Kim Phuc, pictured above, was running from an airborne attack, horribly burned with napalm, in June of 1972, 40 years ago this month. She ran blindly, in unbelievable pain, right at the lens of Associated Press photog Nick Ut. I don’t know what his shutter speed was. 1/125th? 1/250th? The blink of an eye. The click of a shutter. And this young girl ran into the pages of history.
Nick, a good photographer, and an incredibly decent soul, made the frame, and then saved her life. He got her to an army hospital. From there she was transferred to a facility in Saigon, the only one in Vietnam equipped to handle complex and severe injuries. Many months of convalescence later, she went back to her village, still in pain, but alive.
Horst Faas, the legendary AP shooter and editor, broke the general rules about nudity on the wire service, and ran the photo. It shocked the world, galvanized the anti-war movement in America, and won Nick a Pulitzer. (Horst recently passed on. Please check out colleague David Burnett’s excellent blog about his impact on photojournalism. David was also on the road that day, with Kim, and Nick.)
One of the privileges of my career was to be assigned by LIFE magazine some years ago to find and photograph subjects of Pulitzer Prize winning photographs. Generally, if you’re the principal in a Pulitzer, it’s not a fortunate, nor a planned thing. Certainly nothing was planned on that road long ago. Nick’s presence there saved Kim’s life, but the picture he made changed the course of that life. She became a propaganda tool of the North Vietnamese, and of course the picture was a rallying cry for the anti-war movement here. She was allowed, eventually, to move to Cuba, where she met a fellow Vietnamese, Bui Huy Toan, who fell in love with her and became her husband. They honeymooned in Moscow, and their plane stopped in Canada. They defected, and have lived there since 1992.
I visited her at home some years ago. Such a wonderful lady. We talked. I was direct with her, as I believe a photographer needs to be in any sensitive situation. I had to make a picture that showed her scars. She knew that already. Luckily, she had given birth to Thomas, a beautiful little dumpling of a baby, not that long prior to our meeting, and was still nursing him. Photographing this lovely new life that had sprung from her scarred body was certainly a moment I remember at the camera.
Kim has found peace, and a message she can offer, borne of her suffering. She runs The Kim Foundation International, which promotes reconciliation, and she acts as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO. She has transformed from “the girl in the picture,” or, “the napalm girl,” into a viable, visible symbol of peace and hope. Her’s is an important story of resilience, courage, and forgiveness.
For me, doing this assignment reconfirmed so many things I’ve always believed about photography. That photo made on that horrible day was made in less than a second. Yet a lifetime spun on its power. With so many photographs being taken everywhere, easily, and thoughtlessly, it’s easy to forget how powerful they can be, and occasionally are. I have always felt that for everyone, looking at a photo that means something to them induces an interior, seismic shift. It may be imperceptible, and not understood immediately, but your compass has been altered, ever so slightly, and you will never be the same again.
Kim and Nick, who she calls, Uncle Ut, I’m sure will see each other this week. I wish them well. The split second crossing of their lives, in a picture, has echoed for a lifetime, and we are all richer for their journey, from that moment, as painful as it was.
Time moves. Pictures stay still. More tk…
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What a great and compassionate shot Joe!
Thank you for sharing this, Joe.
An important story, then and now.
What a great capture in the photo and the life message.
This is a very nice photo Joe, it touches me upon seeing this.. A year ago I was teaching in Vietnam for 2 years and I can still see the effects of Vietnam War, but good to know that Vietnam now is progressing. Thanks for sharing this Joe…Regards –Dave
i have always wondered what happened to this girl, this story has answered so many of my questions! its great to see her now and i wish her good luck for the rest of her life!
thanks for the story joe! best wishes
Hi Joe,
Thank you for sharing this touching story with us! A photographer is always a story teller as well! Its good when there is a happy end, like in this one here!
Kind regards from your loyal fan,
I have never forgotten her. Never forgotten her name. Never forgotten her face. I love the happy ending. Thanks for sharing again.
In my years shooting Video and now Still photography. I have often wondered what came of… a particular Subject. For this special woman I am saddened and relieved at the same time.
Thanks for sharing.
Joe, as so often after reading your blog, I’m absolutely overwhelmed with your own sensitivity, compassion and genuine, honest style. There is no ‘front’ to you, no hidden agenda, not over the top, not over effusive like some of your blogging colleagues. Simply telling it as it is, in a way that gets the message across. Thank you, once again. I love reading your posts.
