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Manou Wahl says
So wonderful photos, I’m a great fan of you ! You are one of the best photographer in the world! Many Greetings from Bavaria Manou
Nikolay Mirchev says
NYC is so lucky to have you Joe!!! …. very sweet light on the first image and such an amazing, almost, abstract patterns within this lovely capture. I’m really enjoying this sort of composition as they feel very much like compositions of a traditional painters where there is lots of details and colors.
Peter Kelly says
Wish I was in New York right now, well wish I was anywhere rather then where I am in the UK, but then again I do like New York a really great place to visit and to live, and great people who live there
Yassar Hamid says
Love it!
I can see your reflection on the 1st pic 🙂 perhaps a shadow of yours is enough to recognise!
Jim Donahue says
Mike D says
Pretty spiffy “reflection” shot. Really appeals to my double-exposure mind. Encourages me to do more of these.
Scot Langdon says
Joe, beautiful, clean work. Wonderful colors, elements and reflections – all captured in the moment.
Lars Thomsen says
Sorry about my english.
But your pictures (Not “shots”) are great.
I believe, you know that.
Imagine: You are sitting in your kitchen. It is sunday and nine o’clock. You waiting with fresh brewed coffee for your wife.
During this time to watch nice pictures from a artist so many miles away. Thats great.
I believe that I won’t have the opportunity to visit the USA for The rest of my life. So are your works my window.
Have a nice time!!
Lars Thomsen
Bad Segeberg
Joe McNally says
many thanks for the kind words, Manou…I’m hardly that, but I keep plugging away, just like we all have to do with this thing called pictures….
Josh says
Hey, Joe. It was great to see you at #GPPLondon last weekend. Glad the trip home was ok, and I look forward to seeing you again.
Will you be in Dubai for GPP 2014?
Dave Jones says
Inspirational Joe, a true visionary. Many thanks for sharing.
JerseyStyle Photography says
A photo around every turn when in The Big Apple. Always good stuff when you’re roaming the canyons…
~ Mark
Tom McKean says
I love your shot at the Winter Garden. I too love shooting reflections and making the image work. It’s a great art form. Yeah, keep shooting – We’re all trying to take our best shots!
Christopher Campbell says
And here all I along I thought that banshees didn’t get out much, what with haunting graveyards and washing the armor of fallen warriors in nearby fords. Always learnin’ somethin’ new from ya, Lad. You just stay away from those banshees, okay?
Marta says
I’ve read your 2 books and hope someday to be so good as you are:)
Greetings from Poland,
amateur&your fan
Jon Maxim says
I am curious about camera, lens and settings of the saxophone shot. Are you able to share them?
Andrew Moline says
Always amazed at what you create. Was so fortunate to learn from and shoot with you in Las Vegas at your Pre Con.
Seeing you again in Denver this Wednesday. What I am really hoping for is that I might be able to be lucky enough to have my photo taken at your workshop if models are pulled from the audience? If I can use it, would love to submit that for my high school senior picture for the yearbook. Who else can say they had their senior photo done by Joe McNally?
Here’s to hoping, fingers crossed! Thanks for all of your generous teaching. 🙂
Andrew Moline
Joe McNally says
you’re on Andrew….
Joe McNally says
Yep, NIkon D4, 28 mm F1.4, at 1.4. That lens is quite old, they don’t make it anymore….but it’s a good one…
Joe McNally says
yep, will be there in Dubai, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise:-)))
Andrew Moline says
It would certainly mean more than can be put into just words (that’s why photographers put things into pictures, right?) if I manage to snag an opportunity for a photo by you, Joe! Thank you so much — we will see what Wednesday brings. : – )
Andrew says
I think the phrase you’re looking for re: Dubai is one you’ve surely heard a million times in your travels there — insh’allah.
While the circumstances may be, the quality of your photos is never insh’allah though. We always look forward to seeing what you see. It sounds cheesy but there’s no other way to say it concisely so here it is — the world I see every day is a fascinating place seen through Joe McNally’s left eye.
Best of luck on your project!
Stephen Coppinger says
OK Joe, share!
I’m fairly sure that the image of the coffee drinkers with the buildings in the background took some careful balancing of exposures (not to mention ‘seeing’ the shot in your mind).
Fess up on the details! Although I now live in New Zealand, I did come to one of your seminars in the UK and loved the moment when you went all far-sighted and started ‘foolin’ around’. Keep on inspiring us old age pensioners with aspirations.
Pat Alexander says
Is there any place more surprising to take photos than our fab city? Who’d believe your first shot was actually taken here with those background palm trees. One of the things I love about street performers is one day they’re here, the next day gone, and someone else has popped up in their place. A never ending visual feast.
Joe McNally says
Hi Stephen….no real dipsey doodles here, in terms of complexity. Fast 28mm lens, and I hid myself as best I could in the dark area around the girder. Light was wonderful, and it simply made for a simple, nice slice of Manhattan life. Best, Joe
Dheeraj says
Wonderful click sir, The focus, light amazing.
John Leonardelli says
You miss the New York pizza?
Sajjad Khani says
woderful photos.
Jedna Chwila says
so nice photos!!!
Nate Hart says
I always love the grunge look of street photo. You got some really good captures there, thanks for sharing.