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Toby says
Hi Joe, welcome to Germany!
What do you think about germany? Nice city, hm?
Kind regards from Essen (15mi north of Dusseldorf)
Patrik says
Good luck with the volcanic ashclouds that has taken over Europe. Alot of flights are canceled and airports are closed in quite a few countries.
I´m stuck in London and cant get home to Sweden, yet.
Happy days! 🙂
Sarah Kavanaugh says
The kind of face you can light with one strobe and she’s still stunning. I’d look stunned.
Glyn Dewis says
Hey Joe, did you say ‘Book Deadlines’??? Could this mean another McNally book is going to be hitting the shelves in the not too distant future???
Great shot as always,
Lars Böttcher says
Where the hell can i get the dates for Germany ?
My biggest idol right behind Indiana Jones is in Germany and i haven´t noticed it !!!!!!!
Borys says
You are Light Ninja.
Herr Olsen says
Düsseldorf… cool.
Just around the corner.
We should hav gone for a coffee…
Ruedi says
Book deadlines? Sounds interesting! When can we expect something?
Best regards from Bern
P.S. Just got my confirmation for the workshop in Zürich. Looking forward to meeting you
Kevin Iliingworth says
Hi Joe,
Welcome to Europe. You may be there longer than you thought! Lets you add Volcano cancelled flight to the no doubt long list of travel hiccups.
Fabio says
You are in Germany right now? Working for Brabus? Wow, hope they pay you in cars 😉 Is there any chance to catch you on a workshop/seminar in Germany? I browsed Nikon Germany but could not find anything about a “Speed of Light” tour.
Konfral says
“Book deadlines” – please elaborate…
Ban_D says
Nice shot – looks pretty much like available light would come over windows!
Dennis Owens says
Joe, Great seminar! I really learned a lot of valuable information that I can use in my Event Photography. Your are a great teacher of this technology intermixed with a lot of humor. Ive read both of your books, yet seeing you in action with your explanations of why you do what you do really made it for me. Thanks a million! If you are doing a job in Germany and are in need of a Grip, let me know, it would be an honor. Al the best and Good Light! Dennis
Stefan says
I was at your workshop in Hamburg yesterday and it was great to see you live. Thx for sharing your experience!
Olivier Bouton says
Simple, super effective. Gorgeous woman. Striking.
Man, what a hard life 😉
John says
Great to see that you are in Europe hopefully the Volcanic Ash Cloud won’t effect your trip! RE: your picture of the model, that’s staggeringly great light from just one strobe and a pair for curtains!!! Indeed ‘we are not worthy’!
KÄzu fotogrÄfs says
Great posing and floor! Nice job.
hfng says
Looking forward to more photos!
Ronald says
Hi Joe,
Nice shot! Which cities in Europe will the Speed of Light tour attend?
Huybert van de Stadt says
Nice frame, and with little gear. Good one!!
Any chance you are visiting holland some where in the upcoming “Speed of Light” tour.?
Takki says
Hi Joe, I was wondering weather you made it to Germany because of the volcano. Glad to hear you are here – looking forward to meeting you on Sunday.
Xlphotographer says
Beware the ash. Must be a sign that says: “we don’t need no stinking Canon, shoot Nikon!”
Kholloud says
Dear, Hope your enjoying the time seems very intersting busy Dusseldorf time .. its is a lovely city with obviously lovely model a like ladies … 😉 i love the raw, natural light of the pic
Take care .. the Iceland volcano cloud may effects your return time .. I hope not
Frank says
Thx for the workshop @ Brabus ( remember the Black Benz at the left from Eva 😉 )
Looks like real Sunlight …. amazing!
MisterB says
Book deadlines??? What can we be looking forward too?
frank johannes says
looking forward to see you later in berlin 😉
all the best
Samo says
Hi Joe!
As always … above perfect!
See you on Monday in Ljubljana, Slovenia!
Samo T.
Colorado Wedding Photographer, JasonG says
No need to make long posts – just keep sweet images (like this one) coming. Love the SB900!
Ken Toney says
Me like Eva 🙂
William Chinn says
Do you have a translator or is everyone expected to be proficient in photographic English? Are the typical McNally’s “epiphanies” understood?
Alan West says
Am following your videos on Kelby and wondered where else you will be visiting in europe as would love to get to see you work in the flesh so to speak.
Michael says
Thanks for the workshop at Bottrop!
