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Fadi Kelada says
Best of Luck, Joe! Safe Travels 🙂
Brian Wilson says
One of my greatest experiences in life was learning with you last year in St Lucia, that will stay with me forever~ I wish I could go again this year, but I will be in Scotland at the time ( I know, right?).
Thanks, and be safe~
Allie L. says
Yes, you deserve your success, you’re talented and hardworking. Indefatigable, it seems, Blessed with an iron stomach across time zones and cultures. A spinner of yarns, master of the light mod, humble, funny, generous — Yes Yes emphatically Yes. But that doesn’t mean many of your readers can’t be a little jealous. Including — DUH! — me. Go Joe, GO!!!!
William Beem says
Just booked my airfare for St. Lucia last night. I’m looking forward to learning which end of the flash goes up.
René van Dam says
Hopefully you will come to Amsterdam in the near future?
E. Olusegun Aderinto says
WOW! Great shots. Interesting dram.
Pieter says
I am a little jealous, I just moved from South Africa to the States… and now you’re going back… I hope to catch you some time in Portland, OR 🙂
Blair's Foster Socks says
Sounds like it’s going to be a great trip! Safe travels, can’t wait to see pictures.
Automated Controlled Systems says
The skyline and the firefighter shots are awesome.
Hannes Uys says
Will be great to see you here in South Africa Joe.
Tom Good says
First let me thank you again for years of inspiration and not only the education I have received from you both online but at Photoshop World Vegas the last couple years as well, but your graciousness and generosity with your time to me as well. Even when running to another class etc, you were always willing to give a couple minutes as possible to say hi, shake my hand, answer a quick question etc.
Anyway, if you have not tried it yet may I suggest Corralejo tequila, I discovered it in Ensenada a couple years back and love it!
Nice thing is is cost much less than your typical gringo favorites such as Patrone and Cabo, don’t miss understand me I toughly enjoy those but I find this to be even smother, especially the Repasado.
I’d love to buy you one in Vegas this year to thank you, but due to a work injury ( I’m a Paramedic) I broke my hip and will be having it replaced in July so I’m probably going to miss this year.
Oh well , maybe next year! Stay safe my friend and thank you again!
Jason says
Looking forward to your Johannesburg course!
Marv Ross says
Like Brian Wilson (Hi Brian) above, I also got so much from Joe’s St Lucia workshop last year. Sometimes it felt all the information went over my head but thanks to Cali and Drew who were an invaluable aid to the digestion of this wonderful instruction. I came home and immediately began to practice what we were given. I purchased more lights, got some modifiers and Wizards and now enjoy this new world Joe and his crew opened my eyes to. I am very grateful. And Joe’s sense of humor is worth noting as well.
Dick Beery says
Enjoy SA!! One of my favorite places!! Variety and beauty and the people are fantastic! Have made 5 trips there and hope to do many more.
Tim Hague says
Looking forward to Tuesday – I booked as soon as I found out about it. Question for you though, should I bring any equipment with me? Like, will this be a hands-on type workshop?
Joe McNally says
Hi, no it won’t be hands on. You’re welcome to shoot the setups, but it will be a day of stage demo….see you there! Joe
Joe McNally says
Hi Tom…many thanks back to you for the kind words, and the tequila advice! Recover well, and we’ll see you on the road! best, Joe
Don Vos says
2 days to go, can’t wait!!!
Nathalie Boucry says
Hi Joe,
Thanks so much for a very enlightening day yesterday. It’s been a lot of fun, inspiring and motivating. I love your sense of humour and admire your patience! Thanks for keeping it real. And thanks for putting up with us during your breaks and for taking your time to attend to even the most basic of questions without blinking an eyelid! I hope you have some time now to enjoy our beautiful country! We hope this was the first of many repeat visits… the world tends to forget about us down here… maybe you can spread the word amongst your colleagues as well!! There are some knowledge-hungy photographers out here! And our industry is in dire need of some professional, high-quality input! Thanks a million! All the best, Nathalie
Nathalie Boucry says
Here is the link to my post I wrote about my experience of your workshop. I thought you might want to read it.
Thanks again!
All the best,
Jens Gerlach says
Wow, amazing pictures and a really good written post.
best wishes
Blink says
Just finishing your book, “The Moment it Clicks’ which certainly runs counter to that old adage “those who can’t do teach’. Doers like yourself while rare, can indeed teach. Thanks for the lessons and inspiration.
anton carstens says
Thanks Joe it was great to meet you and you seminar was great. Really learnt a lot. Hope you will be in South Africa again soon.