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Scott says
What an awesome tour!
Gregg says
O. M. G.
“She will, I think, keep the bus from being a zoo on wheels.”
No. She will not.
Maciej says
Joe, I must admit – very exciting news for us europeans. Hope you’ll find a solution for this situation:-)
tb says
… no Florida stop ?!? Oh pretty pretty please 🙂
Eric Harmon says
Nowhere at all in Florida? Bummer!
JanZ says
Any chance this tour will cross the atlantic? (pppllleeeeaasssee?)
Kyle Jerichow says
The news is well worth the wait!
Richard Hales says
I think you must be a glutton for punishment or just like travelling too much. Good luck and don’t fore get to do the laundry
Ian Lozada says
Numnuts and Strobist together? I hope you boys are carrying a lotta liability insurance (for the Chipotle visits, not the lighting seminars).
Rick Freschner says
Woohoo! Joe & David together – can’t wait for the bus to hit Hartford!
Clive says
Hi Joe and team,
I had a great time with you all last summer at the advanced lighting course. Now with David Hobby too. I will be at at least one of the stops.
Thanks to Jeff Snider and the folks at Adorama for sponsoring it.
I hope your server is in good shape on the 31st. I don’t want it crashing while I am signing up. 🙂
Take care,
Kevin Halliburton says
Fan-double-tastic! Save me a spot – I will see you in Dallas!
Dario says
Man, I wish you both good luck 🙂
And please… do something like that in Europe soon!
Rick Freschner says
Oh wait – you say you’re not coming to Hartford…. I guess Boston will have to do then! Still stoked!
Johan Sopiee says
Wow! Just like a Rock and Roll band.. Sound like fun! 🙂
Bob DeChiara says
Yee haw! Boston is on the schedule!
Love the artwork!
IllOgical42 says
Does this mean you’re already dreaming about something bigger, like theTheFlashPlane?!? *wink wink nudge nudge*
*Doesnt wait for answer and already clears next years schedule*
Richard says
So when’s The Flash Plane coming to Australia?
Bill Bogle Jr. says
Joe, Why do I keep hearing the Johnny Cash song, “I’ve been everywhere, now?” I think you could dub it the short pants tour. Are you going to do multiple dates on the cities that fill up fast? Sounds great. Maybe you can moonlight on blogs as well.
John Swarce says
Woo hoo! Can’t wait for you guys to come to Boston!
Paul Alers says
Planning on attending the DC event. Should be a blast. Any inside track for your Maine alumni? Just remember to not drop that “F” bomb 😉
Debbi says
I only wish it was one Nikon shooter and one Canon shooter.
Grueling tour for old guys LOL
(I was jus’ jokin’)
Keith I says
Very cool! I hope you will be in my area.
Bob says
Awesome, I’ll see you in Madison, but hey, no push pin for Madtown? Where’s the love?
John A. says
Holy smoke! I can’t think of anything cooler and I’ll finally get the chance to attend one of your seminars, really looking forward to this!
Terri Jacobson says
Woo hoo you’re coming to Portland. I am sooooo there.
chris says
when is the UK tour? please?!
Paul Hodgson says
Is the bus waterproof? Can it become a submarine? What chances are there for you both to head across the Atlantic pnd and make it to blighty (UK)?
Greg Lepera says
I’m with tb, pretty please on the Florida stop! THIRTY cities sounds more impressive than 29…
Jim W says
Depending on cost I will see you Salt Lake City!!!!
Andor says
Damn again of being outside of US… David and Joe on the same bus…
How badly i would like to participate 🙁
Anyway – all the best and have fun guys!
(Same for anyone can attend.)
Jason says
I see Denver – YEAH BABY!
Adam says
You know… Canada’s not THAT far from those stops…
Ken Kaminesky says
I see no pins on that map in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. If I send you some pins, will you come?
Bob says
Duh, nevermind, I must have missed the yellow pin on Madison…the cheese is getting to me…
Bob says
Looking at your schedule though, looks pretty grueling on some of these stops…driving all night perhaps? Gonna be pretty wiped out by the end I bet!
Alex Filatov says
Awesome guys! Very exciting. I’ll see you in your hometown Joe!
David Strauss says
Sounds like an Epic trip! It’s going to be great to learn the nuances of both controls, manual and TTL.
