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Simon Anderson says
Inspirational photgraphy of the highest quality.
Love your idea’s and creativity.
Michael Dam Hansen says
Hi Joe,
Where and when are you showing in Copenhagen?
Reine says
So cool you are coming to Sweden and Stockholm! Already looking forward!
Jesper Vang Skærbæk Jensen says
Joe, we welcome you to Copenhagen oct 26-28 🙂 Hope to see you there
Robert Qvist says
Woah! Are you coming to Fotomässan in Stockholm this November? That’s some exciting news!
Donfer says
Thanks for sharing as always 🙂
JeroenW says
Bad news for you Joe, in both countries beer is rather expensive!
Peter Kirring says
Guess it just isn’t ment to happen… When I was going to Photokina two years ago (in time to see your show) my plane was cancelled. When you were last time in Copenhagen, I was in Norway. And this time I’ll be in Rome.
I wish you a great stay in Copenhagen though – and we’ll meet sometime 🙂
Åukasz Cyrus says
Although I am a European, I do love your works 🙂
Heather Ogg says
Wow BEAUTIFUL to say the least. Incredible strength and beauty.
rc says
woohoo! Pilobolus
rc says
This is one of Jenn’s favorite groups!
Bob Redd says
Love the image of Moses.
Joe McNally says
But very worth it!
cesar jaranilla jr. says
hi guys!
thanks for this sharing as a part of my circle. hope you’ll never change and you well update me any time all the time.
have a blessful day ahead of you>
thanks alot!
Jesper Vang Skærbæk Jensen says
@Michael Dam Hansen, Joe will be at Fotomessen, oct 26-28. It will be in Forum Copenhagen.
Karen B says
So enjoy your “dance” images and appreciate this amazing group.
The sarcastically whimsical “blow it out your ear” shot is priceless!
I hope you come down to the south of Europe – AndalucÃa – sometime. You´ll be surprised of so many good photographers in this area of the world… but so forgotten. It´s a pity.
Chris E says
Cool pictures Joe! I heard earlier this summer that you will come to the fair in Stockholm, so I really look forward to see and listen to you there!
Michael Dam Hansen says
@Jesper Vang Skærbæk Jensen,
Thanks Jesper, just read your blogpost… nice. 😉
callmebob says
Best meal in my entire life was in Copenhagen in 1992… thinly shaved salmon – it was amazingly tasty – made lox and bagels seem dull by comparison. Great photos of the dance group – great combination of body tones all integrated together…
Hilde Jordbruen says
wohaaa! Copenhagen is in my reach!! Looking forward to this! 🙂
Jojo Mamangun says
Can’t agree with you more. Awesome, awesome work.
And yeah, Momix is something extraordinary.
emelie / seperti says
Hi Joe! Will we se you in Copenhagen on Saturday? Hope to se u =)