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Ivan says
Well, the one with the air plane is just sick 😀
Tom Hohl says
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is sometimes very hard to understand how you do these cool shots without more detailed info. Sometimes pros tend to think that we mortals can read your minds (my wife often thinks the same way).
Johnny Yuma says
If I ever feel the need to light a ‘big ass plane’, I will definitely refer to this wonderful lighting diagram.
ron hiner says
I only have a couple dozen SB-800s. I feel so inadequate now.
Chad Phillips says
Ummm, shouldn’t the big ass plane been posted on April Fools Day
; )
Kelly A says
Love the napkins! I think we should all do layouts on them. lol
Ken says
I am using the pop up on the D300 in commander mode.
Leaving the USA on Sunday.
I have (3) SB 800’s, D300 and I am lost….
What I know.
1. Can set them up to all fire wireless using the pop up flash on the D300
What I don’t know or what is the step by step (SB 800 for dummies) how to set up one to use as fill, add power to one less power to one,etc…
I see in the D300 to do this, ok. But to navigate thru the SB800 back and the manual. I just don’t get it……..I write this after 10 t o 12 hours and $20 in batteries. I read the strobist,etc,,,,,,,.
Do anyone know of a blog, book, web site that can give a picture and tell or plain simple (remember SB 800 for dummies) to help me??
A quick response is most welcomed.
Simple in Kentucky
Lance Calvin says
Some images just grab you. The delicate and beautiful dancer in a colorful yet rugged setting is one of those for me.
David Hobby says
Holy crap, Joe!
53? 53???
Blair Alderton says
Awesome shot Joe! (Shaking head in awe)… Joe to subjects “don’t anyone move till we get the tarmac hosed down by the firemen”, Joe to pilot, “ah, ooops, sorry ’bout your pantlegs, I’m sure they’ll dry out quickly”
trunkmonkey says
hey num nuts, who can read those napkins?
missin you at the masters and seeing whitey!
Tadatsune says
Now here is a Big Shot with a lot of lights =)
Hope you enjoy
Joe McNally says
Hey David…yeah, about 53…that’s what sticks in my head. Have to find the official lighting diagram to clarify…but it’s up there in that neighborhood….Joe
Mike says
53?! Optically slaved?!
And here I’ve been pondering whether it’s worth the $$$ to pick up a 3rd strobe for backlighting. Hmpf… I have strobe envy now.
Jen Weaver says
I love your diagrams! 🙂
Albert says
I feel your pain. I have been reading strobist and now Joe’s blog for over a year. Lighting is not as simple or as complex as some folks make it out to be. I would guess that if you look hard you might find some of the details you are looking for on the strobist- you will have to dig around a bit.
Kyle Barnett says
Honestly Joe you are one funny guy!! I bet you were that kid in class that had doodles all over your papers, books, bag …. hey wait a minute, so was I!! I love your site and check it daily. Im just delving off in the world of off camera flash and your book/blog have been fantastic.
Alex Kolyer says
I’m in awe.
Diego Jose says
Hi Joe,
What focal length did you use on Cowboy Phil’s portrait? Awesome photo.
Simon Beesley says
Hey Joe. Love the Blog and all the information that you so freely share with us. One question about software. In previous articles/videos/blogs, you’ve mentioned the use of Capture NX. However, in one of the photos above where you show the lighting diagram for the shot of Cowboy Phil, there is a “cheat-sheet” taped to your laptop which mentions Stacks. The commands shown (or at least as far as I can see) seem to correspond those in Aperture rather than in Lightroom or Bridge. Are you using Aperture now? And if so, do you still use NX?
Kento says
I think that 54 units would have really made that plane shot pop! 😉
Ricarda Whobrey says
you are the best i love all your songs they are wonderful.
Ipl 2020 Live says
Great ideas and thank you for your explanation step by step with us