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Darren Elias says
New site looks great!
Alan MacRae says
Awesome, Joe! That collection is amazing. I have the poster from one of your workshops hanging in my office, on permanent (at least until I die 🙂 ) display there.
PhotoShelter is terrific; been there for many years, almost since the beginning, I think.
Stevie Purves says
Looks fantastic Joe! Take my hat of to PhotoShelter, absolutely brilliant what they have done! Good luck for the
John Fowler says
Grand news Joe.
JerseyStyle Photography says
Wow! This is great news indeed! Joe, knowing how much of your heart and soul you put in the Faces of Ground Zero exhibit, and all the work you did to keep it afloat all these years, it’s phenomenal that Photoshelter is now on board with you and Adorama.
Photoshelter team: Much respect!
~ Mark
art meripol says
as if I didn’t have enough reason to like Photoshelter before…
Lex says
The expanded “Faces of Ground Zero” gallery is a tearjerker. Powerful, deeply relevant work, Joe.
James says
Wow, just wow! That is an impressive thing. You are very fortunate, one to have been a part of the Faces project and then to have this collaboration to safe the project.
Well done Joe, well done!
Jim Donahue says
Congratulations to all, on a Job (LOVE). Well done.
Bill Coleman says
If you can’t permanently display them, would it be cost effective to store them in that underground repository in, I think, western Pennsylvania?
Joe McNally says
Hey Bill….not really. At least where they are I can have periodic access to them without too much fuss. I’ll just hang in there. All Best, Joe
Mark Umbrella says
Great things done by great people! Congrats!
Also, I love the simplicity on the new look website.. bravo!
Will Austin says
So great to see this news in my inbox today, congrats Joe and thanks Allen and Photoshelter!
Jed says
Gorgeous forms on the slide show. 😉
Simon Fleming says
Great news on the partnership with Photoshelter Joe – good on them. The new site looks great as does the dedicated Faces of Ground Zero site.
I have been tinkering with a new site and identity myself over the past few months – funny enough via Photoshelter. I now have another reason to be happily aligned with their name and services.
Tom McKean says
Hey Joe! Congrats on switching to PhotoShelter. I also switched and love the new site design. Keep up the great work you’re doing. You’re my favorite shooter :))
art meripol says
The pairing with updated portraits is incredibly powerful. They’re not just photographic excellence but deeply respectful and humbling in their dignity.
Marc Kuyer says
Hi Joe,
Your site does not work in Internet Explorer 9 i see your home page!/index but everything else dows not work.
In Safari on my iphone or is google chrome it works great.
p.s. big fan of your work!
Rudi says
welcome Joe! I took a look and the first I saw was your video from the Burj Khalifa Tower. Man, you are so crazy. I just shit my pants while watching the video (as I did when I saw your Empire State photo 😉
Joe McNally says
Many thanks Art…coming from you, a good friend and esteemed pro, that means alot….best, Joe
Walt Rowand says
Joe, You bring a tear to my eye. Best Regards to you and Family
Lexi says
Awesome work and awesome site. Thank you so much for sharing. I plan to pass this around to many others 🙂
Dan Stevens says
Hmm, the new site isn’t working in IE on the PC, no problems in Mac Firefox though. Hope that can be resolved.
abhilash says
Great shots simply love the color and composition of your post.