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Will Duris says
Joe = great artist on pen and strobe
Jonathan Martinez says
great and simple blog. i hope to see more of your examples like these. it inspires me!
Craig Ferguson (@cfimages) says
That lighting diagram is looking suspiciously like it’s in a book and not a Dunkin Donuts napkin. What’s going on?
Seriously, great image. Thanks for sharing.
John Remus III says
Incredible work as always Joe. Love your updates. Miss seeing you and the Nikon crew at the shows though. I’ll have to make it back one of these days.
Herkus says
Yes, I am also very ancious about napkins, and the shot is great (light, colours, composition…) maybe the boy is too calm? 😉
Bruce Walker says
Joe is keeping notes in that book for Hot Shoe Diaries II: The Rise of the Welders.
Nathan says
Sick shot and thanks for the diagram man… yea where is the napkin?
Michael Wiesman says
Great shot Joe, as always. I really like how you see things entirely different. You always are using your surroundings and what many would think as obstacles, as advantages. For your lighting workshops, do you get to check out the location before time to plan out shots, or are you doing flying by the seat of your pants? Either way, great photos!
Rob says
Wow, Joe, really inspiring. I love all of your work but this one just jumped of fthe screen and kicked me in the face as soon as I saw it.
Your work with light and color is unbeatable.
Philip Karklinsq says
Wicked setup there Joe. The photographs you can make with small flashes is amazing. I really like the background on this one. That big angry face in the background is subtle but with his expression the same it works wonders.
John Young says
We are not worthy Joe! – nice shot out of very little once again.
Love your work and, like many others, feel inspired by what you do.
Tombo says
I dig the freaky smiley face on the boiler.
Juan Garcia says
Joe, when can we expect one of your workshops here in Europe?
Kind regards.
Charles says
Great post again, Joe. When I first looked at your diagram of the setup I thought you had labeled James as “Numnuts” and I thought, “Man that’s kinda harsh.” Then I realized that is the photographer (presumably you). Funny stuff, man.
Alim says
Joe, very cool shot. Love the even light and how the subject pops. This one definitely jumped off the page.
Is the soft blue light on the subject from the softbox due to the spill from the overhead light OR is it due to the coolness of the flash itself (as the softbox flash was not gelled)?
David says
as usual, fantastic work! Thanks for sharing the knowledge!
Timothy says
awesome shot, your book Hotshoe Diaries has really changed my view on flash photography.
UncleSam says
Liked the setup, especially the light placed above the grid which gave the stripes on the background.
rick says
Great image, as always. It looks pretty straightforward after you explain and show your lighting diagrams. Thanks.
David says
Now I ain’t no marketing guru, and you’ve probably already nailed this one down with a book publishing group. ….
Those little diagrams in that book sure would make a nice “How-To” type manual for us less knowledgeable folks.
Exactly how you have it to: Complex in your mid simple on paper.
Just a thought.
Love your work.
Alan B says
radio waves….
Would those be simple, “fire the flash NOW”, waves or more interesting “fire the flash at xx power (or better yet TTL with +/- adjustments)”?
martin says
I gotta ask…is this done with TTL?
شات الشله says
Very good work .. Thanks
Matt Ballard says
Great shot Joe! Love the effect from the gelled blue toplight!
Louis says
I was right there when the photo was constructed and captured. Truly awesome & inspiring experience. I’ll bust my ass to get you to Malaysia!
David says
Just to let you know than i just find your blog and i love it ! i follow you class since a long time with kelby training and i am a huge fan of your work ! thanks Joe
Marshal says
I agree with David about publishing a book with the diagrams accompanying your photos.
caroline says
Wow, what a totally badass photo!
Pedro Moreno says
Joe… man!!! what a good shot… when are you coming to Spain!!!!
Great stuff… so much to learn from your tips & Tricks… love your books… I learn and laugh at the same time.
jakob says
Wonderful Joe, as always!!! Love yr work and the way you write!
Eric says
Great shot. Love the light you were getting from the main, and the blue/ yellow contrast is very nice with the other flashes.
Keep up the good work.
joshua says
Needs some steam I say! 😀
Graham says
Hotshoe Diaries must be selling well if you can afford a proper notebook now 🙂
Jason Joseph says
Fantastic work as always ! I wonder….does anyone else see the big smiling happy face in the boiler behind this shaggy haired lad?? The upper circles make the eyes…. The lower, obscured by his shaggy dome seem o connect behind him…forming a wide grin. It is nearly all I see.