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Larry Eiss says
It might be cheaper and easier to fly that way… I’ll have to look into this idea further!
Rolandave Bola says
hahahaha…the airport would have charged a lot in excess baggage. 🙂
nice one Joe! 🙂
William Beem says
Interesting. It looks like you’re taking fashion clues from Steve Jobs.
(I kid.)
Brodie Butler says
hahah Mr McNally making another funny! I love this guy!
Raymond says
Classic McNally humor!
FabioPACE says
Stephen Nesbitt says
It was made for you. Now, if only I could find my Joe at the airport.
Mike Mahoney says
An unclaimed bag, no doubt. 🙂
Jon Heller says
Careful Joe, the oversized baggage claim has taken one life. I remember reading about it in an article by Galen Rowell right after they put in that new baggage system. Guy sat down down on it and got sucked in.
Stuart Carter says
Might be cheaper, but it gets pretty chilly in the hold!
Richard Hales says
At least they didn’t lose that bag like all you others
Scott says
Looks like a security breach…left baggage gets impounded then destroyed right?
bizior photography says
haha, I want one 🙂
Greg Corcoran says
Joe and Drew on tour see ya in Sacramento, CA
Looks like a Joe McNally cloner thats how you get around.
DaveM says
Haha! I’ve always wanted to do that at the Denver Airport. Been afraid I’d get into trouble. I’ll give it a try on my next ski trip.
Keri says
I’ve collected my skis from that baggage claim on a number of trans-atlantic holidays!
Jeff Ott says
Not only cheaper and easier… it is probably more comfortable!
Ruth anne Baker says
Oh no! I hope the Samsonite gorilla has retired from the baggage handler position.
Ban_D says
hehe – funny one!
Omar D. Rivero says
I don’t think your locks are TSA approved!
Per Borjeson says
Hahaha, that’s just hillarious Joe! 😀
I’ve actually heard of a few people who tried it for real at the airport where I work (seriously – it’s among the LEAST crazy things people have done over the years).
Jose Fernandez says
Joe, you look different… You cut your hair, right?
Une Herzer says
Joe, you must really love your equipment to give up your seat for it, while checking yourself into the ‘hold’!!!
Noel says
the only question is where you ended up???
Roger Botting says
Joe looking stiffer than usual!
Tom Hewett says
Way to rock it today, Joe! Loved the seminar (especially the photo Drew took of you jumping with the basketball), and look forward to seeing you in Denver again soon.
Jerry Stachowski says
We’re all glad that you made it to Denver, because you gave a great class.
Bret says
Great workshop today at the convention center in Denver. I really enjoyed it, Joe.
Bob DeChiara says
Looking a bit thin.
bart gumowski says
The “Joe” is to long, its not worth the extra money (meaby save some for another sb900)
You can always cut out a little from the “Joe”, you do not need that head do you? :))
Mike Neale says
How does he keep that girlie figure???
Drew must have been cold,…buy him a jacket!….;-))
Bill Bogle, Jr. says
Be careful there Joe. Denver’s Imaginary Airport (DIA) opened with the great new baggage handling equipment that turned into the largest baggage shreader known to man. The thing never worked right. I guess you would rather trust your lights and equipment to be in the cabin, and check numnuts in the cargo hold.
I always wondered what was up with the snow cones for a roof there, and Denver’s quaint homage to a subway (with a ghostwon railroad announcement). They cannot figure things out there. My brother in law is a captain for United in charge of Quality Control.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Christina Wehbe says
Baggage not too Fragile.
MikeScott says
One of David Hobby’s VAL’s?
Gary Rhodes says
Thanx Joe for yesterday in Denver…I was btwn a rock and hardplace; Hobby’s way (radio poppers) or Joe’s way (cls). Gonna go w/nikon’s. Your personal work was and is captivating. Be well, and God Bless you and your’s. Gary Rhodes
Gary Rhodes says
“…it’s (photography) like breathing…” said Joe
saquan Stimpson says
This is quite interesting. LOL
Linda Brinckerhoff says
Hope Drew had the claim ticket.
Earl says
This is the reason I read blogs…
Dennis Zito says
Hey Joe,
I’ve always wanted to do that … but never had the nerve!:-) The Lighting seminar was Excellent and I learned a bunch! The basketball photo of you needs to be posted!!! :-). Hope to see you in Denver again soon!
Jesse Clark says
Awesome concept! Thanks for doing the workshop in Denver yesterday, I learned soooo much, and am now shopping for more equipment!
Girish says
haha Nice one.
A baggage no one would say no to pick up 😉
Mike VanKirk says
The last time I saw that exact baggage claim, I was preparing to go ski at Breckenridge.
ned leary says
can you get boots to fit that snowboard in the rack?
Julie says
Is it oversized baggage or are you being beamed up…..
forum mobile says
The last time I saw that exact baggage claim, I was preparing to go ski at Breckenridge.
Katie says
Yep,& Annies on her way by train, ready to pay the fine for this oversized baggage!! 😉 Gotta love it!!