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Mark Pakula says
LOL classic stuff guys. I love it. But we need to see some of those multi bounce shots. Let me guess 1/1 power at f0.95?
Kevin Blackburn says
I love the I’ll light ya for it Just what I needed on a cool Monday morning. THX CYA Oct 23rd in DC
johnodd says
Hahahahaha, you guys have far two much time on your hands…..ok i kow that’s not true but it makes me feel better seen as i struggle to light anything well with a flash.
Tommy Lynch says
jun says
hahaha nice one guys
mh says
had to unsubscribe it’s just too early for that kind of photo…..
threw up a little in my mouth…
Shawn says
Awesome spot Joe. Saw it first on Terry White’s Tech Blog. Hilarious even the second time around. Surprised neither of you threw Dave Cross’s dome in the mix! j/k love ya’ Dave. Again nice work!
Al Graham says
You didn’t try a bounce off Kelby’s forehead?
Neil Holmes says
Love the video! I’ll have to challange some of my fellow togs
Jase says
oh man i’m pissing myself – that’s a brilliant vid!! 😀
Mark says
That. Is. Hilarious.
Jen says
OMG… Thanks for the laugh.
Barbara Louise says
That video was GREAT !!!!!!! I’ll have to remember that the next time I’m out shooting. (off the quarter !)
You truly keep inspiring me EVERY DAY !
Rob Makas says
This was your best spoof so far! Wait, was it a spoof?
I wanna know what those 2 guys were discussing! So, if I touch your arm with my finger like so…and think real hard, then I’ll have tattoos all over my upper body, too? Hey, I REALLY hope that guy behind me doesn’t back into me.
Leoraul Torres says
Insane! I remember that MJ Bird Ad as if it was yesterday the last time I saw it! Brutal mis amigos!
Mike says
“Just one light” This will be a classic! LOL
Lyndon Smith says
That video was too much fun! Good one guys.
Petsch says
Thanks & GOOOOOOOD Job !!!!
arthur hawkins says
One Question……Why????
Jesus Inclan says
Great video guy’s. Thanks
arthur hawkins says
Loved the video, that was great, but the skin ink pic….it’s a little early in life for that one…
Andreas says
That video was awesome!!
Had a good laugh and now I want a double cheeseburger… :/
Linda Brinckerhoff says
Chuck Carver says
Fantastic work guys. Who’d ever thought that you could use a quarter as a bounce panel?
Ken says
I thought I would give you a heads up on your blog today. The “tiffany Davis” is a spam bot for “fling” an online pay site.
Looking out for your back side from KY.
I am going on a trip of a lifetime to Egypt to shoot the country. Any tips are apprciated
Ken in KY
Mike McFerrin says
DUDE!!!! I am totally without words! NOBODY…… .I MEAN NOBODY could have pulled that one off but da’ Joe Mc! LOL LOL!! LMAO!!!! That was awesome!
Sarah Kavanaugh says
Arthur, why not?!
Otto Rascon says
That video is too funny. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and that burger at the end looked… uh… kind of good actually. I must be hungry.
Kristina J says
Loved seeing this at the PSW keynote. Joe and Scott together are so much fun!
Dario Dusio says
haha made me laugh!! nice one!
GT says
THANKS FOR MAKING MY MONDAY MORNING INTERESTING 🙂 That is the best commercial I have seen in a while, it should be on TV!
Great job guys,
Ray says
Henrik Wessmann says
That was a good laugh !
Just finished your book “The Moment it Clicks” – great shots and great stories.
How about moving to Denmark ? You can bring some of your buds too….
Francois Meehan says
Bring more of that kind of stuff, it surely put some “light” on my day!
Jason says
Ha ha those are some nice light bouncing skills!
Jim White says
This was great!
jakob says
Funny stuff, nobody beats McNally:-)
RBD says
Does the fact that I recognized the spoof before clicking the play button mean I’m perceptive or just old?
Ted Sali says
it’s so wonderful watching two of my idols working together like this.
I’d be willing to put up 2 double cheezburgrz with BACON just to hang with these guys.
Nick McDonald says
This would make THE perfect Nikon commercial
Chris Gray says
That was just great. Thanks for sharing. You guys are nuts. BUT…….smart
jakob says
Hey Joe what means “more TK”? Sorry for that stupid question, but Im pretty new in this world.
John A. says
LOL, awesome …does this mean you can dunk a basketball too? 😉
Mike Jandavs says
Haakon says
Ref. Tattoo photo
Fun to see that some of these guys travel between conventions. Got a shot of the guy to the far left a few months ago at the annual Ink N Iron in Long Beach… he won the “best back” competition…
BebopDesigner says
Brilliant video post! Loving it! thanks for sharing (LMAO)
Sandrino Cueva says
HAHAHAHA!!! You guys made my Monday. It was great.
Kevin Williams says
Brilliant. I didn’t immediately make the link back to the old Bird vs. Jordan “nothin’ but net” commercial, but once I saw it on YouTube …
Brilliant. “Just One Light”. Instant classic catch phrase, just like “nothin’ but net” was. I wonder if that’s where that catch phrase started?
Just what I needed today to lift my spirits – whole family just got H1N1. Thanks for the laughs!
Andrew Bitson says
Love the video! Amazing! 😀
Paul Evans says
So made me laugh while watching me hockey team blowing it .
NitaG says
Love a good laugh and kick in energy first thing in the morning> Were the fries cold?
Chris Mohritz says
Very interesting post, thanks!
Joe McNally says
man, at that point, those fries sucked!
Elf says
I´m trying to say something inteligible but I´m still rolling on the floor laughing xDDD
carla says
love it 🙂
Richard says
what year was that quarter ? lol
fun video…
Sean McCormack says
That’s one special quarter.
Mark says
What a great video ! Haha now I cant wait to see sequels !
EJ Mendoza says
watched it more than 10X…nice!
Brian - Ottawa Wedding Photographer says
Great video!
Stephen G (@batt57) says
RE: The McNally/Kelby burger video…. you guys have WAY too much time on your hands! Love’d it though.