Picked up again for the second half of the Flashbus Tour. Atlanta Saturday, Nashville Sunday, Raleigh Durham today. This has been one of those once in a lifetime adventures, nothing short of amazing. People across the country have been so gracious. The bus has alternately been loaded with gifts of cookies, donuts, beer, brownies, coffee, candy, beer, flashlights, and, well, more beer. We have certainly been a motley crew, especially anybody who sees us in the morning, staggering around a loading dock, pre-shower, moving gear and boxes out of the hold of the bus. Very glam, life on the road. Often, we wake up behind some giant building in a parking lot, near a dumpster. I think we have gotten some gifts just because people feel bad for us.
No loading dock in Austin though, where we got a chance to move the bus inside the venue we were staging at. Cool! Gave us a chance to light the bus. Had about 20 VALs (you can see their feet under the bus) and about 50 or 60 art directors for this shot.
This trip has been one of discovery and reaffirmation for me.
For instance, I can confirm that breakfast sandwiches anywhere are really just a vehicle for ketchup.
Heard on the road: “You’re actually really nice. In all your pictures, you look mean.”
A life on the road as a photog makes you quite adaptable to all manner of conditions. For instance, living on a bus is not a big deal. In fact, it’s much, much nicer than many places I have temporarily hung my hat.
I can sleep anywhere, even at dinner. the younger guys on the bus chuckle about it, as the geezer just drifts away, but each of them has had some sort of malaise or illness so far, while the old guy chugs along.
Young Cali is in the throes of an internet romance. If I see him text one more time, I’m going to de-digitize him somehow.
Grippi is a road warrior, and may have found his calling as an emcee. He routinely describes Hobby as “The man who made us re-think the use of our tupperware!” Hysterical.
Sam Spratt is an incredible artist. He did the amazing illustration for the bus, and Andy Szejko at a Few Loose Screws worked up the overall artwork for the bus and the website. Jamie Mullican and the crew at Adnormous wrapped the bus and turned it into a giant, rolling cartoon.
Heard on the road: “Joe, are you limping, or are you just old?”
Hapa Sushi in Denver is the best sushi I have ever had in the continental US. Only thing better I have had is sushi at the fish market in Tokyo, and well….the only more immediate thing I could do would be to catch it myself and go Gollum on it.
Heard on the road: “Is this bus like the one in Girls Gone Wild?”
Don’t have a group meal at a Mexican restaurant and then get on a bus. (I’m resigned to it though. This summer I go back to Santa Fe, and inevitably one of our class dinners is at a big Mexican type restaurant where all the food sloshes into the middle of the plate and looks like somebody already ate it once.)
The crew on the bus…..
First off, the big guy….Jeff Snyder of Adorama. As I always say, Adorama is the one who put the gas in the tank. Their support got us rolling. So, technically, he’s the client, and given that fact, we should be bringing him cappucino and scones on a platter every morning. But, Jeff ain’t like that. He pulls and hauls like the rest of the crew. He’s sleeps across from me, so when I pull back my curtain, he’s the first thing I see in the morning, which is very disconcerting. My morning salutations to Jeff have ranged from “Good morning, sunshine” to “Fuck off.”
David Hobby….he sleeps in the bunk below me, and I can always tell when he’s awake, ’cause his light glows upwards along the wall and I can hear him tapping out his blog, or moderating comments, or other tasks involved in running the worldwide strobist web. Given the amazing numbers of his readers, it’s very tempting to grab his computer while he’s not looking and tweet, you know, “TTL rules!” or “Manual Sucks!” or something pithy like that to his network.
Drew Gurian….overall producer. He keeps things running, which means paying attention to all the detail stuff, as well as the big stuff, and keeping Grippi and Cali organized, which is a bit like herding cats. He has to ask a lot of questions, some of which Phil, our driver, has deemed so dumb that he has nicknamed Drew “Shortbus.”
Karen Lenz….Lenzbaby directs traffic, organizes the VALs and is our interface with each venue. If it goes well, that’s a happy face, and if it is problematic, well, you don’t want to mess with Lenz before she’s showered, breakfasted and caffeinated. The fact that we have had very few of the typical last minute venue bobbles you could expect is a tribute to her fearsome organizational skills, and uh, persuasive demeanor. Lenz is also a goddess among women. Has to be, as she has put up with 6 flatulent men in a confined space for weeks.