Beautifully told. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing this story and for your beautiful image of Kim. I always wondered what became of this little girl. Her image haunted me for years.
Hello Joe. Thank you for sharing Kim’s story – now and then. Her image haunted me for years. She is beautiful. Your image captured her beauty and her joy.
Joe, for each and every ounce of technical wisdom you pass on to me through your stories and teachings, I find myself picking up two or three more ounces of what the real ‘essence’ of photography is – the whys as opposed to the hows. And that rings true whether it be landscapes or people.
Thanks for sharing this story, and for the extra few ounces once again.
In the uncropped version of the Nick Ut image there is a photographer running alongside the road. Who is the photographer? The good doctor himself, David Burnett.
Wow, have seen this picture plenty times, and like others have always wondered what happened to her, good ending of sorts to the story. And I have to admit its brought a tear and lump to my system. Nicely written
Once again…fabulous post that moved me as much as the image.
“With so many photographs being taken everywhere, easily, and thoughtlessly, it’s easy to forget how powerful they can be, and occasionally are. I have always felt that for everyone, looking at a photo that means something to them induces an interior, seismic shift. It may be imperceptible, and not understood immediately, but your compass has been altered, ever so slightly, and you will never be the same again.”
I am once again grateful to be altered.
Thank you,
great post. The impact photography has had on our lives and the ability we have to reach people unconventionally everyday… Good food for thought, Joe.
Brilliant story! Thanks for sharing.
Once upon a long, long time ago when I was am art student, another photojournalist hit me over the head with a strikingly haunting and beautiful image that in one moment described the effects of the mercury that poisoned the water of the Japanese fishing village of Minamata. I mention Smith’s image because there are few images that have buried themselves inside my heart since, until once upon another time ago, I saw your image of Kim. I can only say a genuinely humble thank you for giving the world a photograph as sensitive, as moving and as loving as this one of yours. It, too, is permanently etched within me. A grateful thank you, Joe.
Thank you, Kim, for sharing your life with all of us. For bringing something good from something horrible and showing the way for us to do the same.
Once upon a long, long time ago when I was an art student, another photojournalist hit me over the head with a strikingly haunting and beautiful image that in one moment described the effects of the mercury that poisoned the water of the Japanese fishing village of Minamata. I mention Smith’s image because there are few images that have buried themselves inside my heart since, until once upon another time ago, I saw your image of Kim. I can only say a genuinely humble thank you for giving the world a photograph as sensitive, as moving and as loving as this one of yours. It, too, is permanently etched within me. A grateful thank you, Joe.
I was 11 when the top photo came out. It and similar pictures from David Hume Kennerly started me saving pennies from my paper route to buy by first SLR, a Canon AE-1.
Very nice post Mr. McNally!!
Dang it Joe, why are you cutting up onions on this blog??
Joe, thanks for sharing this story. From the click to a life story.
Both Nick Ut and Kim Phuc shared a stage here in Orange County yesterday, with Kim speaking of her physical and spiritural healing. As an aside, I found myself being photographed among a bunch of other rail commuters in downtown LA a few years back by Nick Ut, who’s still a working AP photographer. I looked up; there he was, firing away. A journeyman’s everyday pic, probably no more memorable than yesterday’s coffee to him, but I’ve kept it.
I have seen this picture many times, yet never really noticed the soldiers in the background. They seem to be walking so casually, when in the foreground you see the terror on the children’s faces.
Thanks for sharing, very moving and motivating…
I remember seeing this picture on a cover of a magazine-LIFE?[years after the event] and also in some history books.
Alas I was too young then to understand it then.
I do now.
Thank you Joe.
Thank you! Your post includes everything I love about photography: the ability to invigorate and enliven the words in the history books but also to bring what is important in the present to our consciousness that is otherwise threatened by the constant inundation of the mundane.
From war, fear pain and death to peace, hope, love and life – a wonderful post!
Thank you so much for sharing this story. Both images (the original and yours) are so powerful. Your insight into the images is really moving. I have a feeling this story will sit with me today.
What a powerful photograph, “On a road 40 years ago” looking at the children’s faces put life in perspective !!
Sometimes you forget how important a photograph can be. Nice to be reminded.
Good story, great truths. I think this is part of the reason we become photographers–to make a story worth telling, that hopefully makes a difference. Life-altering moments, definitely …
Well done on the Followup Joe. You did everyone a huge service, photographically and story-wise.
This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing. I too have often wondered what became of this girl. My heart sings with joy that she has found happiness and has turned this horrific event into hope and forgiveness.
