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Will Young says
I’m a Chinese guy living in Beijing
hope u can share more about this shooting in Beijing
Alex Siu says
Wlcome to Beijing.I would like to visit you, thank you.
Dave says
Hey Joe
I’m an American professional photographer living in Kunming for about two years. I’ve been to Lijiang, Dali, Etc. If you need any logistical help, just send me a note.
Tom McKean says
Good shooting! Looking forward to seeing your assignment.
Michael says
Currently devouring a few of your kelby classes. Your an AWESOME teacher! Thanks for all you share 🙂
Alan MacRae says
Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about this one, Joe. I had to chuckle about your “recent memory” comment. Was ready to shoot back with age related joke! Be safe!
Edward Pen says
Hi Joe,Welcome to China,you know that ,you got a lot of fans here(among the photography loves and the pros,of course).Hope you will teach in China one day,not just HongKong.Love your images!
Alex Siu says
Dear Joe .Wlcome to Beijing.
Where are you?I would like to visit you, thank you.
Alex Siu says
I’m a photographer from Beijing, like work and the courses you very much, always hope to meet with you, to the United States in January because of the time too nervous couldn’t go to visit you, looking forward to the B Beijing can not see you, where you will shoot, thank you.
Alex Siu says
Your comment is awaiting moderation and will be posted shortly.
I’m a photographer from Beijing, like work and the courses you very much, always hope to meet with you, to the United States in January because of the time too nervous couldn’t go to visit you, looking forward to the Beijing can not see you, where you will shoot, thank you.
Hannes Uys says
One of my favourites places in the world! Everybody is friendly is friendly and eager to assist – just make sure you have a good way to translate! Enjoy the trip!
Pat Baker says
Joe, was today’s photo taken at The Temple of Heaven? That’s my favorite place in Beijing. (I met you in the elevator – National Geographic connection.)
Mark Griffith says
Hey jo, I lived in Beijing for a couple of years… if you want to see the Great Wall I can let you know where to go stay. 😉
Shuoqing Yang says
Hi Joe
How is ur work today? I’m the guy who gave ur a bit assistance in the boat today. I’m very pleasure to help u : ) and as an amateur photographers, I leant a lot from u today. Thanks very much! It’s really a memorable day! I’m going to US to hav a postgraduate course next year. Hope I can hav a opportunity to see u again.
badminton boy says
hi joe
how are you,I lived in chengdu.Like a picture of you very much. Chengdu is under construction, wealth BBS was held in chengdu this year.if you visit to chengdu,Remember to contact me, my real name is zhang kai, you can call me k.or kai(å¼ å‡¯ï¼‰.
Nikolay says
I’ll be waiting excitedly for the images from your Beijing assignment Joe.
Just quick question, I’m quite curious about the photograph above the post, is it lit by ambient light only or you use a colored strobe, I presume that you use strobe because of the shadows on the pools and the very warm color tonality but just to make sure…I could be wrong though 😉
Joe McNally says
No worries….it’s straight up cloudy daylight. just got lucky with the character of the board and the hands….best, Joe
Jarod_cn says
wish u have a good time in China.
Alex Xiao says
Chinese friends willing to provide equipment for you, but you don’t know what you need. The next Chinese can tell us what you need, Wukesong too far.