Sleeping on the bus for me has been like sleeping on a train. Engine rumbles, low hum…lights out. a sleeping pill on wheels.
Heard on the road: From the waiting line to get in…..”Hey Joe, try not to suck today.”
Waking up every day at 5am in a loading dock is a good way to keep your feet on the ground. no blue only bowls of m&m’s, no vats of Dom sloshing around on this bus.
Everyplace we have staged has it’s own personality. At the Colorado Convention Center, we, as usual, put up stands with directional signs to our room, and each stand cost $10. We couldn’t use carts to load in, unless we wanted to take out a second mortgage. By contrast, the Seattle Convention Center did back flips for us. The manager there, Bruce, was so helpful we all started calling him Bruce Almighty.
More crew… Grippi….Is a whirling dervish of activity, except after setup in the morning when you can generally find him under a table, asleep on the floor, with his shoes off. It’s okay, he can go zero to sixty in about a half a second.
Cali… aka, Justin Bieber. He is the star of the soft core porno portion of my teaching stint. When he goes double guns for a picture, women in the audience just melt down. Lots of people in audiences have probably wanted to take him home. Unfortunately for him, most folks in our audience are older guys.
Phil, our driver…..Phil tells it like it is. He has driven a motorcycle at over 200mph. I suggested he could beat out any trooper on the highway at that speed, and he shook his head. “Radio’s always faster,” he said.
When told we had done a group shot while he was asleep, and thus not in it, he shrugged and said, “Well, then, it’s not a group.”
I can tell we are becoming family ’cause we are starting to eat off each other’s plates.
If you’re going to take a break from a long road trip, San Diego is a real good place to do it.
The volunteer corps, all the VALs, have been routinely amazing. So helpful. They have been gangbusters at every stop.
I think the younger guys are worried that I’m going to have some sort a nervous system train wreck, and they’ll have to start wheeling me onstage, where I’ll tap out out “Group B, Minus One” on an Ipad with my chin. Or I could be like George Lucas as a director and just have a bicycle horn taped to my chair. One beep is “faster,” and two beeps is “more intense.”
More tk…
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I attended your seminar in Salt Lake City. You were both terrific. My baby eyes are opening.
Hang in there Joe. Us old guys have to stick together and we are rootin for you.
See ya in DC on Tuesday !
Entertaining and humorous post as most are! Nice un-group photo too! Man, that Karen must be one tough chick! I didn’t think there were any women brave enough to hang with all of you!
Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday!
Entertaining and humorous post! Nice un-group photo too! Man, that Karen must be one tough chick! I didn’t think there were any women brave enough to hang with all of you!
Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday!
I’m so jealous… Wish you guys could put the bus on a ‘plane and come to South Africa…
But hey – we only have 3 “major” cities so I doubt it would be worth your while!
Very enjoyable read, Mr Mac 🙂
Hi Joe
What a fun post to read, it sounds like you guys and gals have a lot of fun on your tour.
Any plans of taping one of your shows and put it up on the Net? I only ask because I’d like to see one of your shows, but I live across the planet and can’t really make it to a live performance… 🙂
Atlanta was a knockout…be safe OTR.
Attended the show in Nashville – Awesome!!
I’ve been really enjoying the updates between you and Mr. Hobby – Always a pleasure to read, and even more so since there’s no chance you’ll be bringing the bus over here to the UK. (See that? That there’s some reverse psychology in action)
Looking forward to the rest of the updates.
Thanks for the entertainment!
Ciya tomorrow in DC 🙂
Great show in Atlanta! The end shot with a hundred or so flashes for rim lights on the guy with the beard was amazing! Hobby may even have been impressed for a few seconds…
I need to see this one again!
I attended the San Francisco event. It was great. Both of you guys are great speakers, teachers and are entertaining to watch, listen and learn! Thanks!!
PS Received the DVD’s and they are wonderful. Highly recommend
Looking forward to seeing you in Buffalo next weekend. I am coming at great sacrifice….leaving my nephews wedding early to travel. Hey….priorities!! 🙂
Hey Joe –
Caught the Flashbus in Nashville and loved it. You guys are great…keep up the good work and thanks for coming to our neck of the woods.
Reading this update made me appreciate all that you’ve done to make this happen. We had a blast in Atlanta! All this lighting stuff is brand-new to me and the most important thing I took away from it is that it’s not rocket science that I will never understand (okay so maybe it is a little bit) but, rather, intuitive and takes a bit of tweaking each time (even from “The Masters” like you and David). Once I get the hang of it, I will have one more trick up my sleeve and that is always helpful. I want to be a GREAT photographer and I’m trying to absorb as much information as I can. Thank you for being so generous and for sharing what you know with a peon like me!