Wow. Just last week, the Memorial Day post on my Praieir Rim Images blog highlighted a number of well-known war photographers. As I was writing it, Nick & Kim’s story was the one that really struck me the most, not because it was an incredible photo (though it is), but because of the effort that Ut immediately put into saving Kim’s life, and of the lifelong friendship that the two developed thereafter.
Thanks, Joe, for posting this update on Kim’s situation and your beautiful photo of her family.
FYI, my aforementioned blog post is at:
What a profoundly moving post Joe. Beautifully written and insightfully wise. Janine
This incredible story made me cry. How precious is life then and now.
Thank you.
Thank you for this.
blah blah, ‘great shot joe’ (puke)
man, sick of backslappers
like photography is the pinnacle of existance
i’m glad she made it, though
(omg, that was so profound and moving, joe! [backslap])
(omg beautiful and insightfully wise, janine! [backslap])
I was a US Navy submarine sonar technician in June 1972 and remember this photo vividly. This is a nice portrait of an extraordinary woman.
I remember this earlier shot of Kim. I am glad that she survived and have found peace, and love. Thanks Joe for the update.
Wonderful story, Joe, well told.
Joe, thank you for sharing Kim’s story in such a compassionate way.
Dang it Joe, here come the waterworks again.
Such a meaningful post – thank you.
Thanks Joe, Why must we continue to make the same mistakes over and over.
Beautiful photo and narrating!!
Wow! This story is amazing. I just learned about this in my American History III class at the University of Cincinnati. We talked about the impacted the photo had that ultimately changed the amount of involvement in the Vietnam War. I wonder how many lives this photo saved in the end? It shows how powerful a camera can be.
What a great story Joe. Thank you for sharing and your photograph is excellent!
Anout 9 years ago I was in Vietnam and had been reading a book about Kim. Of course having been involved in the anti war movement in the 60’s as a student
at Francisco State University, I was well aware of her and her famous photo but the book told me exactly where the photo was taken. I managed to take a tour to the area and asked the tour guide specifically to stop at that famous spot. That wasn’t what they usually did, not wanting to bring up unhappy incidents about the American War there. But, with hesitation, the guide did stop at that famous location. It was a chilling reminder of what the US had done to bring untold and unnecessary suffering to millions of innocent people who still suffer from the effects of not just napalm but deadly Agent Orange as well. The war is not over for millions still suffering from the unspeakable cruelties of that war
Incredible story and thought provoking image.
Thank you so much for sharing this story and your photography has so much meaning. This story will stick with me for a very long time. Thanks again! Janet
Long time follower Joe and old enough to remember this photo in Time (or Life?) I recall seeing a follow up story years later. Wonderful story, thanks for taking the time to bring Kim’s story back. We should never forget.
Beautiful words Sir and so true .. A FROZEN MOMENT can MOVE an entire life !!!! Thanks for sharing .. 🙂
Seems a very inappropriate forum to be so bitter, cynical, and judgmental jamvaru. I stand by my words and trust that Joe appreciated reading them.
Many of the images from the Vietnam war are burned into my mind as my father was an anti-war protester in the 70’s and these images were in publications around the house. The image of Kim Phuc in particular and Malcolm Browne’s photograph of ThÃch Quảng Äức (the monk who set himself on fire) effect me the most. I visited Vietnam a few years ago and was very moved when looking around the still scarred country and visited the memorial of ThÃch Quảng Äức and saw his car still there – straight from the photo. There is now a reality to these images for me rather than being images long ago from a far away war.
Joe, your image is searing in its portrayal of the softness, beauty of new life and happiness with the stark reality of the scars from another time. Brought tears to my eyes – awesome shot.
many thanks for the kind words janine…when you meet an extraordinary person like Kim, your camera simply has to stand in service to them…all the best, and thanks for checking the blog now and then…joe
I remember this – such a moving story, photography at it’s very very best, Joe McNally is an inspirational human being as well as a legendary phographer. Thanks Joe ; )
A picture indeed says a lot without the words, but your words have added a great insight into the inspiring story of Kim, and sharing it here for others to ponder, to grieve and to be joyful is most appreciated.
As always, Joe McNally, your posts take us on a journey of self-exploration and an insight into the workings of an intuitive photographer who above all shows a respect for the subject.
thanks for sharing.
Very powerful and moving Joe – many thanks for sharing.
Recently I had my fist visit to Vietnam and I saw this photo at the museum. In fact this is the second time I saw this photo.