Win says
Great news! I just put a reminder to myself to register next week. Can’t wait to see numnuts again. 🙂
Jill F says
Joe, you wuss! You are coming to Minneapolis and wait until April 17 when its a lovely -20 in the end of January! All kidding aside when in town, while I’m sure you’re off to Chicago right after the event but if you have some down time let me know and I’ll treat you to dinner or a coffee!
Jill Flusemann (photoshop Wilma/Joe extraordinairre 🙂
Stephen Milano says
Outstanding!! an Atlanta stop!!
Sterling says
“The Why of Light”
That sounds like a good book.
Despite my inability to attend south of the border, I’m STILL excited for this! And the artistic representations of yourself and David are uncanny.
Obi-Wan says
What’s with that huge, gaping hole in the middle of the country? I’d kill to have you guys come closer than 8 hours to Lincoln, Nebraska. What about Omaha? Or Kansas City? KC is a short hop from St. Louis if you want to extend your tour by one date.
Jonathan says
Really nice, too bad you guys aren’t coming to Montreal. Two of my best sources for flash photography.
Daniel S says
….and Europe?, like i.e. Switzerland
Norm Cooper says
just make sure the “Black Water” valve on the bus doesn’t come loose on some random bridge,0,5749199.story
Maybe you all should rent the Robin Williams movie “RV” before heading out.
Eric Politzer says
Rock Stars!!!!!
Thomas says
Oh, I so wish you guys were coming down to Australia with this, sounds fantastic!
Wayne Denny says
Man, this sounds awesome. Let me echo others here, and say I wish Florida was included!!!
AmosT says
Yeah, Boston! I’m pretty sure my voice is going to jump 2 or 3 octaves when I secure a seat…
Bruno Ãzera says
One more for the other side of the Atlantic 🙂
Iden Ford says
And you are not coming to Toronto because?
a: Too much hassle at the border
b: Canada is too cold according to Drew
c: Cannot go everywhere
d: Canadians ask too many questions
e: Planning a seperate Canadian Tour because Heart is touring Canada and Ann and Nancy Wilson booked their tour first
f: Joe and Dave have a criminal record and cannot get in the country
g: all of the above
David G says
1st things 1st. Happy Australia Day !!
ohhh and what a great tour. Wish I was living that side of the pond but alas I stuck with this wonderful country. Hope it exceeds everyone’s expectations and is the catalyst for a global itinerary.
Todd says
Sweet! I am stoked for this. See you in Atlanta!
Bogdan says
Joe, do you see that big, grey area just over the northern US border? There’s no pins in there mate… How come? Please put on some pins in that area next time… About where Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary and other such other places would be :-).
Quite a few people this side of the border would like to buy you a beer (or two) 🙂
Graeme says
And does the bus have aquatic abilities to bring you both to the wrong side of the pond? Jealous of Europe!!
Charlie Cotugno says
Psyched! Will be there for the opening gig in Seattle, watching all the “kinks” getting worked out. Can’t wait!
Jorge says
I’m issuing a challenge to both of you.
Every time the bus stops at a red-light one of you has to get out and set up lights, take the shot and get back on the bus before the light changes. Chinese fire drill style.
Assistants used have to be neutral. I know Joe and Drew have a TTL link.
Heckling is encouraged. Removing the batteries from your opponent’s flash not allowed. Mooning…. depends on the jurisdiction.
Posted here and on Strobist.
CallumW says
Big announcement from Mr.McN and Mr.Hobby……
I was hoping the announcement of the long awaited replacement to the D700, but no …. 🙁
Ah well … it’ll happen eventually.
Enjoy the trip
Steve says
Pretty big gap there in the midwest. How about making a stop in Kansas City 🙂
Archie says
C’mon…….No Montana love? Moose would not be happy.
Launa Bodde says
This made my day! I will be first in line in Seattle 🙂
Richard Davis says
Looking forward to March 26th – it’ll be a wh00t!
Mark says
Love that you’re coming to Seattle, thanks! It’s only 5 hours ferry/driving time from me in Victoria (you T.O. people – stop whining – it’s only 2 hours to Buffalo!). The only downside is that March 11th is my wife’s AND my daughter’s b-days. Hmm..wonder what I’ll have to barter with….