Hey – where are you going to be in Raleigh? Any opportunities to stop by ‘where ever you are going to be?
Nashvile was AWESOME!! Many thanks to you all for coming.
Totally hilarious as usual!
We in Nashville so enjoyed the day spent with you folks. Thanks for including us in your travels and please come back.
Yesterday in Nashville was one of the best-spent days I could have asked for. You guys kept us entertained–and informed–from the first minute til the last. After following your respective blogs for some time, it was really awesome to see you and David in action, and I learned a lot. I am truly inspired today to take that flash off my camera and see what happens. Thanks for a terrific day!
Thanks for bringing TFB to Atlanta, Joe. You guys – you, David, and your entire team – knocked it out of the park. The day went by way too quickly, until the final shot antics unfolded 🙂 THAT was some fun stuff!
Will there be a TFB – Part Deux?
Thanks again,
Lou (aka The Pentax Guy)
The FBT Atl stop was AMAZING!!
Thanks again for letting me on stage for a awesome portrait session!!!
what a dream come true…
The Best FaceBook picture EVER!! (as you said)
Thanks again for all you and your crew does.
I’ve enjoyed the updates from the tour … see you in Pittsburgh one week from today, where you’re going to have the best VALs yet. Can’t wait!
It just sounds like fun.
Fun post! Looking forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh.
Joe, I can say definitively that you did not suck! Thanks for putting up with us in Nashville. A delight to hear both of you share your heart and your passion.
Really enjoyed yesterday (Nashville, TN) entertained and educated at the same time! Thanks to the crew for the well-oiled operation; Joe and David the insight over the years has taken me from looking through a glass rectangle hoping for a decent ‘fridge print to me considering putting together a photobook portfolio.
Consider the mentoring you received at Life as having been paid forward.
Great post Joe! Boston is only 4 days away! Looking forward to it!
I said it on Facebook already, but Atlanta was a lot of fun. Thanks to you and Hobby for teaching me some great stuff in an entertaining way. Kudos. Also, I hope to see the group portrait shot from ATL sometime!
Have been following both you guys on your blogs for several years now.. Have the books. Saw the movies. Live on stage in Nashville rocked the house!! Learned bunches from both guys. Can’t wait to see if any of it stuck to the wall. 😉
Thanks to the whole crew. Well worth the long drive up to see the show, and even the long drive home after the show was over.
Saw you guys in Austin, and had a blast. As a newbie, it was invaluable to see how you guys went through the process of lighting, and especially to see the dichotomy of your two approaches to accomplishing the same ends. Well worth it at 5 times the price!
Caught the flashbus in Houston. It was awesome to learn from both you and David!
Awesome bus shot! Hobby’s is great too. Hate posting to either of your sites. Feel like I’m cheating when I give the other compliments. LOL. Enjoy Philly. will there be a DVD from the tour, about the tour?
Joe, I wasn’t try to rag on you about your considerable age– I was legitimately concerned about your limp!
Had a blast in Nashville. You guys are just a wealth of information, and it’s so cool that you have always shared it so freely.
Thanks again, to you David and the crew. As I mentioned before, Nashville doesn’t always make the cut for great opportunities like this.
Being a relative neophyte to the ways of the Speedlite, I found the training to be a really great foundation to build my skills from. The balance between you and David worked very well and the flow was just great. Time just flew by.
BTW, did Drew ever head into town for some bluegrass music?
Your Dallas show was a blast! Now queue the audience erupting in unison, “You forgot to repeat the question!”
The tour looks fantastic. When do you come to UK? Please, please, please…
OMG that guy up front (Cali) really does have a full-on Bieber cut. Wow. You know you’ve reached the pinnacle of cool when you clone yourself as Justin Bieber. He must really be wanting to meet 13 year-old girls. Oh the material just writes itself!
A great read, as always!
See you guys in Madison on the 15th! I’ll bring my SB’s — never hurts to have a little extra VAL firepower. Glad the tour hasn’t killed you yet!
I found the whole event very informative and a lot of fun.
The way they both presented material was educational and entertaining
Man, had a great time at the Nashville seminar! I really don’t see how you guys do it, day after day, waking and teaching herds of folks just wanted to get a glimpse of you guys.
