Lots of air miles lately. Was out at PhotoShop World in Vegas last week, and had a blast. It’s become a bit of a tradition now that, Dr. Russell Brown, the wonderful genius from the planet Post comes by my lighting class in or as his latest incarnation. This one, as he said, resulted from a too energetic use of the burn tool.
His madcap visage was in stark contrast to another subject, Marshal Joe of Bonnie Springs, who is the strong, but not so silent type. Joe, as opposed to the traditionally laconic Southwestern lawmen, is pretty chatty, and always ready with a zinger. That, I suspect, is because he’s not from Bonnie Springs, Nevada. He’s from Brooklyn, New York.
Dr. Brown was photographed with big flash, a Quadra light source to camera left, running through an Elinchrom indirect 53″ softbox. There’s a green (what else?) gelled SB900 behind his head, and another off the white seamless. For the marshal, there is one SB900 to camera right firing through a Lastolite 3×6 panel which he is standing very close to. The light is maneuvered so it is low and scoops under the brim of his hat. Another SB900, in Group C, is very lightly firing into the back wall. Only shot one frame. That’s all the marshal will give ya:-)
We were out at Bonnie Springs on our regular Photo Safari, organized by the legendary Moose “Dances With Clouds” Peterson. Moose ran this amazing session where he lead the class through exactly what he would do when confronted with the array of clouds, light and mountains out there in the desert. Without looking through a camera, he knew all the settings, the composition and then, each and every move he would make in post to bring the scene to life. I tell ya, the guy’s a walking zone system. One of these days, Nikon’s gonna make him a D6 or a D7 with his own custom menu item, M2, called simply, “Moonrise.”
Then, red eye back to New York. Annie picked me up at JFK, and up we went to Cape Cod for the wedding of our niece Katie. What a great way to end the week! Katie and Michael are an amazing young couple, so filled with happiness and love it just overflowed the whole day.
Now, I was not the shooter of record for the wedding. That job was entrusted to the very capable hands of our own Mike Cali, who assembled a terrific trio of shooters. But, neither could Annie or I sit still during this wonderful day, so I just took one lens and wandered to some offbeat angle and looked a little bit. I managed to get a couple moments, including a relatively astonished flower girl, and the ring bearer, relaxing after performing his rigorous duties.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts to Katie and Michael, and their families. It was a beautiful day on the Cape. Now, looking at Luminance 2012 in NYC tomorrow, and then Phoenix for Kelby Training on Thursday. Then, a few days off before the fall really starts.
More tk….
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Mudabbir says
amazing work, follow your work regularly
Afsel Kamal says
Like Sergey Bubka (Pole Vault); daily you are breaking your previous records only…. 🙂
Especially 1st and last photos are superb lighting.
scott says
I bet Katie uses more of your photos than the hired photographers’ photos…hehe…you would make a fine wedding photographer, Joe!
Andor says
Amazing post and shots as usual – especially the one with the Marshal.
Bill Bogle Jr. says
Your wedding images always show an incredible attention to small details, usually of details very important to the subject. It really brings out the difference between the recording of a wedding, and capturing the feeling of the wedding. Great work. Have a great busy season. Hope to see you soon.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Brent D. says
You always have the best color… 😉
Hugo Carlone says
Hey Joe, ever considered becoming a wedding photographer, just for the fun of it? Would be amazing to see your style being applied to wedding photography (your previous post is superb, by the way).
Thanks for sharing and taking the time. I’ve become a great admirer of your work.
roby says
nice shots, the colors are great and also the details of each pic. i like the last pic.
Barbara Molyneaux says
Beautiful Pics. Is that St. Joan of Arc in Orleans?
Sucker for a good wedding shot, or three.
Mike Nelson Pedde says
“One of these days, Nikon’s gonna make him a D6 or a D7 with his own custom menu item, M2, called simply, “Moonrise.”” –
Shouldn’t that be ‘Mooserise’? Just wondering. Great work as always.
Joe McNally says
Yep it is….got married out on the Cape….
Barbara Molyneaux says
Was there on Saturday and saw the groomsmen standing outside the church before the 5:00 mass. Small world.
Javier says
Hi Joe!
Thnks for these images…they are fantastic!!!
I love the man with a hat for the way of light….It seems so natural!
And the wedding pictures are amazing bacause you light subjets and background so well!!!!
Pls…what f, ISO and speed did you use for the wedding shoots?
Thnks in advance!!!
Karen B says
I enjoy how you capture beautiful expressions….with beautiful color
David Hill says
The astonished flower girl belongs on the “Just one more” page from the late lamented LIFE…
roger says
hi joe,
my german version of sketching the light is just arrived.
and… i love it!
the english version would also work, but in your descriptions
are many special things explained, and i will not miss just one thing.
i am woking with many sb-800/900 and happy with this solution.
always asking myself, what kind of sense are the green, red ore blue
gaffa tapes on your flashes… is it the kind of gels you use in there??
or is it a code for a special chanel you use for this group…
or is it just a mix of colours you love..:-) please tell me your secret.
one last thing, on page 66 is a short trip into history, there is written
that in the “old days” only sync times of 1/60 s have been possible,
only the hasselblad with a “lamellenverschluss” wich means focal plane shutter,
and i think it should be “zentralverschluss” wich means central shutter are able
to sync faster….
but thats only a small thing… please promise not to kill the translation girls…(roger is making fun also)
cheers from munich,
greetings from the oktoberfest…
(if you’ll be arround send me a mail, the first beers will be on my bill)