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Yeah, pretty good place to stay. Was there a few years ago. Lots of different cultures in one place.
You should stay until Chinese New Year.
Beautiful work. As usual. Love your looks.
BTW…Johan’s link above might be buggy…go here to view the cool images >
Good stuff all around!
Beautiful image!
Joe: Regarding Johan Sopiee’s shot of you shooting the Thaipusam devotee, I am struck by: 1) your flash mounted on the camera hotshoe (sacrilege!), and 2) your flash pointing upward with diffuser dome on but with no apparent ceiling to bounce from — wasn’t this outdoors? However, looking at the resultant shot of the devotee from your earlier post, one can conclude that this lighting setup not only works, but it works beautifully! You rock!
Joe, great shots and there are plenty of great subjects on offer out there, but on a non shooting related note, if you get a chance while in KL get yourself down to Jalan Alor for some of the best food you’ll ever taste, particulary the chicken wings from Wong Ah Wah at the bottom, you’ll not regret it!
Very Nice, but I am not surprised Joe… you always done some exceptional work.
Cheers Gunther
Beautiful portrait! Very different from the earlier one, but equality stunning.
To Dave, from the shadows and the light, I would say Joe was using his on camera flash as an optical trigger with maybe a bit of fill from the dome. That’s my guess, either that, or he just forgot that it was up there, but I doubt that very highly judging from the light quality of the portrait he obtained.
Joe – what a wild and amazing way to be introduced to Tamil culture. While I am originally from Avon, Connecticut, I am spending a few weeks in Chennai, India (which of course is the capital of Tamil Nadu) where Thai Pusam is supposed to be celebrated in an extremely grand way but I am told Malaysians have the Chennai-folks beat. Looking forward to seeing more images from the festival.
ooh diffuser outdoors..Mr Hobby would be casting disparaging looks 😀
Joe, can you give us your settings for the Thaipusam devotee? I suspect you used rear curtain flash “drag the shutter” with about -one stop on the flash (just guessing).
What a life. Amazing things to see and beautiful women thrown at you. What do you think you’re doing McNally? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility toward those young and impressionable shooters who might want to follow you? Where are the monasteries and great government buildings you should be showing us?
gasp… what an honor to be mentioned on Joe McNally’s blog. i’m choking and lost for words now..
Hi Joe, Its Naqib here from your KL workshop. Just posted a blog post on the workshop we did with you. I’m really happy that I managed to catch you in the workshop. Do leave me some feedback it’s always nice to hear from a real pro, hehe. Anyway here’s the link to the workshop shoot we did .Thanks
I was thinking the same thing Dave was thinking! No ceilings to bounce his flash from, and the flash with diffuser is pointing up. Now, I’m not even in the same league as Joe’s right foot but every time I do that I get my subjects lit on top (heads) but dark and unlit bottom parts (body). I mean, WTF?
Some great shots from Thaipusam. I had the opportunity to stumble upon this festival when I was in Singapore years ago. Hope to visit KL one day to see it again!
Love the shot of Yvonne above…would love to see the setup diagram. Am guessing a lastolite panel from above (camera left) and a fill box / reflector from below (camera left)? I just love the soft wrapping light…stunning!
Thanks for sharing.
“…from the shadows and the light, I would say Joe was using his on camera flash as an optical trigger with maybe a bit of fill from the dome…”
Yup. If you look at the shadows on the very scene he was shooting, posted a couple days ago, you’ll see the main light was about 45-degrees to his left. Also, looking at the IPTC info, he was using three lights.
@Sam Oksner: Yes, I was suspecting that Joe’s flash on the hotshoe was an optical trigger, and it does look like the main light in Joe’s photo was from camera right, where Johan Soipee was standing. So was Johan the source of the main light? Afterall, Johan’s shot was synchronized with Joe’s flash (as noted by the glowing diffuser dome). At any rate, the result is great, per usual.
Oops. I meant “camera left.”
Thanks for posting the photo that answered my question about your flash. Great Photos I love all the color!
I’m thinking maybe one triggered the other possibly. I’ve been in enough places loaded with ‘togs that it happens.
Still, great pic and it’s always fun to see a “behind the scenes” shot as well!
OMG,…Louis & Drew, GREAT write-up on your Webtv link here! A must read,…speaks volumes on the team concept,…great pics of both you guys,…even the ones of Joe!…well done!
(PS…Drew shave it off!)…..;-)))
Hi Joe, Thanks for the great workshop! It was truly an amazing experience! I will be back for more on Saturday’s seminar!
Great lighting. About Joe shooting with flash pointing up, my guess is that flash mounted on other guys camera who shot 2nd pic. Sync in channel?
Hi Joe,
I wonder if we can interest you to have some activities in Indonesia? Drop me an email so I can talk to you directly?
Joe, it’s such an honour to work with you in Kuala Lumpur. My team and I are having loads of fun creating the different makeup and hair for your workshops’ models. We are so amazed by the images that you capture and the stories that you share. Thank you! And we truly appreciate Louis Pang and his great team for making this happen.
Wow…Joe…I’m happy you mentioned one of our local photographer in your blog… It’s great to know you have a great time here in Malaysia…looking forward to meet you this saturday
That is a just a gorgeous photo at the top of this post and what bokeh!
Hello Joe, thank you and I have to say that it was an excellent workshop hosted by both you and Louis at the Shangrila today.
Hope to see you again soon.
Words just cant express my feeling right now, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
Really enjoyed your session on saturday 6th Feb. Also great to hear directly from you about your work with the 9/11 subjects and ULF Polaroid. Thanks.
Great that you enjoyed the wonderful Malaysia
Really enjoyed the super session last saturday
Hi Joe, I met you in Malaysia during Saturday’s seminar. Of course, with over 300 people present, it’s probably difficult or perhaps even impossible to remember all of us.
Thank you for sharing your work & experiences with us. It inspires us to reach for greater heights and to constantly challenge ourselves to improve.
By the way, when I was young, one of my ambitions was to shoot for the National Geographic! 🙂
Hello Joe! nice to read your blog.. and am really like this post.. shooter from Malaysia