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Mike Fullerton says
Joe, I’m a big fan, and also a big newbie. I love the shots, especially the leaping ballerina. Can you say more specifically what the 3×3 lasolite panel you shot two sb-800s through (in the theater)? Are these diffusers? I’m a little confused on this point. Thanks for the awesome blog!!
Daniel Cormier says
Hey, I know that place. That’s the inside of the Royalty Theater. I work a block and a half from there.
MOAB Robbie Preston Class of o6 says
Joe once again you make it all look so simple. At Moab you showed us a little part of your preplan book. Where what goes where in laying out flashes and panels.
Any chance you might add such a item to your blog stories. It would help us want tobe a helluve lot.
Glyn Dewis says
Hey Joe,
Just lovin’ the blog!!! I agree with the comment from Mike above .. the shot (and video) of the leaping Ballerina is incredible. I’ve watched your classes on using the small lights (SB’s) over at Kelby Training several times now and each time pick up another little nugget of information which helps enormously. This second shoot of Jen in the Theatre you mention .. is that going to appear on the training too?
Looking forward to spending time with you and the guys out in Vegas later this year,
Best wishes,
(Buckinghamshire, UK)
Trey says
Would someone more knowledgeable please explain this:
“… threw up an Elinchrom medium Octa to camera right, metered the sky, made a WAG (wild ass guess) about the f-stop and Jen started leaping. Typical of a perfectionist ballerina, she lamented at not being able to gain any height on the soft sand.”
He used a reflective meter (probably the one in his camera) to get a reading off the sky? So that gave him an f-stop and shutter. So what does he mean he made a wild guess about f-stop? Does he mean the power on the strobe for lighting the model?
And also wouldn’t the ambient cause motion blur? How did he freeze it with the camera set for the sky ?
Thank you in advance.
Abhijit Bhatlekar says
Dear Joe,
Thank you very much for sharing the story behind the picture. Thanks to my loving sister, “Speed Of Light” is now in by DVD collection. Now saving for “The Moment…”.
Adding to what Like has just said above, can we have pictures OF the Diffusers being fixed on the Strobelights…as in Step 1, Step 2….Just a suggession, nothing must..
Also, Is the “Ultimate Lightbulb…” podcast on YouTube, a limited podcast..?? Any way we can see the full version..? Are there DVDs of more” Behind the Scene” on sale..??
best wishes,
John Leonard says
The beach shot rocks!
@Mike Fullerton- Yes Lastolite makes reflectors, modifiers, etc
The trigrips are popular.
Ken says
Hey Joe,
Great Shots and thanks for the lighting tips with the SB800. I am back from the Panama Canal 10 day trip with “throw Momma off the Boat” blog and photos
This is the log of photos and my blog.
Thanks for your blog and help.
Affectionately Nikon
Ken from KY
Daria Sukhanovska says
Sorry, but to me she looks like a crab on second photo, though the first one is incredible.
John K says
Hello Joe,
I am new to this blog and I have to say the photos look great. The shot on the beach is wonderful. You really are an artist, not just a photographer.