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Vanderley Thomaz says
Video and blog post, couldn’t ask for more! Thanks Joe and team!
art meripol says
Incredible vision as usual from you. Technically amazing and logistically. . . gnarly! As always, deeply impressed.
Anthony says
“From 75 to 100 feet away, give or take.” That can’t possibly the max range for this system, can it?
Joe Masucci says
Damn fine work from a great team. Kudos!
Steve Boyko says
Impressive as usual, Joe… this one was over the top! Congrats to you and your team.
David says
Thanks always good info!
Dave Prelosky says
Among all the other information, I noticed something and now I’ve got to ask: Where are you getting Frio cold shoes? Every indicator I can find seems to say they went belly up.
Zoltán Bese says
A new incredible project. Thank You
David Taranza says
This can originate only in Joe McNally’s mind 🙂 Reminds me of changing a bulb atop Empire State Building or setting up a circus to test a camera.
3rd picture looks like you actually had 3 choppers in the air?
Great job, mister, as always. And, great respect to the whole crew.
Owen Lloyd says
“I’ll be in another helicopter..” – you don’t need to hear any more to know this is a Joe Mcnally shoot 😛 Love it. Fantastic result.
Fotograf Nunta says
Such an awesome article!!
Thank you so much.
Joe McNally says
They did…we just were lucky enough to have a stash left over….
Joe McNally says
I’ve fired them easy up to 150 feet. I honestly forget what they say the limit is in the manual, but engineers tend to err on the conservative side of things. Conditions affect performance as well.
Nathan Wong says
Wow. The thing that you have to go through is amazing!!
Niyas says
Amazing photos…
Lee Love says
Joe, your problem is you never get to shoot any “Interesting” or fun subjects. LOL
Great work as usual.
Brian Wilson says
Good Lord, Joe! Be safe out there!
Paulo Dasilva says
Awesome shot!! Joe you are the best
Deanna says
Amazing pictures! Love your style!
Screaming Pictures says
Mind blowing
Kartick says
Hi Sir,
I am a pre-wedding photographer in Mumbai , India. I use a lot of speed light along with wireless trigger for my shoot. Seeing you take this work to another level is amazing!
A lot to learn from you.
Kartick says
Wow, Amazing
lilly says
nice post
Tyler Wickham says
Incredible post. Really enjoyed the insight about speedlights. Interesting to see them pushed to their limits. I definitely understand why the radio controlled aspects of the system are crucial after viewing the images that came out of this shoot.
Fotograf Nunta says
I like your ideas! photos are great!
Voucher Sedinta Foto says
Awesome shot!!
Fotograf Nunta Bucuresti says
Awesome set of images, the light in some of them is incredible!!!