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Fadi Kelada says
Thank you and David for making us all feel even more jealous for not being able to make it 😀
Daf says
Bit misty here in London this week!
Supposed to get better at the weekend though 🙂
Jedna Chwila says
what a mistery road…
Jeff Mulongo says
Hahaha : i love the “Zack Arias actually uses two lights ”
part .He is surely reading this and acting blind !
Guelph Wedding Photographers says
“Zack Arias actually uses two lights” that is friggin funny.
Joseph Nienstedt says
If you’re balancing one light with ambient or natural light, then yes, that’s more than one light!
Lee says
Know you want it form people live in London but since I can’t be there, I’ll say it anyway,
“Zack Arias actually uses two lights.”
Gloria W Sharp says
very nice.
bill bogle jr says
What’s next? Free books for saying McNally does it manually?
Len Kowitz says
Free DVD?
Peter Kirring says
Looking forward to seeing you in London, Joe! I’m flying in during Saturday morning, so I doubt I’ll be in time for freebie, but I’m sure the weekend will give me so much more anyway 🙂
Jordan says
What happens if I say, “Zack Arias actually uses on camera flash” and have photographic evidence to back it up?
Rachel Buchholz says
Beautiful landscape! It reminds me of movies I used to watch when I was younger.
Eric Skagen says
Arrrg! Last year, why couldn’t it have been last year when I was there! “I’m only here for Heisler, Zack Arias actually uses two lights. I’m only here for Heisler, Zack Arias actually uses two lights. I’m only here for Heisler, Zack Arias actually uses two lights”. Nope, opened my eyes and I’m still here in Calgary!
Ah well, there’s always next time.
Mike Wiacek says
Joe that image is stunning, gorgeous, and beautiful. I love the blue/pink sky hues. It’s so serene I’m just staring at it from my desk. Have fun in London!! 🙂
Konfral says
Not only does Zack use TWO lights…
… one of them is in TTL!!!
Deb Scally says
Would give my right arm to be there (er, so to speak… guess I wouldn’t do much shooting without it)! but I am stuck stateside. What an awesome lineup of rock stars!
Bob Swann says
Awesome pictures. Beautiful scenery!
Giovanna Mandel says
If I was there I would tell you that “Zack Arias is the bomb AND he actually uses two lights!” Just watched the intro to the light video. I need that…will have to purchase!
Helen Batt says
What, what, what….! I have just seen that I’ve missed you and 3 other genius photographers at the Popup GPP in London!!!! I need to keep better informed of your tours, I would have loved to have seen that. Will probably have to buy your Language’s light DVD now I’ve missed the chance to win one. Hope you have enjoyed your stay.
Ravi Ramachandran says
Zack Arias actually uses two lights. May I have the DVD please!
Wai-Chan Chan says
Hope you managed to get a good BA seat from LA. I thought I heard your name over the PA system. We met in Hong Kong a couple of years ago at one of your classes. Keep up the great work.
Bev Wood says
If you don’t get a dozen takers, would you consider giving one to a faithful blog reader???Please, please?
Mark Chapman says
Yay!!…. and I got one!! the first one in fact.. thanks for hanging onto it for me.
It was so good to see you in London, I’ve been dying to get out to the US or to Dubai to get on one of your workshops and when I heard you were coming to London I just leapt at the chance..
Just looking for a moment to enjoy my new DVD now… I’d best give the wife a couple of days off, she’s had nothing but “at GPP I learned this… at GPP I learned that” since I got back Sunday night.
P.S. it’s true as well…. he did use two light :o)
Hannes Uys says
Beautiful colours – greens and blues.