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Jan says
Same to you, chief!
Chris Monitz says
May your Christmas be Merry, Joe! And your holidays joyful!
John Fowler says
Thank you Joe, for the joy and inspiration, during the year and before. Sincere best wishes for a wonderful 2013 for you and your fmily.
Martin says
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks for the continuous inspiration.
Nate Parker says
Merry Christmas Mr Joe!
Tom McKean says
Hey Joe. thanks for sharing the quiet moment in your home. Getting ready for Christmas.
Happy Holidays to you and Anne, and hope we all have a prosperous in wonderful 2013!
Tom Marriage says
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your family and staff. Thanks for sharing.
Dave says
Merry Christmas, Joe
Jason Harry says
Merry Christmas Joe
Wishing you every success next year. JH
Alan MacRae says
Merry Christmas to you and Annie, Joe. Thank your for your sharing over the years. I wish you both a most happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Harald Harnang says
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks for the continuous inspiration on paper and web.
Darren Elias says
I was in NYC on Saturday, and toward the end of the night a fire truck came roaring down the street, sirens blaring, lights blazing… I yelled to my fiance’ “there goes ‘the Pride of Midtown!’, Joe McNally shoots those guys!” She smiled at me an said “oh yeah?” but her eyes said “dork”. Anyway, Merry Christmas to you and Annie, Joe, and to your team at your studio. Thanks for all the sharing.
Bob DeChiara says
Happy Holidays! Enjoy the time off while it lasts!
Mike Neale says
Merry Christmas to all the Mcnally family!…..;-)
Craig McAllester says
Merry Christmas Joe,
You do have a lot to be thankful for, as do we all. But, as I see it, you, through decades of working with good people, sweating through those early years, through working really hard and a continued willingness to grow and to move ever-so-slightly forward, you have been able to fight your way to the top of a wonderful profession, sharing your art with millions, upon millions, of people along the way.
So, you should know that I, a simple kennel designer, am thankful for you. I’m thankful that Anne lets you roam the world to do what you do. For your sharing those hard-time stories, along with the good-times too and for your books, which continue to help my photography grow. Perhaps one day, I’ll have an opportunity to shake your hand to say thanks, but until then, thank you very much for your work, for sharing, and Merry Christmas to you both.
Bill Griffin says
Our industry is better off because of your generosity of teaching and sharing.
Thanks so much !
Merry Christmas,
Randy Lewis says
Merry Christmas Joe!
Thanks for sharing your insights and experience! All the best in 2013!
ps. I recieved both The Moment it Clicks and Sketching with Light for Christmas, can’t wait to get into them!
Waclaw Nowacki says
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013. Thank You Mr Mcnally.
John A. says
Merry Christmas Joe! Thanks for sharing in your adventures, hope you and Annie have a happy holiday!!!
John M says
Thank you Joe for all of your extra effort that gives us the opportunity to share in your experiences. Wishing you a fantastic 2013!
Alex Yeap says
merry Xmas Joe, your family and to your whole crew! all the best for 2013. thanks for sharing your lifelong experience ( good and bad) in photography with all of us in Malaysia.
Bill Fortney says
I was thinking tonight, starring at the the Christmas tree lights, how a handful of people have brightened my life. Joe, you and Anne are high on my short list! Thanks for your friendship! Hope you had a great Christmas and I get to see you both in the new year! My best, BF
Eden Barrera says
Merry Christmas.
I always catch you when you come down to Houston.
Your not only a talented Photographer but also a great teacher and your
Humor while learning is so refreshing.
Thank you for sharing your gift with others.
God Bless you and your family.
Alex Sahagun says
Same for you! My best wishes to you, your family, and your studio family! Hope to see you guys soon!
Pia says
Dear Annie and dear Joe,
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2013; hope to see you next year again in Germany.
Simone says
Best wishes for your (and mine) 2013, Joe! Greetings from Italy! 🙂
Thomas says
Reading Sketching Light infront of the fireplace right now 🙂
Greets from Germany
J. San José says
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your crazy band !!!
Kristoffer Ihlen says
A Merry Christmas to you.
Simon Fleming says
Merry Christmas & all the best for the coming year Joe.
2012 was a year full of things that inspired me, changed me, and made me (hopefully) a better person. There were a number of things I am supremely grateful for – at the top of the list was welcoming my daughter Brooklyn into the world a few months back but also included in my most memorable experiences was having had the privilege of meeting you – thank you. It would be erroneous of me not to mention that I was also mildly pleased that we all made it to Christmas despite the best efforts of the Mayans’ & Hollywood…
Juhana says
Merry Christmas to you and your family Joe. And many thanks for the tons of inspiration I have got watching your work and training videos!
Cheers from Austria,
Gino says
Thanks, Joe, for all the tips, tricks, and views of the world through your lens. I caught your recent show in Philly and had a blast. Thanks for making yourself so available as an educator and photographer. Happy Holidays!
Andor says
Thank you for all those amazing posts and breathtaking pictures along the year Joe – wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year!
Sherry P says
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Loved your seminar in Hartford this year. Hope Kelby Training comes back!!!
Hector Segovia says
Cheers to that Joe !! All the best for you, your family and all the crew !!!
Best wishes from Mexico.
Hector Segovia & PhotoXperience Team
Al says
Joe, thank you for 2012. I am looking forward to your teaching, your writing and your humor in 2013. I know you do not need affirmation from your fans, but I wonder if you really know the lives you affect. Not just your photography, but also your “humanness”…….
here is to a great 2013 !
AmirAli Sharifi says
Merry Christmas Joe. Looking forward to see your great work in this new year as well. Just a question 😉 If all computers are turned off then how did you write this blog post? (cellphones and tablets are also computers 😀 ) Happy Holidays 😀
Morten Fjord Stengaard says
Merry Christmas – hope u enjoy you silent Holliday without any cameras and computer.
Looking forward to next year!
TM Surratt says
Late but sincere Happy Holidys to you and your family Joe. Thanks for all you do to better us rank and file out here.
Jennie Lai says
Happy Holiday to you and your family and best wishes for 2013!
Sam C. says
Belated Merry Christmas to you too and your beloved family! Thanks for a whole year of inspiration and more than a few laughs. May your new year be blessed in many ways just as you’ve been a blessing to us.
Marco says
Merry Christmas and a 2013 of Peace and Serenity for all!
Greetings from Torino, Italy 🙂
Matt Gendron says
As with any image by Joe, I always want to know more about the image. So…..what is the saying on the wall in the image about alligators! Of what I can read, it sounds so “Joe”!
Joe McNally says
That’s one of my favorite sayings…. When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s difficult to remember your initial objective was to drain the swamp! 🙂
David Hill says
Very best wishes to The McNally family for 2013. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading The Hot Shoe Diaries and would echo the thoughts of many of the others here – a BIG thank you for sharing your knowledge and humour with us all.
Steven says
Joe, thank you for wonderfully compelling inspiration. You are my photographic hero. It’s so nice to see an old pro (I mean that with total respect!) sticking to the essence of photography – capturing the warmest purest spectrum of light. Simple and beautiful. No tricks or stunts that seem to be polluting the industry these days because everyone is trying to stand out and be unique. You are already unique because you’re the best at what you do. Have a wonderful 2013 and please keep us all en-light-ened.