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Michael says
Would love to see the BTS of the set up. Thanks for all your work!
Michael says
Would love to see the BTS set up
Ali says
You are a great inspiration Joe. This is simply beautiful.
Luis Paez says
These shots are beautiful. Joe you always make the particulars sound so simple. Your work is always so inspiring making me strive to always capture a better image.
Rudi says
Cool as always for sure. I’m not sure if I understand that correctly. You wrote: This is shot at f11 at 1/15th of a second. The up top image is the same shutter at f8, hence a bit more motion in the veil, and the little tinge of blue.
More motion because of same shutter speed but smaller aperture? Is it because of flash/ambient light ratio?? But shouldn’t it be more flash light at f8 than at f11 while flash power is equal? Maybe you can shed some light for me, Joe? Thanx.
Gerry says
Absolutely stunning Joe. Makes me remember why I wanted to buy an SLR and speedlights in the first place. Can I ask a dumb question though. Why does a different aperture lead to more motion in the veil in the first image when the shutter speed remains the same? Or did you mean the motion in the veil is more exposed and visible at f/8?
Joe McNally says
Sure….Shutter remains the same. So that’s a given. At f11 there’s less influence of the ambient light field created by the hotlights. Did that because in that shot, the dancer is leaping. At f8, the aperture is wider open, hence the ambient light into the veil has more influence, and there is the hint of more motion, even though the shutter remains the same. And there is a tinge of blue from the very weak hot light with the blue gel that is squashed at f11. Cool?
Gerry says
Thanks for answering Joe. For a minute there I thought I was gonna have to drag out my old copy of ‘photography for dummies’ and go through the whole exposure triangle thing again. Was sure I was missing something.
It’s always great to read the tech specs for images like this, but much better to get an insight into what your thought process was at the time.
Much appreciated.
Rudi says
How to confuse the russians 😉 I was aware that you are doing two photos each time you do flash. One of the ambient which is controlled by shutter and aperture and one flash which is controlled by perture. Now I understand that “motion” is just more obvious because the ambient is more prominent with same shutter speed. Looking forward to meet you in Berlin. Thanx, Rudi
Julian says
When is you next book :” Dancer Diaries”
Coming out ?
Brian Wilson says
Love it Joe! Keep after it!
Nick Burrett Photography says
Love this idea, I hadn’t thought about using a constant light source and flash at the same time for this effect. The blue light really adds that extra flare to the image.
Brian Wilson says
Anyone else see a ghostly male form in the veil upper left?
Farah Habib says
Your work is really great joe , keep it up.
Farrah Habib
2016 Diary