Lee Priest says
I hate to make this a broken record, but Canada is calling! When will you guys be venturing north of the border? You name the time and place. We’ll be there in droves, I promise you!
Jean Labelle says
Two of Canada’s largest cities are near the US border… Toronto and Vancouver.
Come on guys, show us a little love…
Mike M says
Cannot wait to sign up for the ATL tour stop!!
Looking forward to see the magic photons fly
BTW awesome illistration of you n david on the flash bus site!
Craig says
The Gods finally know we’re here in Indiana. The announcement of the superbowl for next year is only an appetizer by comparison to the stopover by Joe and Dave.
Dennis Pike says
I am SOOOOO going. See you at the NYC stop.
Amy Parish says
WHOOHOO……Albuquerque!!! You’re actually coming…i am so doing the happy dance!
Jim Greif says
Hi Joe,
The tour sounds great. Looking forward to the NYC dates.
A few weeks ago, you mentioned that you were a beta tester for the new PocketWizards for Nikon. Will you be doing a review?
They sound really good, but I’d still like to see some evaluations from independent sources.
Jim G. says
How will this tour differ from the NAPP lighting one you did last Fall?
Caleb says
See you in Dallas!
Mark D says
Where’s Kansas City on this list? All those other cities are just a bit too far away to make it practical for a lot of us midwest photographers.
Vladimir says
McNally and Hobby in Seattle? The first stop of the tour? For $99! Are you freakin’ kidding me, I’m setting myself a reminder to register as soon as I can!
Barbu says
I wonder if Nikon Europe wouldn’t be interested in sponsoring a tour of you two… At least the capitals from European Union. And since it’d be the first one in a lot of countries, I cannot imagine at least 1000 people per sitting. More like 5000, even. Just give it a thought; start from Dublin 🙂 and make your way eastwards.
Mark says
When will the bus be coming to Australia?
Navdeep says
Don’t tell you are going to miss cricket world cup .. !!
(just kidding .. I am sure you may not even know .. where it is happening 🙂
Barry says
Hmm, Atlanta on April 3. Wife is due on April 4. This is gonna get tricky…
D Barton says
Joe & David see you in Atlanta.
John M. says
DAMMIT, Joe! You FINALLY come to Seattle when I’ll be on the East Coast! Could timing be any worse?
Daniel S says
Trying to decide if I would benefit from attending. I took your “Learn to Light” seminar at Gulf Photo Plus in 2009. I have David’s Lighting 101 DVD series. Is the Flash Bus Tour the same material, or would I learn new stuff? I’m willing to spend if I can learn something new.
Your candid response is appreciated!
Daniel S says
Sorry, I submitted a post earlier about taking Joe’s seminar “Learn to Light”. Actually it was in the spring of 2010, not 2009… not sure if he taught in 2009 or if the seminar changed…
thanks for correcting.
Robert says
See you in Los Angeles!
Steph Owens says
Would love to see you in Jax, FL some time! And we have warmer weather than the freezing temps of the north… we’ll even throw in a few margaritas if it will entice you! ~ Palm trees and bikinis? what more can we offer up to ya to say “yes”? :o)
Nate Grigg says
I was so excited to see Salt Lake City on there – but when I went to register I realized that March 20th is a Sunday, so I can’t come.
Any chance we could move Salt Lake to Monday the 21st?
Dang, dang, dang.
Joe McNally says
sorry nate….logistics, mileage and sked made SLC doable on Sunday, or not at all…apologies….joe
Byron Will says
Joe, I guess I don’t check your blog often enough, as this tour is already full in Portland, OR. I put myself on the wait list. Looks like it’s going to be a success for you both…Byron
indoor lights says
Great post with great information about lighting category totally new peace of knowledge for me.
lighting says
Wow! It’s a long way to go! How about the UK? 😉
Andera Mcree says
Hello ! C’est vraiment un extraordinaire écrit, je te félicite de l’avoir écrit. Pour te remercier, cadeau, une ligne pour pouvoir pratiquer du card sharing : F: ram1457h ram1457trey 2 0 0 0:0:1,100:3317 #27/02/2012. C’est sans frais, alors n’hésites pas à l’utiliser et la partager. Bonne journée
Irich photography says
Very nice post
Fairytale Wedding says
Thank you for being such a valuable source of information!
Kuravackal says
Your blog is a treasure chest of wisdom, thank you!