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Kuba says
Amazing light!
Jeff S says
Beautiful as always! I can’t imagine sharp images at those shutter speeds…maybe I’m getting old. LOL Any supplemental light?
tips fotografi says
its just wow
amazing picture joe
Kevin Miller says
Are these Cuban window photos handheld or on a tripod/monopod?
gvb says
Cowboy looks like the Cuban Tarantino
Or it might be just me… 🙂
Kryn says
Joe, your pics are amazing again! I’d love to join on eof yoru workshops in cuba some time!
Gaby Awad says
I couldn’t tell if this is ambient light only or the guru of speedlites (like ussual) showed us once more how to mix both artificial and ambient lights in a seamless way. Looking for the “how it was made” video version…
Dave Benson says
… just finished re-reading (probably 3-4th time)Hot Shoe Diaries and The Moment it Clicks)… I am attempting to glean from your messages how important it is to see and interpret a scene before shooting, and bringing into the mix the solutions that tell the (your) story…
thanks for sharing your expertise and experience…
Andor says
Ani says
These are so wonderfully light. Full of emotion and calm. Cuba is a place on my bucket list. These images help define passion to a people and place my father spoke of so endearingly.
Phil Sharpe says
Excellente’ Maestro!
Mark Rosensteel says
Joe I was wondering, I have seen you work in two different classes now and it is amazing what you do with light. In this photograph here was this all done in camera or was it finished up with any Photoshop?
If you get a chance to come back to Pittsburgh please do so, it seems every time I attend one of your workshops I always pick up a few more ideas.
Thank you sincerely, Mark Rosensteel
Joe Ethridge says
Your photos never cease to inspire. Beautiful wide angle portraiture….not an easy thing to do! Thanks.
Kunal says
Great as always !! Soft light but crisp pic 🙂
Jim Donahue says
Second image looks like one of his famous bed sheet over the window with a dash of light from the right
Mycadisfly says
Great shot with the dancer …I believe I have seen that staircase … nice venue for you to have a model with you..great use of mood thought provoking.
Mup says
Great portrait with a 28mm lens!
Tom McKean says
Awesome shots Joe. Fantastic camera.
E.P. Scott says
Cuban Cowboy looks like emaciated/old Quentin Tarantino
Joe McNally says
On the way to Pittsburgh soon. A bit later this year. What I did here was intro a bit of sharpening, vibrance and contrast via Aperture. No Photoshop, as I don’t have the current version to work a DF NEF and I don’t really know how the cloud works so well, so I’ve just been living with what I can do with a jpeg on Aperture. Sounds dumb I know, but I’ve logged so many air miles of late, I’m behind in a whole bunch of stuff. Joe
Joe McNally says
Quick snaps, natural light…..Joe
Joe McNally says
Hand held…..didn’t bring a tripod….Joe
Joe McNally says
Just the window light….:-)))
Leif says
Fantastic shots – it really rocks
Mario Vargas G. says
wow the cuban cowboy is a masterpiece of fantastic balanced flash with catch light in his eyes but not hifghlights on face, with a beautiful ambient light, without a tripod, stunning¡¡
Patrick says
Love the dancer shot, great natural light!