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Ah! Cool image. Looks like you and Moose are having some fun.
A good drama.
Tat bunker door together with the black-yellow stripes has a great impact. Did you take anoter photo of your model by that very door?
What’s happening with my H’s today… 🙂
Couldn’t actually go past those chains, as there was literally 1,200 lbs of live black powder in there that they use to fire blanks from a ship cannon twice a day!
cool pose..
wish Id be able to go to psw =)
Sorry to have missed this week in Boston. Joe, cool image as always…Drew, I know you were itchin to fill your pockets with Black Powder…Think of the possibilities!
Joe, You left the door wide open so I just have to say it. ” You did another BANG up job”
What about the big guns to the right? (not pictured, except in shadow) Did you make any photographs of her acting like she’s shooting them like I have stupid pictures of myself doing? 😉 I really like how you lit the shelter.
Strobist info? Looks like you’re using at least a single flash to light up the bunker, but how about that gorgeous catchlight on the model’s face: did you create that with your osn light, or did you corral the sun to do that for you?
Wicked shot, by the way, very dynamic.
I agree with Justin and David, the shadows tell tail sun’s position and the crew shadows might be considered clutter in the picture. Strobist suggest to use the sun as a main light and cross light to fill the shadows which seem overly underexposed. Camera left is handled by the sun extra strobes may not really add much light. except to fight the camera left fill.
David B that lovely catch light seems to be the white of her eyes–i can only see a little sliver of her iris.
And it was great being in the presence of such greatness. Thanks for the great outing 🙂
I know this is off topic for the post, but…
Just finished reading your new book by the way. Great stuff. So far, the best book purchase of the year. You mention using rear sync with most of your shots.
Can the Nikon CLS system keep rear sync while triggering several flashes by itself, or is a PW required? I ask this as I am shooting Canon gear but cannot keep rear sync when using a 580 to talk to other 580s. I was wondering if I have to buy a PW for the 580s to keep the rear sync.
Man after this winter, it looks positively like spring up there! Nice “powder room” for the lady.
Funny, that pose is almost identical to the warrior on your book cover and at the top of the blog. Great shot though, the lighting is wonderful.
I really like the shadows of everyone standing around. How did you create them?
Joe, it was a dream come true to take a workshop with you and to attend photoshop world. Your photography, your style, your humour, especially your humour, and the great teacher that you are made the day worth the price of admission to the whole event.
There is also the “cameraderie” that developed with most participants that was a bonus ( nice ladies especially!!).
I will use the whole experience as a motivator to push my photography to riskier and more interesting places.
Thanks for everything and get up to Canada when you can.
Best wishes
Iden Ford
Cinematic & explosive Joe, looks like good fun. Would like to know if you did special stuff with the strobes (gelled them, used a snoot for her face or zoomed it to 200mm).
Cool picture.
Beautiful sight.
Thanks for sharing.
Just traded that lens for a 70-200 VR, Nikkor, 2.8
It makes me second guess
Thanks for the post
Ken in KY
Great shot!
Question on the camera left strobe lighting the bunker. The light looks hard and focused. Was this achieved by zooming the 900 to 200mm? Maybe a snoot?
I’ve said it to you several times over the last week. But thanks for a great time on the safari and for a great time all week long. There is just something about learning live in person that you cant learn from a DVD or online. And thanks for signing your new book for me.
This picture has me laughing!
That is a great shot, wish a could have been on the photo safari. Thanks for all the inspiration…