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Tony Curtis says
Joe, as a US Navy Photographer, I appreciate you going on the subs to tell our story.
Tony Curtis
Jim White says
Sweet! Reminds me of the subs in Pearl while I was stationed there back in the early 80’s . . USMC. I wasn’t allowed, even as a military photographer, to go anywhere near them though 🙁
Brian Jackson says
Nice to see you up in the Pacific Northwest Joe. I took a ride on one of those subs a few years back but wasn’t allowed to bring a camera. The shot of the crew quarters by the missile tubes brings back memories. Great images!
Cary Spangler says
I spent a couple of summers building and testing subs at Newport News Shipbuilding when I was in college but never got to ride one. Heard a lot of stories about angles and dangles.
Bill Henderson says
Very cool images, love the close-up of the guy, and sea lions on the sub
Mark says
Great images. But love the sea lions!
Kevin Illingworth says
I’d be a disaster on one of these. I can’t help myself when it comes row after row of buttons one would just have to be pressed!
Martin says
Another book!! Where do I pre-order?!?
Did they let you push any buttons other than the ones on your camera?
kevie says
I hope you enjoyed your stay in SD Joe. One of these times you’ll need to come to SD for the Redbull Air Races.
Stephen Uhraney says
HI Joe;
14-24mm is a must have for the camera bag, use it all the time.
Maine Workshops Class 2003
Gordon says
I was lucky enough to be shown round a UK nuclear sub. I was amazed at how cramped and confined they are. Incredible people submariners to be able to live like that with no sight of daylight for weeks on end, even months at times….amazing
nick wilson says
nice joe – i know some people in the navy and hope to get out on the water one day!!!
Rusty Bryant says
Those photos take me back to when I was on the USS Louisiana (SSBN-743). Thanks Joe!
Jim says
Amazing…Absolutely amazing… Thanks Mr. McNally
Randy Frost says
You know Joe, your like crack cocaine. I’m always needing a Joe fix! Great job, where next, the space shuttle?
Hey while you were done there, you guys should have swung around to Gulf and plugged that damn hole.
Tom grigsby says
Joe, as a former “bubble head” I wanted to say thank you for your kind words. Angles and dangles are ok, but an emergency blow is where the real fun is!
David Kelly says
Hi Joe. Great post. I’m sure it was a great experience.
You gotta respect those submariners as Gordon says. How people could do those tours of duty in such cramped conditions knowing they’re hundreds of feet under the sea, I dunno. They’re obviously tough nuts – I’d go stir crazy.
Really looking forward to seeing you over here in the UK in July.
All the best.
sewa mobil says
nice picture…thanks
Alberto says
I ‘ve just finished the Mc Nally books and I never get enough of this stuff!!
Just one thing: fill flash on the ceiling?
thank U for sharing – really!
Ken Wilder says
Spent six years in USN during 60s. Thanks for the tribute and thanks for sharing the images. My favorite – the sea lions. k
James Clark says
When I was on the USS Kentucky, I was the ship’s photographer (along with about 15 other collateral duties on board, as a submariner you have a dozen different jobs). I used a 85mm f/1.8 and a 14mm f/2.8. Dark and cramped were the norm onboard.
About that guy getting some rest next to the missile tube. He ain’t just resting, that is where the junior personnel slept on bunk pans between the supply lockers. It beats sharing a bunk with other crewmen or sleeping in the bilge, which Seamen also sleep there as well.
TMC says
Thanx. I had the pleasure of being a crewmember of this fine submarine a few years ago. This really takes me back to WESTPAC 09′ Whoo-YA Hampton.
Ken Toney says
Gives numbnutts a whole new meaning.
Jason says
My favorite lens is my most recent purchase – the Canon 10-22 EF-S. Made only for the crop sensor cameras, it’s the widest non-fisheye there is and I love it! Even with the edge and barrel distortion, shooting wide has given me such greater reach than I’ve had before…a sub would be SUCH a cool place to shoot that glass! *Green with envy* 🙂
新人报到 says
Stephen J. Zeller says
Glad the weather was a little better for you during this trip, as opposed to January. If you ever want to go for a ride on a Tin Can (guided missile destroyer), let me know.
All the best,
Mark Holloway says
My nephew is serving on the USS Nebraska right now.
joe says
Served on board SSN-705 and SSN-719, sure wish the D300 and SB900s would have been around back then !!
Joost says
Are those the little speedlight softboxes on the ceiling in the second picture?
And how many warm-gelled SB’s did it take you to light the sea lions?
Liked the 2nd picture the best, picturewise but I’m a sucker for animals.
Did you get around to awarding the biggest sinner yet?
Wedding photographer Essex - Studio2 says
Wow, you have such a great job Joe
JABrown says
I worked there for 2 years and wished I had a camera with me all the time (not allowed). Thank you for doing it justice.
Augusta Ga Homes says
Some really nice shots, I must say the one of the sea lions were incredible. As a Realtor, I take pics regularly and I’m always interested in learning, especially about wide angle shots. I will definatly be checking back in pick up some great tips.
stinna arto says
I love your job. Can I have it ?? 😉
Shannon says
Mr McNally,
I hate to sound like such an ass kisser, but you are definitely my hero and you ARE why I started the quest of being a photographer. Thank you!. As for the sub shoot, as a disabled vet I commend you for showing a different side of the service that people can relate to more so than the wars going on, so they can stop being so damn negative. I have been trying to find a way to contact you for months and this is really the only way I found to do so. I am not trying to get a reply, I just want you to know what you have done for me as sappy as it sounds!
Fotograf Rene Asmussen says
Respect respect respect! You have something here …. A way of expressing yourself with a great attitude. Love it! Keep it up!