I felt sorry and sad but also feel proud for both Kim and nick for their
Braveness, selfishness and determination in life, which I believe this is what we need to learn from both. Very thanks for sharing.
I cannot even begin to imagine how painful and horrific this experience was for the little Kim Phuc!!
It’s hard to understand the reasons we do this kind of things to each other; but it’s great to see she’s now, a proud and happy mother.
This is the typical example how the right image could make a difference in the life of many people!
Seismic shift. Compass altered, ever so slightly. Brilliant and beautiful, thank you.
Great followup story to an iconic image. Your portrait here is a thing of beauty.
Such a haunting image, story and eloquently written.
Your photo is inspiring and touched with some wonderful light – the beauty of new life sheltered within the arms of pain from the past.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Joe, for the reminder, and for following up in Life, and again here. Kim must be a marvelously resilient and forgiving individual.
Speechless- but feeling like to give a thank you somehow for once again publishing profound content, thank you. By the way I can’t help but think as an imaginator of how amazing the patterns are of the scars themselves like a landscape of flesh somehow- wow.
On a side note … I visited the Newseum in Washington DC on Memorial Day, where Nick Ut’s iconic image, along with the camera he shot it with is on display. It’s part of the Pulitzer Prize exhibit that’s a must see. This post is a great follow up, as I had been fixated on Nick’s image for several minutes. Also on exhibit is the sports photography of Neil Leifer, and images taken by presidential photographers over the years. I found a lot of inspiration in all the photography I took in that day. Thanks for the post, Joe.
Thank you for sharing this story with us!
Joe – as usual, your gift for writing, along with your photography, has moved me to goose bumps. I too am old enough to remember the original photo from years back. I recently read that Uncle Ut “pursuaded” the American medics to attempt to save her, as their triage effort made them feel that it was too severe of an injury to survive.
Thank you for enlightening my day and my life…..
Great post. Even though I have seen the original before it still brings tears to my eyes and a sickness to my stomach as to how these people were damaged. Being too young to be around when this war was on and so many years later – today – it hurts *me*.
I remember this photo well from when I was a youth. It was one of many photos that were formative in my view of the world. There is nothing glorious about war and the “collateral” damage continues long after the troops go home. If only the powers that be thought through the effects their decisions have on so many would they be so quick to pull the trigger. Of course the people who make these decisions never serve much less participate in the dirty business of war.The power of the still photograph will always prevail.
Wow, seek no further if ever you need an example of the power of an image. I’d seen the photo of Kim as a child and thought that her clothing had been burnt off and she was running scared without realizing that her skin was also being burnt. I was reading the text and had gotten to a point on the page where I could see the top of Kim’s head in the photo of her as an adult. To scroll down and see the scars on her body was really shocking. Goodness, the things that we as human beings do to each other…
A moving rendition of a beautiful moment captured in time and space for compassionate people to feel for the circumstances of war that cause so many innocent lives lost and ruined. The memorable moment happened for a purpose and it’s left for us to ponder the meaning of it all. We may never understand, only God knows, and we can only pray…Thank you…
Her resilience and courage are incredible. Yes, Jamvaru, I too think this is beautifully written and photographed.
It is really hard to write about human suffering without infringing the dignity of the sufferer, but the way you did it is the best. It touched your reader’s heart. Thank you for the story.
no one mentionned Kim’s meeting with helicopter pilot? He became a priest or something and they did finally meet some years ago. She did forgive him…
This photo really shows the power of photography. I believe that with the photo by Eddie Adams (Google him) of the Viet Cong suspect being executed in a street in Saigon, they really helped to end the war in Vietnam. Both Nick Ut and Eddie Adams should go down in history as two of the worlds greatest photographers.
Thank you Joe,
Prof. J. Rufus Fears tells us the first lesson of history is that we never learn from history. However, without photographs we would never know our history. If we can see, let’s hope we can learn.
Thank you again for an awesome piece of writing.
I first your portrait of Kim in “The moment it clicks”, and it’s been a favourite of mine ever since.
Aside from the skill you have with a camera I admire you for your emotional response to the work you do and the abiding respect you have for the people you’ve photographed.
Thanks for sharing.
Joe: What a great story. Thanks for sharing. Photography has always been about capturing the moment. Nick Ut did it with his image and your image is a great follow up. The new digital photographers have no idea of the challenges we faced in the film days. It is really hard to believe that it has been 40 years already. Richard Burnett’s Blog was really good also, thanks for pointing us to it. On the day of this photograph I was further up Route 1 in the city of An Loc. I was the first photographer “allowed” in An Loc during the siege.