I learned something from both you and David, and was thrilled to find out that you guys were just as cool in person as I thought you might be. A HUGE thanks for allowing me to be a VAL, it was an opportunity I won’t forget!
Oh, and for the record “I” didn’t say you look mean in pictures of you, I was quoting what I had heard someone say in the Flickr Flash Bus group. I think you look quite illuminating in your photos. 😉
BTW, your assistants were very cool too. A friend of mine at the Nashville stop (a very cute gal) wanted to take Justin Beiber home.
Love. The writing.
“try not to suck today” …still laughing
See you in INdy
Caught you in Houston, awed, inspired, and educated. I
really enjoyed the day, though I must say that I am more in
your camp than David’s even though I learned so much from both
of you. Thanks so much Fritz Meyefr
OMG….this made me laugh and laugh. I was on the fence about attending the tour, and this post….almost talked me into going! LOL “Try not to suck today”! Classic!!
You guys are awesome. I’m decompressing from the Raleigh/Durham session – it’s a lot to take in and assimilate. It was pretty amazing meeting you and David in person. Anyone who hasn’t yet gone to a Flash Bus session… Go! It’s worth it, by far.
I do miss the shot that made you and Hobby look like you are throwing fireballs at each other. Very clever, and a great day in Austin. Thanks again…
Joe- Nashville was great. You didn’t suck. (Well, not much.) 😉
Now Cali on the other hand… 🙂
Really looking forward to seeing you and David in Boston on Saturday!
Great time in Raleigh! You guys rock!
Thanks for bringing TFB to Atlanta, Joe. You guys – you, David, and your entire team – were gold, 24K! The day went by way too quickly!
Will there be a TFB – Part Deux?
Thanks again,
Wow!! What an amazing day my friend and I had yesterday in Raleigh watching you and David speak and photograph. I still break into a cold sweat when I think about being photographed by you in front of 400 people! Totally worth it all plus I walked away with an amazing reflector. I can’t thank you both enough. What a blast!
ARGH!! I was supposed to see you guys in DC today, but I overslept! Oh well…
I’m excited to see you both in Phila. tomorrow (and I’m not even an older guy!)
Thanks From Atlanta!! BTW you look talker and fitter in person!!
it’s really great …thanks so much
“Drew Shortbus”…Classic!
NEXT time around…. PLEASE come to Upstate New York….Syracuse,New York!! We have cameras too!
No lighting diagram?
We’ve seen Dave’s – how about yours?
You’re coming to Grand Rapids. We have a Sushi bar here that you will like. Might change you’re rating thing. I’ll tell you where and when the Flashbus gets here. Might even buy. See you in GR.
Attended your session in Durham, NC yesterday and I was completely enthralled. Thanks for such great info in a friendly format. Learned tons of things and it was nice seeing you buys in person. Can’t wait for you to come to town again!
I learned so much in such a small amount of time! You guys really are inspiring at what you do! I had a big corporate gig right after the convention and i must say just about everything you guys covered was put to use! Thank you for coming to Las Vegas and enlightening this dim city. Seriously, the photography in Las Vegas is lacking and i was honestly sad not to see more people in the audience, but hey 9am on a saturday morning is rough for people in Las Vegas! Good times! Keep kickin ass Joe!
See you tomorrow in Philly!
Hey, thanks for a wonderful presentation in Raleigh. By the way, did you know you were walking into a room with all those open windows AND the open roof? When I saw the backdrop for a demo and I looked at all those windows letting light stream in I groaned and laughed at the same time. How could you control light in that environment!
Thanks again. Got home and started experimented with what you taught.
Thanks so much for a wonderful time in DC! Learned a lot about TTL and renewed my desire to keep shooting! Best for the rest of the trip. You guys rock!
Had a great time in Nashville and Joe, there were more women out there than you think. 😉 And we really enjoyed Cali….why isn’t he on the bus again?
Learned alot and using it towards my next new project……
Great stuff, you are the man at off camera lighting! When you going to come to England?
Hi guys. Really enjoyed the class in Durham, NC – It was very insightful and enlightening.
You guys rocked!! Entertaining, educational, and ever evolving. Loved it and am grateful you took the time to share. Have a safe ride and hurry back to Austin, anytime.
I can’t get enough of your Photos Joe,
Are you coming to Michigan ever??
