing this.
She looks like a very easy going person. Brings back a lot of memories I never had! Thanks for sharing these images, Joe!
Love the from the Archives stuff.
One of my favorite pictures of Carly is the one where she’s standing in the doorway of that store (last photo). Now I know who took it! Thanks for sharing – you really do have a great eye.
Great PORN ‘stache! But, as always… Great work.
Nuff said, except for the wonderful images. 3rd from bottom is my fav.
Carly brings back so many memories for me, love all the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Nice story and fantastic pictures but who’s that young guy standing next to Carley in the last frame? He looks vaguely familiar but I just can’t put my finger on it. 🙂
Fantastic, Joe! Your pictures of Carly are some of my favorites, too, and I hadn’t realized you took them. Next time you’re on Martha’s Vineyard, please come visit Rob and me. (We’re both still smiling from last year’s trip w/you to St. Lucia:-)
I remember some of these photos,I cant help it! Whenever I saw a magazine article that mentioned “CARLY” I bought it! P.S Your photos are exceptional. The best to you!
I love these! Carly Simon was kind of a staple growing up. (My parents were major league fans!)
PS: Why is Tom Selleck in that last picture? ROFL!
She “must have been mad.” 😉
I wish sch’d have called me.
I really love her voice (and music) for more than 20 years now.
You took wonderful pics of a great lady.
Its weird. I never thought of you as being young. I’ve always thought of you as you are now, not old, just older, more experienced.
I’ve read everything you’ve written and even when you talk about yourself in the past, I still see you in my mind as you are now.
Great pictures btw.
Thanks for sharing Joe… excellent photo.. I like them so much…
Hi Joe,
Once again, more incredible work. It’s so nice of you to share the story behind the pictures. I love the reading in the window light, just lovely. It’s nice to see some B&W again, especially with your skinny younger brother in the shot.
Cheers Big Ears
I loved how you succeeded in conveying the mood… Carly is lovely and you did a great job showing it.
These are just beautiful pictures of Carly. I especially love the family shot and the one with her curled up with a good book. Thank you so much for sharing these and for the storyline that goes along with it. I am glad you had such a positive experience working with her. She is such lovely person and a musical icon.
WOW a photo younger than your Avatar/Portrait shot 😉
And as always stunning shots.
Richard B.
Did she sing “Your so Vain” while you were shooting. Just kidding. I’m trying to decide who is the bigger cat here! Seriosly, I love Carly Simon (what the hell was James thinking). 🙂
Thanks for posting that trip into your past work. What a wonderful reminder about keeping it simple. The one with her reading in the window in B&W is what it is all about.
One looks at all these images and can feel her personality shine through. They are not about the image captured as much as they take you through the image, to her person.
Wonderful to see more of your earlier work Joe and as for the moustache… 🙂
You look like a young Matt Damon, minus the porn stash! LOL!!!
That’s one hell of a mustache, Joe
Omg, drew could u please Photoshop Joe a mustache too see the difference in one of the next avatar pix? Lol. Awesome!
Hell of a ‘tache Joe. Amazed she let you in her house
That is a very nice story, when you take photos of someone and after the years the person still remember you. That is a great feeling. For me is the best feeling in the world, you can develop great relations with the clients that will last a lifetime. Awesome work Joe as always. Great mustache by the way.
When you photograph both the outer beauty and inner light of someone, really capture THEM! for who they are at that moment,… Those are the photographs that stick with them for a lifetime – like the first image – SWEET!
Throw “posing” in the trash!
Not everyone allows that to happen for the person behind the lens. What a great day that must have been! Obviously, since you both remember it so fondly!
That’s what I strive for – that connection a person has when they see the image & say “that’s me”. Lord willing we get those opportunities now & then – cliche but really that’s what its all about.
What beautiful images. Real inspiration for my black and whites.
How is it nobody noticed your mustache? Thanks for the very personal post!
WONDERFUL post about Carly and kids! I love Carly! I love James too. I have started to love the music of Ben lately…..and yep, he’s every bit as good looking as he should be. Beautiful images…..i envy you, and maybe want to be you when i grow up. Amy Parish (Albuquerque)
Late to reply.
Nice shots. I even like the one with the horse.
Thank you for these…. What treasures! Carly seems so happy and relaxed. Beautiful!