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Johan rosen says
Yeah Wukesong is a cool place to browse around 🙂
Nice shot.
Charlie Cotugno says
Beautiful image. Great pickup on the lens, looks as sharp as the day it came out of the factory. I’ve also had to all but abandon manual focus, the plague of being in the over fifty crowd.
Jacob says
A lot of people dismiss older lenses as yesterday’s trash but there are a great deal if amazing performers in Nikon’s lineup that still perform wonderfully! I shoot professional gigs with all D series lenses and haven’t had a complaint. Sometimes comparing horses leads to splitting hairs 😉
Glenn Hartong says
I love the 55 micro. For years we had three lenses in our everyday newspaper kit, our choice,
Even when we went digital, a wide zoom, an 80-200 and a 55 micro was my choice.
I cannot tell you how many small photos I copied, many wallet size, of victims of one incident or other.; a sad reality of news photography but the micro always excelled.
Koen Miseur says
I also use an old Nikkor lens (135mm f2.8 AIs) on a new Nikon body (D7000) and they work great together and it is SO sharp!
Kryn says
Wow, Joe, those images are friggin awesome!
You planning to come to Shanghai by the way? There’s a whole bunch of people here dying to meet you!
Kevin Lee says
Every time I read your blog is like one more bullet is added under my belt. Thanks.
Jan Håkan Dahlström says
Old lenses rule! I got a 58/1,4 lens from 1961, working very well on my D800, beatiful bokeh and haze at 1,4…..
HaraldH says
Bless the F-mount. My Nikkor 105 mm/f2,5 (40 years old) is still – and after all those years – my favourite portrait lens. Pin sharp. No problem using it on my D700. I don’t even miss the autofocus. H 🙂
Gordon says
Hi Mr McNally
is ist this lens you tell about?
Bill Bogle, Jr. says
The beauty of the Nikon system and the F Mount lens. I know there is a reason I have kept so many. The 55 Micro-Nikkor f2.8 was my standard lens on my F3 for years. Still use it. I can put it on my original F or my D800. I like that sort of consistency.
Great image, BTW.
All the best.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Kaz Neal says
Fabulous texture and colour.
ofis dekoru says
Thank you for sharing
Michael Thurman says
That’s a great story and even better outcome!
When I’m not shooting my Nikon F2, their a several lenses that wind up on my, er, Canon digital with good results.
Looking forward to the Images from this shoot.
Norbert says
You know, I happen to use na old 50 1.4 (I’m guessing 1963 or so) and it is my favorité by far… Old does not have to mean outdated…