Only wish I had a trip to US planned so could fit you in sometime. As (subtly) commented above, UK visit would be awesome or other countries; or a DVD of some of it (expecting that’s under consideration/planned already).
Thoroughly enjoyed the SLC session. The glitches were a potential opportunity to see you squirm, which of course you DIDN’T. Joe Cool. Of course, that’s the moxie that’s gotten you through so many situations in your career. Always fun to watch!
Thanks for the show!
There is NO way to not love you Joe, you are the man! You are as big in person as you appear in your prolific writing in books and on the web. You were genuine, authentic and REALLY funny (looking) onstage. I was amazed at how patient and generous you were with your time while you were here with all of us dildos in Durham. Your writing remains my favorite, especially amongst any photography writing. Thank you so much for coming to Raleigh to share only a fraction of all of that brilliance you possess. Drop that David guy on your next swing through.
YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!! I’m a manual and TTL swinger now! :oP Thank you so much Joe for helping me understand more about TTL and David thank you for helping me pack less gear around. Here is a photo I took when you guys were in Portland, Wa.
Sounds like you’re getting to know each other really well. Looking forward to seeing you guys in Pittsburgh.
I had an awesome time yesterday in NY. Thanks so much.
LOVED,LOVED,LOVED the FlashBus tour yesterday in NYC!!! Better than a rock concert! I’m still pumped up and want to go shoot everyone I see. Thanks for an awesome seminar. You NEVER disappoint. And I LOVE how you remind us that we all make mistakes and that’s how we learn! I’m a better photograher today thanks to YOU!
Hey Joe ran across this on twitter. Thought you might want one for the next tour
sounds like an exhausting but fun tour across the US. Nice blog post Joe. Maybe you start an European tour any time in the next years?
Would be an honour to have you in Europe and share your experience with the people here.
All the best from Scotland
Can’t thank you enough for all the cool info we got from the NY stop of the Flash Bus! T’was my 3rd Mcnally event and I still end up learning a lot. (It rocked that i even won a lastolite grip thingy!)
The crew were really awesome sports! And as always, you and Dave were very approachable and this is what really separates you guys from a lot of superstar photogs. Keep on truckin’ man!
I just returned from the Boston session – FANTASTIC! Yes, I learned a lot, but it was really fun, too. Wonderful humor and enthusiasm. It was really obvious that you guys love what you do. Thank you!
Joe, I haven’t been to that sushi place in Denver (had surprisingly good ramen there, though), but I can almost guarantee that if you run over to Sushi Nozawa in Studio City next time you’re in LA, you wont’ be disappointed. The guy who runs it is down at the fish market first thing every morning, so you’re eating today’s catch. It’s not quite Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, but it gives anywhere else I’ve been in Japan a serious run for its money.
Just got back from the Boston show, it was, in a word, amazing. I don’t really look up to alot of people, well, not “Real” people per say, mostly star wars characters and indiana jones, but you two are a couple of real stars in my world, first because you know and have done so much, and second, well, cause your just good people.
While I appreciate the heck out of the diagrams, the setups, the ttl this and manual that, the biggest thing I took away from today is that everyone fails, everyone has challenges, thats just part of the game.
So thanks for validating my oft photographically induced panic attacks and bouts of self loathing in that its normal, and everyone goes through that, becuase honestly, to date, that was the only part of photography i wasn’t sure about.
AA batteries to fire up my speedlights … $8, Parking and a Charlie Card … $10, Mexican Lunch $12, Attending the Flash Bus Tour with Hobby and McNally … PRICELESS!!! Thank you so much for an educational and entertaining day in Boston! It was AWESOME!
Had a great time with you guys in Boston!
Joe, you forgot to mention that Grippi is quite the dancer, as witness recently by many in Orlando.
Since you folks are coming up from Indianapolis, if you get a chance stop by the Belles Eccentric Café in Kalamazoo for some of the finest beer brewed in Michigan http://www.bellsbeer.com/
See you in Grand Rapids, can I bring you guys anything from Detroit? you know, maybe some angst , a sense of abandonment , general bitterness or maybe a coney dog.
Hey Joe,
Great to meet you today at the Buffalo leg of the Flashbus tour! You’ve been my biggest photography hero for years, so it was a real pleasure to meet you in person.
Loved the seminar and learned a lot!
still waiting on news for the UK tour??!! hint hint…
Awesome time at the Atlanta stop. Thanks for the MONSTER Tri Grip, and the Bo Jackson stories! Y’all rocked!