Thank you Joe for sharing this story. As a photographer you get to listen to people’s stories and thru this, share their emotions and feelings to the world.
thanks Joe, not only pictures, stories, thats what you offer to us. Thanks.
oh my god! it is touch me very much
i cant accept
I was 15 years old when this picture was taken in June of 1972. I remember this photograph of the devastating effects of war – vividly. It is really neat to see your updated portrait of the young girl. Thnks for posting this
Truly profound work Joe. “Love transcends all things” and you have captured this so eloquently.
SO honored I have a signed copy of this photo from you. It’s on my office wall. A constant reminder no matter how painful the past was, the future can be beautiful. Love this blog post. You can tell stories with photographs and words in a way that only you can!
Once in a while we come across something that really makes us want to become better human beings – that to me is the ultimate inspiration!
Thank you Joe!
A beautiful story, although tragic for Kim during one part of her life, Nick’s photo shows how Photography has the power to cause reactions that can lead to a wider good – photography brings to light stories and events that would otherwise go unnoticed, and problems that would otherwise go unsolved. Thanks for sharing, Joe! And also, photography can show joyous celebrations of life, as your photo does of Kim and Thomas.
I love the image of the mom hugging her baby, great job 🙂
Thanks for the story, the shot of Kim and the baby is beautiful.
Truly moving story and cruel but true pictures.
There are some moments that take your breath away, and Joe this was one of those moments. It really does lay bare the power that photography can have, and what a sensitive image maker can do with that power.
Thanks Joe for giving me this experience today, I love that I can carry the beauty of Kim beyond that picture of her as a young girl, to who she is now.
My father was a photojournalist for forty years, he is bound to the image I remembered that at that time, unfortunately, the World Press Photo exhibition in the threat of communism, he could not start. My father died last year, and now I’m trying to move on the road more or less success. Joe is often very inspiring photos through the pages.
This nearly brought me to tears and goes to reaffirm why I’m training to become a photojournalist. Thank you, Joe, for sharing this.
Oh guy, you made me cry. This picture is so lovely. It express hope and joy. I’ve just read and seen the pic and I’m in tears. Thank you.
This is, and I mean this sincerely, the most moving pair of photographs I have ever seen. Like most people, I have grown up seeing Nick’s photo. With no more information, though, I always assumed that the girl was dead, maybe just a few minutes later. To find out that she not only survived but thrived, that she found peace and happiness, is truly a testament to the human spirit.
I’m just a dilettante photog myself, and in my tranquil, suburban world, in my life of incredibly good fortune, the power of these images is something I can only aspire to. Bless you, though, for setting the bar so high.
The world is just as cruel today, but it’s wonderful to know of the survival of this youngster, and to be privileged to see her with her own child.
Many thanks for this.
The picture with Kim and her baby bring tears of my eyes, tears of pure joy. That first shot of her as a young child I believe has got to be the most tragic picture i’ve ever seen…to see that she overcame not only the physical but emotional pain and had a beautiful baby of her own is in itself pure. Best wishes to her and her family and may God bring her nothing but happiness and goodwill.
p.s. fantastic picture of coures.
For me, doing this assignment reconfirmed so many things I’ve always believed about photography. That photo made on that horrible day was made in less than a second. Yet a lifetime spun on its power. With so many photographs being taken everywhere, easily, and thoughtlessly, it’s easy to forget how powerful they can be, and occasionally are. I have always felt that for everyone, looking at a photo that means something to them induces an interior, seismic shift. It may be imperceptible, and not understood immediately, but your compass has been altered, ever so slightly, and you will never be the same again.
I didn’t cry or tear when I read the story or saw the photos, but this paragraph brought me down. It’s so simply stated, but means so much. The story is amazing and moving, heartfelt and real…But what you say about…never being the same…Is absolutely the most amamzing thing anyone can say about looking at a photo. Thank you for making me smile and envoking something great inside.
I still look at the photo taken back then and i have always wondered what happened to that poor wee girl, naked, afraid and hurting. Every time I looked at the picture I would start to think of the pain and suffering going on in the world today and how I felt that every leader and dictator should see this photo and understand that the things they do, while in power, affects those they are ment to represent.
Thank you for your strength and bravery and for not giving up.
Thank you for bringing us a happy picture to think about when we think of the little girl running scared and in pain. Bless her and you both.
Beautiful, thank you for taking her amazing story.
sharing, sorry