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Darren Elias says
Love it! Nice work on this (extremely help) upgrade to the site!
Duncan Langtree says
Much clearer thank you, a UK retailer tie up link would be great as well.
JL Williams says
All your lenses are “fixed aperture”? Then how do you stop them down? Oh, I get it, you mean constant aperture, i.e, aperture doesn’t vary as you zoom…
Darren Elias says
Joe/Drew, I noticed the lack of PW Mini/Flex on the gear list, but I think I remember seeing it there before the revamp. Did you stop using those? I’m trying to decide between Plus3’s and the Flex/Mini set-up, but sort of take it as a ringing endorsement or detraction if you stopped using the TTL capable models. Any thoughts you guys can share on those after them being out now for a while?
Craig M says
Just wondering if you could total this all up. Was thinking about putting an order in to B&H and would like to know if my credit card could handle it all. :-p
Jay Mann says
I was busy working some intense spreadsheet stuff in the office andsaw the mail come through. Thanks for the excuse to take a break.:)
This is very much appreciated, it is very handy to be able to check out what you are using. The details about the light shapers and accessories are especially helpful. If you are using a piece of gear, that is testament to its overall value. If it ain’t good, you ain’t gonna waste time with it.
I use your lens list as a baseline but I have opted for the new f4 range of lenses, the 2.8s are just too heavy to my kind of work.
Drew Loden says
Joe & Team-
As always you have stepped it up again to give more (free) information to the masses.
Thank you for being so active in educating all of us, with a very wide view on the Art of Photography.
Your decades of experience & talent has continued to bless us all with transpercy in work flow & experimental vision stemming from your travels.
Keep shooting & sharing…
Cheers, D.
Omar D. Rivero says
FYI Drew. I’m getting an error when clicking the link just now.
Mitch Baltuch says
I like the new page, but I am getting a lot of “internal server error” returns. It is sporadic,and I am not sure what is causing it, but the error indicates a problem on your web server.
What I can see of the pages, they are nice and have a lot of good information.
Yulanda says
Do you have Instagram ????
Jarett says
It looks like the link is broken. :/
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Steve Coppinger says
Hi Guys,
Seems to be a broken link? I can’t get to see what workhorse lenses you use!
I am an avid follower and had the privilege of attending a seminar in London, before I absconded to New Zealand. I recently succumbed to temptation (like Oscar Wilde, I can resist almost everything except temptation) and bought a D800. But without the right lenses, as has been previously observed, it’s not very useful and I have reverted to my D7000 whilst I save my pennies (I think the D7000 is a fantastic camera). So, I am looking for appropriate lens to go with the D800 on a reasonable budget. Reasonable because my long-suffering wife can occasionally be non-long-suffering when you consider the price of the ‘holy trinity’ of Nikon Lenses. If you get a chance, have a look at my website and tell me what lens you think I should go for in the first instance.
Joe McNally says
Hi Darren…big fans of the PW3, not so much the Mini/Flex models. Hoping those ultimately work out in truly dependable fashion, but right now kinda iffy. So we go with PW3 in the Pocket Wizard realm of things….Joe
Joe McNally says
Yep, JL….I try to avoid the potential variable of having a lens change aperture as I zoom, which in A mode obviously can affect your shutter speed. Not that variable f-stop lenses don’t work. I really enjoy the 28-300 zoom, and the 24-120 is kickass. But, for the most part, I stick with lenses that don’t vary unless I tell them to. I figure I’m a pretty big goddam variable out there myself, with all the various missteps, and brain short circuits location work induces….Joe
Joe McNally says
Unless, of course, by your above comment, you were just being snarky Ranger Nine, and getting on my case for my ancient photo speak:-))
nan news says
I am very happy with canon for 10 years.
Ken says
Joe – thanks for the gear page! It rocks! I also like the web page layout and the click “more” for more details, information and awesome narrative that only a deranged brain like yours could possibly generate! 😉
Byron says
Joe and crew,
I like your new format which provides your input on the equipment you use. The information you provide helps me make a better informed decision on purchasing of equipment easier. Thanks for sharing your experience and wisdom.
LifePhoto says
A ton of good information on this site. I didn’t see the old way it was displayed but it looks good now.
Andor says
Looks cool, nice job!
Jeff Snyder says
Joe, Drew, Cali-
The page looks great! And as always, if anyone has any questions whatsoever, feel free to holler!
E: [email protected] or P: 800-223-2500 x2435
Chris says
Nice to see your camera bag! I am jealous 😉
Alex Sahagun says
Looks Great! you guys should have a printable version with a check box on each item…. when ever I am going to buy any new item, this is where I come to check what it would be. Too bad there is not a “Mexican Adorama”… could you believe that there is no way to buy the 175F from manfrotto in Mex… you have to bring it from US… or make your own… (Drew has seen my version of it) lol. I’ll do some shopping this next week with adorama and have it shipped to Mex.
Take care guys! 🙂
Gareth O'Neill Photography says
If you are associated with Elinchrom you should SERIOUSLY suggest they update their packs. Have you seen the Broncolor Move? Elinchrom is scrambling to catch up. I’m sure if you pointed this out to them it would “move” things along. Great site by the way.
Dean Casavechia says
I like it. I am always interested in who other photographers pack their gear for travel. I do a lot of rural documentary images and find too much gear gets in the way. Two lenses and two camera’s plus a pocket camera. I traveled for two weeks on foot with a 4×5 field camera, it was tricky. But the real trick is getting it in a bag so you can get at it when you need it.
Cynthia McInytre says
I saw “Visible Dust Sensor Cleaning Bundle for 1.0x Sensors” on your list but have been afraid to clean the sensor of my 2 D3’s or D800. Does it come with great instructions? It is expensive but is still cheaper than sending it back to Nikon for cleaning- which is what I do now. Can I really clean my sensor without causing damage? Thanks for your info!
chad jaeckel says
I have had great success in manually cleaning my D4 and D800 and D600 sensor with the Digital Survival KIT
Was a bit nervous at first so I did it on my D600 to test it out. 😉 Worked like a charm.