Many, many thanks to you for coming to sleepy Albq. in the land of mañana….we hoped you liked us!!!
Joe you put on one hell of a good seminar! Great too see how you work through a shot. You and Drew was very helpful in answering the many, many questions I asked during breaks. Came away with a lot of very useful information. Thanks so much.
Thanks for a great and informative show in IN. Worth more than the price by far! As always, listening to you teach is a pleasure and I only wished I’d remembered my books so I could beg you to sign them… Oh, and thanks for the free DVD! Being a smart-ass can be a good thing!
Thanks for Indy yesterday, and overcoming your bounce-out-of-bed overnight ride with gusto. Thanks Phil for getting them all to Indy in 1 piece, shaken not stirred.
Thanks Grippi – you were totally like the taz devil up there at every turn, especially when stuff hit the fan. Drew too! You guys are fabulous! And keep the wheels turning even when they try to fall off.
Thanks Cali for putting up with Joe picking on you the WHOLE TIME! Especially when he had that lens pointing at you. The Nerve!
Thanks Dave for reminding me why it’s ok that “old gray ladies” basically suck, and no matter how bad they treat their talented staffs they can never take away that talent – it should be used, honed, nurtured for US not THEM.
Thanks Dave for the kick in the keister to get the blog rolling that just been gathering dust in my head.
Thanks Joe and Dave for sharing tips and tricks, many I already use but not nearly enough. Luv my trigrip trans. and my sb800’s, D7000, D300s. I use the wide + light in hand like the creek shot ALL the time – set from popup. And the blind shooting of little children too. Always fun to watch their expressions (if i’m looking their way) when the shutter fires and they notice i’m not looking thru the lens. (“did she just take my picture? Nah, she couldn’t have”) LOL. Here’s to really shooting from the hip!
Keep up the great work, and THANKS for sharing! Glenn & I had a blast, as we knew we would!
Put Sharonville Convention Center (or West Chester Savannah – Ikea nearby) on your list for next time… north of Cincinnati in the burbs, and we’ll take you to our favorite Mexican place or cook steaks here (Glenn was a steakhouse kitchen manager -I married a guy with SERIOUS Grill SKILZ). I’m off to search out a silk chinese lantern and my tackle box.
I had such a good time at Flashbus in Pittsburgh! I wish every class in college had been as entertaining as your seminar…I may actually have a career right now if that was the case! Let Grippi know this girl’s got a crush on him and if he’s ever in Brooklyn I’ll take him out for coffee. I suppose you can come too if you want…..
“Cali… aka, Justin Bieber. He is the star of the soft core porno portion of my teaching stint. When he goes double guns for a picture, women in the audience just melt down.”
You crack me up everytime I read your blog. Jasmine and I miss you guys so much. I can relate to the logistical headaches and fun a road trip. We want you back in Sabah. This time, I am taking you guys for a diving trip!
Thanks for a wonderful day in Grand Rapids! Learned a lot and had a blast… You’re all awesome.
Thanks for the stop in Denver Joe! Loved watching you and David do your thing. Learned a ton.
Did you try Umi Sushi on 1st Avenue in the Belltown district of Seattle? AWESOME!! I fly all over the place (in the pointy end of the aluminum beast) and have found this to be some of the best Sushi I have ever had. Period.
Oh yea…that foto stuff with all the flashy things is kinda cool to. haha
Always looking for bigger, better, faster,
D300s enthusiast…aspiring to be a D3x enthusiast.
TFB was a fantastic success! The differences between you and David created a wonderful diversity while united in the theme of small flash. I know that it has forced me to rethink my meager strobist attempts (for the better). Now if I only had more time…and more money…and more willing subjects…and more equipment…and more assistants! I guess, photographically speaking of course, I want to be just like you.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. The pricing was reasonable, the experience was amazing, and you and David are true professionals. You’ve inspired countless on this trip. See you next time!
God bless all the heroes and heroines of 9/11. We share similar feelings about getting Bin Laden. Hopefully a threat to more lives has been ended. I pray that it brings some closure for the families and friends of those lost. But sadly, it doesn’t bring back those were lost on 9/11 or defending America since.
Thanks for telling the story about Louie. We need to celebrate those extraordinary acts of heroism.
Salute, I really like your article, your writing form is to the point and if this is a true sample of your whit, I will be back!.