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Chris Maskell says
First time visitor after I saw you pop up in my twitter stream and glad I stopped by. Awesome shot
Andor says
‘…I still have a camera to my eye. The adventure continues.’
– which is something we can be thankful for, reading your blog (not to mention the books) and watching those amazing shots while learning from those too, enjoying the great stories behind!
Keep shooting and keep writing Joe!
Thank you for sharing all those amazing shots and the even more amazing tricks behind!
Tom McKean says
Thanks Joe. Hope you have many more leaping, bounding, adventures with your photography in the coming year.
Lynne Bergbreiter says
Thanks. Now I will have that image in my mind all day.
I give thanks for the wonderful people all around me who allow me to photograph them.
Randy Stephens says
Well said!
From a old man who thoroughly enjoys your writings and classes on Kelby Training.
Happy Thanksgiving
Marty Fox says
Happy Thanksgiving Joe,
JerseyStyle Photography says
Right back at you, Joe. Thanks for your wit, writings, images and friendship. Enjoy Stockholm today. ~ Mark
Alan MacRae says
Thank you, Joe, for your constant inspiration. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Annie!
Dawn says
Happy Thanksgiving Joe and Annie:-). Think of you often and I’m grateful for your teaching and friendship. With warm hugs, Dawn
Dominic says
Love it! Thank you for sharing your photos, your experience and your love with us all.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and may you continue to share your perspective with the world (but mostly me) for decades to come.
Perry Lewis says
Happy Thanksgiving Joe, Drew, and the Crew!!!
You guys are One of the things I’m Thankful for.
Kevin Russo says
And a wonderful Thanksgiving to you. Thank you for the years of wonderful images and the teaching you provide.
Marc says
Thank you, Joe, for the inspiration, the education, the laughs and of course sharing it all with the rest of us.
Cheers to another great year!
Wayne Berry says
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Thanks for all you do.
Taryn says
I am thankful for you, and those other photographers who have been an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing your images, stories and adventures with us. I’m glad
to know you, to have learned from you and been photographed by you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gen says
Happy Thanksgiving to you Joe !
You’ve been inspirational. Keep feeding us remarkable and interesting stories.
Cindy says
Just saying thank you for the blog. It’s always educational and fun to read!
Konstantin says
I’m glad to pop by here and thank you for the blog! Just great one!
Rodney Campbell says
So Joe – where are the frames for the next two seconds following this 🙂
franzy says
Long-time reader, first-time commenter.
I work in an office with no window. I try to take, sorry, MAKE good photos when I can. Which isn’t often.
What inspires me and stops me from getting despondent about my own photography isn’t, strangely enough, your peerless photos, but your absolute humility about your own process. The way you can casually discuss your once-or-never-in-a-lifetime set-ups and shoots makes me think that, hey, it’s actually doable. You’re at the top of the mountain, but you point out the path to get there.
Thanks, Joe.
Karen B says
Cheers Joe and crew… may all that leaping, bounding and splashing continue on. Many favorite shoots are the ones that have you cracking up behind your camera! Thanks for all you share…Happy Thanksgiving.
Gino Creglia says
Happy Thanksgiving! You Da Man! G.
Donfer says
thanks Joe
Gary Jackson says
All the best to you and yours and thanks for “showing me the light”!
Utah Wedding Photographers says
:-). This is indeed a great example of learning how to control the reflex action of pulling your gear away from harm’s way. Great image and thanks for sharing.
William Chinn says
Don’t kid yourself. Coming to the blog is the cheapest and fastest way to access all those great stories behind the photos. We are truly thankful for Numnuts, as we may actually learn something along the way.
Eli says
Great great shot
I like the blog
For those of us who are learning – can you specify the details of lens , aperture , focal length etc..