One of the fun things about being home has been archive diving. Doing this, I have a whole round of emotions that kick in. Stupefaction, as in, “Man I shot a lot of pictures!” Horror, as in, “Holy shit, did I shoot some garbage or what?” And, occasionally, pleasant surprise, as in, “Wow, I never even looked at that picture, and it’s actually pretty good!”
When I shot the Aviation cover story for National Geographic in 2003, it was the first all-digital story in that venerable magazine’s history, and the take was ultimately incorporated into the Library of Congress. Having ones and zeros show up as pictures instead of little Kodak boxes definitely raised some eyebrows and blood pressures within the yellow border. To me, digital newbie at the time, it was no big deal. The D1X in my hands felt exactly similar to the Nikon F5 I had been shooting, except it had this cute little television on the back of it. What’s the fuss?
In January of ’03, I made a picture of the X-47A at China Lake NAS in the early hours of the morning, under a gorgeous California sunrise, mixing in some minor amounts of big flash with a whole bunch of Speedlights clipped to the undercarriage of this pilotless aircraft. It’s one of those pictures that has stuck around a bit.
In 2012, at Pax River NAS, I made another picture, this time of the X-47B, again at sunrise. This one also had a mix of flashes, and, because this aircraft had grown in size from the A series prototype, I asked a crewman to grab a flashlight and be in the pic for scale. This picture has sat on my hard drives now for nine years, and I don’t remember ever using it, or even, looking at it until I pulled it to run over on our Instagram account this weekend.
One of the reasons I might not have returned to the take is that in the darkness, Mr. Genius Thunderthumbs shifted the D3X into Jpeg fine, with no raw companion. Yep. My editor told me to batch ’em as TIFFs and shut up about it. Which I did. Until now. 🙂
Arranging, as it always does for sunrise pictures, began in blackness around 3am-ish. Position the plane, hang the lighting. Race the rising light in the east. Again, blessed with a great morning. The tow truck here pulls the plane at 3:24 am.
Shutter speed for the flash mix in pre-dawn was 1/1.6th of a second, so I was very tripod dependent. Later, as the sun came up in a ball and I had more shutter speed for a long glass shot, I used the performance aspect of the Systematic Gitzo to get a low angle and myself as a sandbag for additional stability. Definitely a job for a big, steady tripod.
These pictures are definitely cousins in the realm of the way they were lit. They also have a kinship in that Nat Geo didn’t publish either of them in the magazine.
Memories and missteps from the archive. And a long journey with a camera.
More tk….
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Wow! Beautiful as usual!
Love the light on the top of the wings and the perspective in the first shot. Shows how little the actual camera matters.
I like the use of a long focal length in the third shot too.
Fascinating, Joe. Great background story. Cheers
Awesome as usual! Great idea to use self as sand bag! Learnt something…
Darren James here Joe . 3aw Melbourne . Man ! That is what it is all about . I cannot get enough. Dig deeper. It gets better !!
Cool, many thanks!
Thank you, Darren! Stay well down under, man!
Appreciate it Ravi!
All Best, Ian! Cheers back to you!
Thank you from sharing some images and memories from you’re archives. I like the idea of returning to our archive and looking at images that maybe haven’t ever been used or even looked at and taking the time to think about them and learn from them.
Kyle Reynolds
“Mr. Genius Thunderthumbs” might make a pretty good t-shirt, jus sayin’……..