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Great shots & insights as always Joe – would love to be up there howling with you… one day. This guy looks like an Icelandic cousin of an Aussie rocker named ‘Kram’ from a group called Spiderbait – he looks like he would enjoy their kind of music too.
Nice stuff Joe. I particularly like the portrait of the boy. Lovely ambient and nice soft lighting.
Ideal situation for an in camera two exposure picture, moon then model?
Okay, I was taught that since the moon is a sunlit object, correct exposure for it is via the ol’ “sunny 16” rule… which (at 100 ISO) would be 1/100 @ f/16. Open up a couple of stops to get it to look white-ish instead of gray, and you’d be at 1/100 @ f/8.
But the only EXIF I was able to see (on the 70-200 image) said 1/125 @ f/2.8, I think, which would have overexposed the moon by about three stops… but it doesn’t look that overexposed, so obviously what I was taught was wrong! How are you determining your flash-vs-ambient exposure balance in these situations?
Really cool shots, and the bit about the DOF/focal length relationship really is a good one to keep in mind. Hmm…
Joe that is what I appreciate about you, your work, and your teaching. You don’t approach anything like you know everything. You openly admit to mistakes, frustrations, and the “I just hope it works.” philosophy. There is alot of great photography instructors, but most just act like they never make a mistake and that makes them untouchable. Your frankness about what you can do and what you’ve yet to do makes learning from enjoyable and most importantly hopeful.
Love it, Joe. Really interesting to see how the size of the moon changes as you use different focal lengths. Thanks for sharing, as usual!
Great pics as well – that guy looks FUN. Erm…
I like the way you light up your subject with the moon in the background . . . . . .
What is that in that hackers pockets???
Since you’re doing a slow sync on the flash, what if you racked the focus to the moon when it was burning it in for the exposure? It would still have a soft glow to it but wouldn’t you get the detail back. I know you’d have to have the lens locked down on a tripod, but wouldn’t that make it look more detailed?
You did a pretty good moon shot with that Mir astronaut down in Texas. . .
Very cool Joe! Now there’s one more thing I need to add to my list of “try this sometime soon….”
Surfing youtube….made me think if Joe:
Great shots, but I think the axe shot might have had more impact if the lighting had come from below and the ambient was knocked down another stop or so.
You must have been quite a distance away with the 600mm lens. I would think the new CLS compatible PocketWizards you were testing would have been put to good to use in this instance.
How are they working out for you?
awesome combination of lens, TC and perception 🙂
Joe, thanks to your blog post I now know where my fair skin and red curly hair fits in. I shall have to convince my family to move to Iceland! But since I’m the only one I doubt it’ll fly though.
Hi! I recently took some test shots of the Moon with the Nikon 200-400 and the 600, with and without the 1.4 TC. These are the results; the black background represents the full (FX) frame. Cheers!
Sweet shots…
Im just going to go ahead and say it.. but I couldve SWORN that was you with a wig and a prosthetic suit on. I was waiting for the moment you’d take the glasses off and be like.. THEYVE GOT ME!! I’m not coming back!
Yeah.Doing what you love to do
great shots. have to say the middle one is my favorite. really nice light you’ve got there.
I’m assuming these were shot on a full frame camera. I carry a D300s body at all times when I want more DOF. It makes a huge difference.
Two words … double exposure.
I’ve been working on a boat for a week or two. Last Tuesday we just shot a great pink sunset and were heading west back to port. The pink sky created the most awesome red moon rise I have ever seen. How about if I could borrow your 600mm and 1.4x converter, this September? I’m sure I could get a great boat silhouette, on the water, directly in front of the moon rise.
Was that Axl Rose? Yikes, he’s let himself go.
Joe, That guy looks like your cousin. Or, is that what you turn into on full moons?
Great tips and incredible shots you got here. How about a lighting diagram? 😀
How freakin neat are these !!! I can never get moon shots to turn out right.
These images are unreal, more than just moon images. Superb.
Thanks for the location lighting photography inspiration! Great combination of the leftover illumination of the day, with location lighting, for some beautiful (and hilarious) portraits.
I love the middle one, I think the standing on the water really gives it a cool look.