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Brad says
Hopefully the groom doesn’t read your blog 🙂
Trevor says
I love the F-16 and Bride shot! That is fantastic! I can’t imagine how excited the groom is going to be when he sees that!
Joachim Næss says
Bride and f-16 pic came out great! Nice work!
Daniel Baggs says
WOW to the f-16 shot. I work with helicopters, so i’m totally gonna emulate this shot.
I love the lights in the under-carriage technique.
Theis says
Google must be the place to work 🙂
Great food and you stopping by that would not be a bad day at work in my eyes 🙂
Kristof Pattyn says
Haha, photography is just an excuse to get to places where one would be perceived as out of place or too old. 😉
I climbed in a tree last weekend with an umbrella and a Lastolite EZbox. Felt like a kid again.
I get the impression that working at Google must feel like going to a themepark each day and getting paid!
Greetz Kristof
Ranger 9 says
Looks like the F-16’s pitot boom is goosing the bride! Probably the groom will get a kick out of that…
Ben Olivares says
May the TTL be with me !!!! hahaha, this is a good one! I am going to adopt this phrase
Ken says
I am thinking Joe, Google may need an assistant Photographer to take photos of people taking photos. A sort of secret agent type thing.
I think I would work just for the free food
Ken in KY
Kenneth Robert says
Joe, thanks again for helping me with this portrait. Terri the bride is so excited to present the image to him. You and Drew were invaluable in pulling this off.
You are a great photographer and genuinely humble man.
All the best.
Jennifer says
We loved having you here Joe! I learned so much packed into just one day, it’s pretty unbelievable. You’re a great teacher… lots of practical skills to get out and shoot, plus more importantly, inspiration and vision to guide the way.
You’re ALWAYS welcome at Google! Did you try the calamari? It was pretty rockin!
Kevin Glackmeyer says
Nice use of the under lights to separate the jet’s silhouette from the dark horizon…was that an afterthought once you chimped the frame? or did you anticipate that? well done indeed…
Tina Harden says
See ya tomorrow in San Fran!
Jim White says
That F-16 shoot is great Joe. I too had to fight with dappled light on a photo shoot yesterday. I don’t own any of those nifty Tri-grip diffusers yet, so had my assistant make do with my less than adequate 20″ Photoflex . . All in all, not a bad day for it 1. being my 57th birthday, and 2. Doing a portrait shoot of a beautiful young woman
Richard Ersted says
I enjoy reading your posts; thank you very much for your insights.
Quick questions: was the Tri-Grip diffuser the 1-stop or 2-stop version?; was the reflector white?; or some other surface?
Richard Ersted in Palo Alto, California
Tommy Lynch says
Double secret probation…ha ha ha…..was Flounder there too?…..Nice one Joe!
jakob says
Marriage is like war, sometimes:-) Awesome shot Joe! Great Idea!
Randy Hanna says
Joe: Great work on the F16 shot. I would enjoy some details on just how you got this to work. Cheers and thanks for sharing all of your work with us.
Jeremy says
Joe- I’ll be one of the 700 tomorrow. Really looking forward to it. -Jeremy
Scott says
Loved the F-16 shot, just had to mention it on my new blog.
Mark says
Great job with the bride and plane. Cool idea.
San Francisco…Polk Street….Nick’s Crispy Tacos…Double X beer…guac…chips..go for it.
Del says
Great wedding shoot! I too was wondering how she’s going to keep it a secret until a September wedding since half the known world has now seen it on the two blogs?
See you tomorrow also. Really looking forward to it. You can’t miss me: I’m the middle aged guy with glasses. 🙂
kevie says
i wonder if stolen hotel bed sheets would work too…
kevie says
in trees
Giovani Ferlito silhouette says
Beautiful! I love the soft light on the bride and the silhouetted f-16!
Very beautiful light! I love the photograph!
Callum Winton says
Hi Joe.
How did you overcome the trigger problems?
Set the flashes to SU4 mode and hope one of them picks up the trigger and trips the others to go off?
arun says
” I mean, I came outta newspapers, where guys would raid the futures file for any gig that had a buffet attached to it. ”
You are quite the funny man Joe. Great shot of the bride and jet.
Sathish Mantha says
I love the F16 shot. And i am surprised you didnt use ton of those strobes. haha. Intentional or RF issues?? I think atleast one light in the cockpit or showing the body of the F16 would have been nice. Just like the way you lit the boat side body in “Nikon Guide to Creative Lighting”.
Neverthless,, amazing post.
Where is the picture of Crystal?? We got the nice tree set up shot. Would love to see the model shot? Pl post soon!
Eddie says
Double secret probation!
Tom O'Connor says
Joe, Did you use CTO over the flash in the F-16 shot?
Was that shot through a Chimera?
Outstanding work of Art.
Tom O’C
cameron griffin says
what a match,brides and jet airplanes :). awesome pictures!
Bruce Philpott says
Thanks for an absolutely terrific seminar today in San Francisco, Joe! Just fantastic! I wrote about it on the Photozo (
john Vouyoukas says
Simply fantastic…..could you please help with the shot details and how you got it?
John Leonard says
Joe, honestly until I went to your workshop in Dobbs I thought the whole TriGrip thing was over rated. Afterwords I bought 2 8in1 units.
I’m waiting to get an F-16 into a wedding (you know someone I could call if I need one right?)….but I do get skate boarding grooms!
Tony Drumm says
Am I the only one wondering, did you shoot the F-16 at f/16? I hear congress killed f/22. Or was the F-22?
Catalin Onel says
Now how many pro wedding photographers could pride themselves to having a session with an F-16 jet fighter? Here comes our Joe and wipes the floor with all of them… and he is not even a full time wedding photog and probably did the shot in less than 10 minutes. I’d really love to read about this shot in you next book.
Bryan says
Sweet shot of the jet and bride, that dude is gonna be stoked! Really enjoying following this trip.