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Kyle Jerichow says
Good stuff seeing you soo busy! Have fun in Napa, Kamila and I got married out there and had a blast! Awesome Sushi, and awesome sunrises.
Can’t wait to see the photos you are able to create!
Laura says
Why the honeycomb grid in this particular photo Joe? Thanks.
Alberto says
Very original
Paul says
Wow cool shadow, great one Joe.
Bob DeChiara says
Looking forward to watching the video!
david says
I’m looking forward to the class. I really enjoy the Kelby “A Day With. . .” style of instruction.
Tim Kainu says
Hopefully some fun was mixed into your long work days, too!
I love that photo! The shadow flows perfectly. How far out is the light from the top of the image, would you say?
Karen B says
So very true….nothing like it!
Alfredo Oliva says
This is a great shot. I really like it.
A perfect control of light.
Steve Wylie says
That’s just a great image! Yes, it may be simple to execute lighting-wise, but it’s the thought behind it that makes it incredible. Inspiring!
Tim Skipper says
Would book be the one that’s on Amazon Sketching Light? 🙂
Lee Love Photography says
Joe you really freaked me out when I saw this title. I just finished a series on skateboarders where I only showed their feet and/or their shadows.
I don’t know how you keep up this pace but thank goodness you do because we all enjoy seeing what you will come up with next.
Mike Neale says
BTW, Joe,…your Coronado SEAL pics are popping up everywhere following the OBL matter,…very cool,…well done indeed!
Joe Masucci says
Awesome photo! Can’t wait to read “Sketching Light” and watch your new DVD. Many thanks.
Fotograf HÃ¥kan Ivarsson says
Hi Joe. I was caught from the first second. Amazing Picture.
William Chinn says
Speaking of the book, I volunteered to get one for Kat and Eric. Please let me know how this can be done the fastest and easiest way. I will even pick up the shipping. Please don’t let me forget. Just a LA attendee who stopped to read their story.
Colinwalks says
G’Day Joe
Very big thanks for your openess and sharing. I wait patiently, well somewhat, for the video and anything else you share.
Karen Vaisman says
Love the shadow shot! Will the video you mentioned be on Kelby Training? Sounds great! When will it be available?
Love your blog, Joe!
John A. says
New book? Awesome!!! Will be keeping an eye out for your new classes on Kelby Training too!
John says
Great photo Joe! Some time ago I wrote a post about who inspires me. After I saw your shot I have to reconsider, you’re a lot better than Chuck Norris 😀
Hannes Uys says
So simple but yet so effective! Love it!
Ivan says
Fantastic! Very creative!
John Swarce says
Can’t wait to see that Kelby Training class, Joe. I’m sure the language will be as colorful as Jay Maisel’s. 🙂
Ian says
@Tim Kainu
By drawing 2 converging lines from the shadow (foot on the left and knee on the right) past the subject’s foot and knee, I estimate that the light source was about 18 feet away. Very roughly guessed with by fingers on the screen. try it yourself! 🙂
Great, imaginative photo
Steve says
Joe, wow, man…. wow, I love this photo!
Forrest Gump says
Cool Joe!
aunn says
Wow… What a great shot!!
you have a perfect control of light. Thank for sharing, I will try playing around with a light and shadow. 🙂
bycostello says
love the shaddow…
Johan Sopiee says
“Shadows” ROCKS! i’ve been playing with shadows a lot since we met in January but haven’t gotten any shots that come anywhere near this capture. love your perspective and choice of shadow play!
Stephen Nesbitt says
OK, so that is now one of my favourite shots. Damn you again McNally!!!!
Andrea Livieri says
nice concepts! Amazing Joe…. you Rocks! \m/
Afsel Kamal says
hi, Joe you rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GoodWednesday says
Very beautiful art from the shadows.
Jason Miraples says
Very nice Joe! You’re truly an inspirations. Keep it up!