PS: Eva was amazing…
Ziserfan says
A Zumbrella wouldn’t have left that harsh shadow…lol
Omar Ibrahim says
Loved it.
Lewis Coward says
Enjoy Europe. When do you do the UK?
Victor Augusteo says
wow man, how did you get that great light from 24 meters away? (yes, i have to convert them to meter :P) sb900 full power?
anyway, i will be definetely coming to your workshop if you ever come to australia 🙂
Jay Mann says
Cool effect, it took a few minutes to understand exactly what you did. I always look at the pictures before reading the text.:) What can I say? I am a slow learner.
Howard Haby says
Bare flash. It looks great.
Skip Barber says
You mean there us going to be a Mcally book I don’t have? Not for long I hope.
Girish says
Enjoy the trip(s). Keep posting.
Carl Schaefer says
Joe, is that the same model you used for the high-key shot of the woman in the white sink? (She’s wearing a white dress with a red flower in her hair.) That photo is one of my favorite McNally photos. Innocent, yet …. beckoning.
c.d.embrey says
Great shot. I’d like to see more like this.
Sorta reminds me of the work of Juergen and Terry.
Ranger 9 says
Do you really like that shadow, or are you just whistling past the graveyard?
Ulrich says
I was at Düsseldorf and it was great to see your way to the picture! Marvelous! Thanks for this experience!
David Apeji says
Tell me again. That shot was lit with nothing but a single SB900?
ziserfan says
Wow, never seen a bigger group of suckups!
Tom Hunter says
Pretty girl.
kris winser says
80feet?! crikey.
Robert says
Hey guys,
A student from one of my photo classes is stuck in Dusseldorf, bouncing between the airport and hotels. Anybody have a way to get to Paris?
Or maybe something cool to shoot until things clear up?
Po-Ming Chu says
Ooh Ooh new book! Fan waves affectionately with wide grin of anticipation and joy.
Ralf aus Hamburg says
Hi Joe!
Thanks for the nice event in Hamburg! It was very interesting for me.
Jim says
Nice Pins!
Tibor says
Hi Joe,
Would love to participate on a workshop of yours in Europe.
Where could I find the details of your courses?
I hope you enjoy your days in Europe.
Best regards,
Jonas says
Hi Joe.
For how long would you stay?? Are there any chance of meeting up with you?? (Did not see this EU-trip on any post?)
If you have a couple of days extra, due to the vulcano ashes, please let us know! Maybe you could be picked up for a short trip to Denmark? 😉
Thanks alot for getting me an answer.
Oliver & Iris says
Hi Joe,
once again: It was a great shooting in Hamburg and we´re just wanted to say THX!
Hope to see ya again =o)
Enjoy your time in europe and also big wishes to your wife…
“The Bodybuilder & his wife”
Oliver & Iris Reinhardt
Alex Campagna says
Hey Joe, how does it feel to be thrown at the bottom of a cliff?
Alessandra Meniconzi says
Dear Joe!
finally you are in Europe! Great.
I will come to Zürich.
Your book help me a lot…but still have a lot to learn.
Do you come also to South Switzerland!
The California of Switzerland 😉
Or do you come in Milan.
Just a question I have to bring my camera, lenses and flash???
All the best and have a nice trip
c.d.embrey says
@ Ranger 9
Yes, I really do like the shadow. Nothing wrong with shadows, I’ve seen them in Los Angeles and I’ve seen them in New York. On desert sands and on mountain snow. I’ve seen them in advertising shot by Mario Testino, Terry Richardson, Juergen Teller and Patrick Demarchelier. I’ve seen them in Vogue and Numero. Seems like I’m not the only one to like shadows.
LaDra says
Hi Joe,
Did you used only one SB900 or several at sametime?
Was it CLS on regular power?
Sorry for the amateur question, but better ask to keep without knowing for ever.
Daniel Salazar says
Hi Joe, I would like to attend any of your workshops here in Europe, Switzerland to be more precisely. I’ve read your schedule and never saw any mention about this tour, are you coming back? where can I find these dates in order to reserve a place?
Ben Madden says
Joe, this is now my favorite photo of yours. Something about the simplicity, clean lines, colors and Eva adds up to more than the individual parts (don’t tell the sunset outriggers that they’ve been bumped down to #2).
Mustafa Sazak says
Absoluteyly fantastic!