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Amazon Rainforest Workshop

Bob M
I’ve been to two of Joe’s workshops and I’m signed up for another; I think that says it all. The two workshops were in Ecuador and Norway and included Tamara Lackey who is not only a great photographer, but also a whiz at Photoshop which has helped me a lot. The crew’s focus is on teaching, which is superb…

Carlos C
This was the trip of lifetime for me in so many ways. The opportunity to learn from Joe was very high on the early reasons for why I chose this workshop to re-awaken my dormant photography skills - that plus the Amazon being on my bucket list.
Nancy E
From the steamy amazon rain forest to the frozen tundra of Norway...interesting places, shared photographic passion, learning,laughs, Joe's stories of the road. Did I mention laughs ??!!
Throw in Tamaras infectious sense of humor and photoshop expertise...
And, of course, the glue that holds everything together and the one who knows all...Annie!!
Wonderful adventures and new friends!
Kelly F
Joe is one of the best photography teachers and mentors in the world. He is able to translate decades of knowledge into the daily application of improving everyone's photography.