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Joe says
Great shot. Love the light.
Susan Bill says
Beautiful, classic beauty, reminds me of Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner……great soft light…
Thank you This model is gorgeous!
Joe Ethridge says
Simply Lovely!
jonathan ellul says
what a gorgeous shot. you have inspired me Joe, to scrape together a wee lighting kit so i can make better pictures. i came you your One-light Two-light seminar in Toronto last year, and i’m down the rabbit hole of off-camera flash now. i love it down here. this light is beautiful. wish i could come to Van.
enjoy it there. i’ve lived in Vancouver. they say you can golf in the morning and ski in the afternoon. but i never have done that in the same day. i doubt many Vancouverites have either. but they all say it!
cheers to you sir!
Mateusz Krzastek says
Beautiful shot!
Thanks for the workshop, witnessing how you construct a variety of different shots from scratch was really inspiring. I learnt a great deal and had tons of fun shooting :).
Richard Hales says
Fantastic lighting. I may have something more profound to add one day, just not today
Andor says
Another amazing ‘light from outside the window’ portrait – thanks for sharing Joe!
matthew says
DC you say? What’s it take to get you to stop by a bar for a beer while you’re here?
Marv Ross says
CLS, SC29 or PW? A tish of CTO perhaps?
Thanks for the ongoing inspiration.
Eric -TFB Boston says
Oh man – such incredibly soft light – landing like a butterfly with sore feet. Outstanding.
And without a 10 foot octabox and $USD 4K of mono packs – you continue to amaze us all.
Alex Cadar says
Thanks for sharing this gorgeous example Joe! Looking forward for next Saturday as I am signed up for your one-day workshop at VPW. I am sure it will be a treat!
In the mean time I am going through your Sketching Light book as I can could always use a head start 😉
Ian Bell says
Thanks for coming to Vancouver Joe. Watching you work shots over 2 days was like listening to great jazz musician improvising. You, Cali and the rest of the support crew from Vancouver Photo Workshops made it a great experience, one I’d repeat in a heartbeat.
I hope all goes well in Washington and you get a little time to recharge. I think those VPW guys worked you like a rented donkey ;-).
Be well
Mark Adams says
Hi Joe,
According to the EXIF Data, this was your 37,343 shutter actuation on this D4. You are a busy, busy Artist.
By the way, it also says the shutter speed was 1/400th. FP High Speed Sync?
Ray Urner says
Enjoying our fine Vancouver rain? 😉
Wicked to have you in town!
Victoria O'Connor says
I had the great pleasure of attending one of the McNally seminars last week and found the content very informative. And I was pleasantly surprised when the famous Joe McNalley went around the whole audience before the event began and shook every person’s hand. In addition to being a great teacher, you’re a classy guy Joe McNally!
filmowiec kraków says
Wooow lovely!
Chad Bromley says
Great lighting setup. Im always thinking before i go out on a shoot, what light should i take with me. Do i cram the softboxes in the car, take a reflector or just use whats there when i arrived. I mainly end up using flash but it slows down my work flow. You seem to have a great handle on light joe.
Laura says
Nice pictures really! Thank you for sharing. Lighting is phenomenal.
Melissa Donaldson says
Joe you are so awesome!
Linda says
Gorgeous lighting. Beautiful shot.
Tom Freeland says
Joe I love the info you share with us. Thank you. Do you ever hold work shops working with older film gear? I would love to attend one.
Tom Freeland